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?? they're totally just love bites, maybe. probably. possibly. He might wish to eat hand.

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I'm doing a thing. Doing some trail work with a group of people I don't know tomorrow and then mountain biking on Monday on said trail. No kids, no wife. I don't think I've camped on my own before. IMG_20220903_184914.thumb.jpg.dc14213de4a80f1819e4fd2372cb59de.jpg

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Honestly you'll hopefully enjoy it. Just being in a different quiet peace like that is super nice. 

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Dumb freaking cat gave me quite the scare today and went missing. Found him and nearly got into a fist fight with Galeigh's sister. Tldr: I got upset that her kids scared my cat into hiding (not at them, she eavesdropped on my private venting). She went into full mommy Karen mode and put her hands on me and pushed me and I was inches close to open palmed, five-finger slapping her ass in her low calcium mouth. Yea, I'm still mad.

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Dude i would be too. Kids need to learn how to treat animals and if they think it's okay to scare ANY animal let alone another family member's pet. They would not be allowed in my house period. I'm glad your cat is home safe and i'm sorry that you had to go through that. 

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She won't hear otherwise that her kids are perfect little angels. Look, I love my nieces and nephews and hell I've watched them grow from birth, but they are kids and make mistakes. I didn't care about her getting mad until she said degrading shit about me behind my back, pushed me in the chest, and showed her true ass self. She made it clear that I don't belong (in her view, but fuck her sideways) K is safe tho. Turns out he was hiding in the thankfully broken fireplace in the sun room the whole time.

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My sister is a spoiled cunt who has wasted all the chances she has ever been given. If I COULD ban her from the house I would, the house belongs to my dad and is essentially the family house, even if me and Desi are currently renting it out.


One thing is for sure though, she burned any and all bridges with me the moment she put her hands on Desi.

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While I was at work today, I thought about getting a sign for the door so I got this one. As he is a big baby and will sit and paw at the door to get the attention of people he likes.


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That's okay. You don't need fam like that anyways. You got Galeigh and us. Dats enough. I know i would have def thrown back if i was there. Body slam style. 

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Dude, I've almost come to blows over people not respecting my cats too. Back when we just had Boog and it was time to move my in-laws kinda steamrolled over us as far as taking over the actual move itself and crammed a bunch of people in our tiny apartment and were crowding the cat and wouldn't let me take her separately insisting she was fine etc etc and it ended up pretty much traumatizing her. It took like a year or so before she started being confident again. None of it was malicious, it was just "we know better and all the cats we've had have been fine with this and you just don't know" type shit but I was about to just throw hands I was so upset


In sadder news, Oobie started to decline pretty rapidly so yesterday we had a in-home service come and we sent him on his way over the Rainbow Bridge. This is the first time in my life I've gone through this, only pet I was ever allowed as a kid was a hamster and while that was sad, it just isn't the same as a cat you've had for a decade, you know? When we lost Percy we'd only had him a few weeks and his death was due to a sudden and traumatic accident. I'm a huge wreck but I'm also at peace that we did the best for Oobie. He was still happy enough to enjoy being near us and getting pets and stuff, and I spoiled the absolute fuck outta him in his last days food wise. Y'all, he got a bit of cheeseburger, he got a bit of cheesy chicken enchilada, he got pulled pork, he got a chicken nugget and he even got sushi grade tuna for his last meal, all that in the last week alone. Before that we'd been giving him as much fancy feast and treats as he wanted/could eat. Near the end he was basically just getting Churus for meals (those treat goop tubes that are so popular!) because that was tasty and easiest for him to eat. He had a good life, he was loved and gave a lot of love. I'm just sad, lol. Gotta figure out how to adjust my existence to not having him in it day to day.


and that's my cat rambling

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I'm so sorry for your loss Nelle. *hugs* This year has not been a good year for my friends and their fur babies in one shape or form.

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Sorry Nelle :( , but at least you made the final moments absolute heaven for the kitty.

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Thanks y'all ?? kind words are keeping me afloat for now, I really appreciate it.

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You are a great catmom nelle. You made his last moments comfy and that's important. Much love ??

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Dude Wab we need a fucking Hug reaction. 

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Happy Holidays to everyone here! 

I know it's pretty radio silent here but i wish you all happy and peaceful times with your fam and friends! Whether you choose to celebrate or not this year. If you feel up for it, lets talk old holiday memories or what you plan to do this weekend!


Atm i'm on my lunch break at work. Almost done and it's been alright so far. The rush will probably come just when i'm ready to clock out. Then i'm gonna chill at home tonight and see the fam tomorrow. Stuff has been happening with my brother so he's back living with the folks. But he's safe and that's what matters. If roads are better from our declining ice storm i may drag him out of the house for a spell. 

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Put in my two weeks at work today. Been with FedEx for 23 years, and I'm just over it, so Ifigured it's time to move on.

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Got the final signed divorce papers back from the courts this week. So yeah, single now I guess.

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29 minutes ago, h2ojunkie said:

Got the final signed divorce papers back from the courts this week. So yeah, single now I guess.


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20 hours ago, h2ojunkie said:

Got the final signed divorce papers back from the courts this week. So yeah, single now I guess.

That sucks David, i'm sorry.

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Oh shit. Sorry to hear. If you need an ear to listen we're here for ya, i'm sorry you've had to go through that on your own. :(

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Thanks. Not alone, just wasn't broadcasting it.

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On a brighter note: I am trans woman.


Been going over and over in my head how to come out to y'all, but since big posts aren't really my thing, here are the cliff notes:


-  I have known for Years, all the way back before Erika came out, but was confused for a long time on how to proceed.


- Speaking of Erika. Thank you for all your advice.


- I have been on HRT for almost 9 months now.


- Still not out to work or most of my family, Desi has known since day 1. Not out at work cause I don't wanna get fired (no protections from discrimination and Karens are abundant in my work). Family is more complicated, not sure how most will react.


- Oh and my name is Peppermint, or Pepper for short.



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8 hours ago, Galeigh said:

- Speaking of Erika. Thank you for all your advice.

You're more than welcome. Here's another piece of advice. If you're going to do electrolysis/laser hair removal, start now and don't stop until it's done. Dont be like me five years in, still shaving my face any time I have to face the public.


Also, I know I asked in PMs but it's important to get out to the public, what pronouns do you use?

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31 minutes ago, MT said:

You're more than welcome. Here's another piece of advice. If you're going to do electrolysis/laser hair removal, start now and don't stop until it's done. Dont be like me five years in, still shaving my face any time I have to face the public.


Also, I know I asked in PMs but it's important to get out to the public, what pronouns do you use?


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So from recent events I have two thoughts---


1) I'm sorry to hear that, david. You can definitely poke any of us if you need an extra ear.



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8 hours ago, Galeigh said:


It's a good thing I asked, before you were indifferent :gaigrin:

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Yeah, it took me a while to be more comfortable with acknowledging some things, and the pronouns were one of them.


Voice training sucks ass, but I wanna do it. Never hated my deeper voice as much as I do now

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Yeah, it fucking blows. I haven't given it a real shot in months because I hate how I sound (both before and after)

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12 hours ago, Galeigh said:

Yeah, it took me a while to be more comfortable with acknowledging some things, and the pronouns were one of them.

And that is legit. 1 of my friends who has been transitioning played around with small things to get a feel of how comfortable it made them feel. From just name changes, to pronouns (to which no surprise in my group she decided to take ALL of them lol but most of us will do the she/her+they/them) and just other little things that became a bigger part once it felt right. They even have a FB group support page called Labels Rejected: Positivity Corner. It's activity status is pretty mellow but it's a great place for sharing stuff or just needing a good vibe in the community.

I'm so excited for your journey here on out. And like we said in the Discord. When you're ready to come out to your fam, I really hope they respond positively. Otherwise you still got us! 

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In other interesting/exciting trans girl news, I hit 5 years on HRT this past Wednesday. Yay me.

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14 hours ago, Tassifox said:

And that is legit. 1 of my friends who has been transitioning played around with small things to get a feel of how comfortable it made them feel. From just name changes, to pronouns (to which no surprise in my group she decided to take ALL of them lol but most of us will do the she/her+they/them) and just other little things that became a bigger part once it felt right. They even have a FB group support page called Labels Rejected: Positivity Corner. It's activity status is pretty mellow but it's a great place for sharing stuff or just needing a good vibe in the community.

I'm so excited for your journey here on out. And like we said in the Discord. When you're ready to come out to your fam, I really hope they respond positively. Otherwise you still got us! 

Yeah, I have stick to they/them at least  when referring to pepper at work cuz I really don't want coworkers asking questions, lol.

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A photo of me now, wanted to do so earlier, but my hair was shit.


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Talked Web and MT in going to see Cake in LA in July.

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Did you mention web was coming and I just missed it?

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The newest member of our family: Cinnabun31006273300123.thumb.jpeg.fb03541e65ca30713c2ba5c8e9f9ee67.jpeg

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After looking for a job for over a year, I finally got two job offers. One pays more than the other (8 bucks more an hour), so obviously i'm taking the higher paying job. But man, I really was not expecting that last interview to go well enough to actually land me a job. It'll be remote data entry at a medical company. I've never done data entry, but I imagine it can't be that hard?

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If it's anything like how I started being a backup book keeper at work. Which I've had NO prior experience with or anything. (And I fucking hate math.) Once you learn everything you can, have all the notes down, and start getting a rhythm/routine going of the Ins and Outs. I'm sure you'll have it down pat. 

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Found out earlier that the job might be a scam. A friend of mine linked me to a reddit post where a bunch of other people had similar stories to mine. Same company, same name on the e-mail, they got contacted by a secondary company of the same name (different business name from the first company, I mean the two companies I got contacted by were the same two they got contacted by) from the same e-mail address. The whole thing has been a bit odd, as I never spoke to an actual person outside of e-mails. No phone interview, no video interview, nothing. I think the idea that I may have an actual job lined up after looking for over a year had me blinded to the possibility of it not being true. 

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That sucks. Fuck those assholes.

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Fuck scammer assholes. I'm so sorry hun.

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