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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/24/19 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Gerudo Otherwise, looks good! Edit: Board won't let me delete the rest of the quoted stuff
  2. 1 point
    If you think about it, I honestly think it's because she makes that same face I do in the first picture. Like right away you think "well that's definitely WEB's kid, WTF face and everything."
  3. 1 point
    You could almost have a mini tournament just for Spielberg. Jesus. I went with Raiders of the Lost Ark. Indiana Jones movies are some of my favorite movies. Watched them all the time with my parents when I was a kid (along with Star Wars). The first one is definitely special too. I looked through that whole list and kept thinking Raiders the whole time I was reading. Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is obviously a very close second.
  4. 1 point
    Forget tentatively. I am super unhealthily hyped for this. Like, I am pulling the hype train levels of hype.
  5. 1 point
    Being a chonk is alright. It kinda went everywhere so I'm just in general physically larger. I have shed the body of a Chinese girl and am now mostly a man. Sadly all my good clothes don't fit and now I wear the newer fatter variety and only have like 2-3 pairs of everything that I refer to as my fat pants/shirts. I swear I'm like 3 times stronger too. Currently writing for Bonus Stage but one of the guys that works under Dan Stapleton recently informed be that Bonus Stage is a reputation gamble due to shady dealings in the past. Then both he and Jason Coles of EuroGamer both referred me to the guy setting me up. I still have two review obligations to Bonus Stage before I'm done with them but here's what I've done recently: https://www.bonusstage.co.uk/author/glen-nilsson/ Last 2 reviews are Shadow of Adam and crap.. Either Killer7 or Killer is Dead. One of them recently re-released on Steam in HD. Can't remember which lol As for my Zelda 2 remake (slyly titled AZ2R) is there like.. A sub-forum for gaming or whatever? I'll need to jump on my PC to do that. Essentially done 4/5s of Western Hyrule and mapped all dungeons on paper. It's actually transitioning well. It will be a long and ongoing process and I won't release or teaser demo anything til it's complete anywhere but here to keep it unknown before the full version is launched so as to avoid DMCA prior to release but it'll be as true as possible to the original only changing it to a top down action adventure. Sadly no more jump thrust or downward stab but there will be a few substitutions and advanced implementations of new items to make the game more consistent with the series but also more.. Ahh.. Traversable? You know, varied in terrain with more usable items, puzzles, etc. Less primitive. Other two games are my long revised and retconned jrpg and an action adventure survival horror, the latter being based in the Russian tundra in an old derelict missile silo with a dig site at the base ? As for my dumb heart I apparently have a slow heart, arrhythmia, had tier 1 and 2 heart blocks but the tier 2 one is gone. Basically I am encouraged to be a sloth so I'm cool with that. Almost worse than that, I have had pleurisy for over a year and am still on the ass end of that. After it hurting when I breath for so long I convinced myself I was dying but apparently I'm fine but I can't be medicated for it and just need to wait a billion years for it to go away lol
  6. 1 point
    Download the same one and chat with Discord open?
  7. 1 point
    RA the Rugged Man is dope. He has such a unique flow. And his lyrics either cut deep or crack me up, if not both. Good choice.
  8. 1 point
    He's a welsh but he's big.
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
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