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  1. Yesterday
  2. MT

    Last Movie Watched

    Alright, more spoiler-y thoughts.
  3. Tassifox

    Last Movie Watched

    I'll be seeing it Sunday! So hopefully I'll miss spoilers but who knows.
  4. Tassifox

    Pet Time Party

  5. MT

    Last Movie Watched

    Deadpool & Wolverine I fucking loved it. Deadpool 1 > 3 > 2. Will probably post more spoiler-y stuff in the morning when I'm at my keyboard Side note: I've loved about 95% of what the MCU has produced, so take my thoughts with a grain of salt
  6. Last week
  7. Galeigh

    Mini Painting

    Finished the Theyn
  8. Galeigh

    Pet Time Party

    HA! We caught her
  9. Galeigh

    Mini Painting

    I am taking my time to up the Quality on My Yaegirs, The Theyn (Squad Leader) is first That's a little over 2 hours of work, gonna do the metallics and other details tomorrow
  10. Mera'din

    Mini Painting

    I backed a Kickstarter for a bunch of minis for the Stormlight Archive book series and also want to paint some of the ones from the board games I have, but haven't had the confidence to really dig in yet. I got a big batch of them primed, but haven't managed to pull the trigger on actually starting the painting. I'll eventually have watched enough YouTube tutorials that I'll finally get fed up and dive in. XD
  11. dr. b

    Mini Painting

    Those look really nice!
  12. Galeigh

    Mini Painting

    I got a stand to make holding the minis more stable and that let's me rest my arms on the table to mitigate that.
  13. Tassifox

    Mini Painting

    I'm always fascinated by folks who can paint minis. My hands would constantly be shaking and fucking it up.
  14. Galeigh

    Mini Painting

    I was gonna finish the Thunderkyn (the dwarves with the big guns and exosuit).... but my Heartthkyn Yaegir Kill Team came in a day early.... soon my pretties, soon
  15. dr. b

    2024 Seasonal Anime

    Still feeling pretty confused watching Tower of God but I am enjoying it nonetheless. Viole is Baam, right??? Mayonaka Punch has had a couple moments but overall is falling a bit flat for me. Probs keep watching it anyways. Tonight I have the second episode of The Elusive Samurai queued up to watch
  16. dr. b

    [Manga Chat]

    Finished Claymore on Sunday. Man, I flew through that one. I really enjoyed the story. There were some flaws and some rather predictable moments, but overall I liked how it all came together and the ending. Vague spoiler re: the ending: I was expecting more tragedy and devastation at the end but was pleasantly surprised with a relatively good/happy ending. I like that. I definitely recommend taking a look if it’s something you’ve had on your reading list.
  17. webhead

    Captain America: Brave New World (2025)

    This looks better than I expected. They're really continuing this really cool through line on these Cap movies and I am here for it.
  18. Galeigh

    Mini Painting

    I got in 40k last year, and painting the minis has been pretty fun:
  19. Earlier
  20. Tassifox

    Last Movie Watched

    That one is one of my favorites! Better than Prascilla: Queen of the Desert and just falls short under Bird Cage
  21. MT

    Last Movie Watched

    To Wong Foo: Thanks For Everything - Julie Newmar (1994) I liked this a lot more than I thought I would. It's a bit too idealistic, but it was a wonderful story, to be sure.
  22. h2ojunkie

    Pet Time Party

    My sister's dog is part elf.
  23. MT

    Pet Time Party

    Maybe she's part hedgehog
  24. Galeigh

    Pet Time Party

    Apparently that's Cinna's life philosophy.
  25. Eizan

    2024 Baseball Season

    I hope the M's trade for a hitter AND Julio has the August he had last year. The offense is abysmal, hard to actually believe they've been in first being dead last in batting average. Although I expect the Astro's to take first after the All-Star game since they play each other.
  26. MT

    Pet Time Party

    Ya gotta go fast
  27. MT

    Famous Deaths

    Shannen Doherty passes away at age 53 due to cancer Man, what the fuck is going on in this world lately?
  28. Galeigh

    Pet Time Party

    Finally got a pic of Cinnabun. This girl has one setting: go fast
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