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Life Update

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Hello! Obviously, I don't really post on any forums that much anymore. I occasionally lurk but that's about it. 


I just had a recent life change happen that explains a lot in my life that I've struggled with and couldn't understand why. 


To back track, I went on mental health leave from my job in December. I was unraveling fast mentally and couldn't be there anymore. 


I started doing Instacart full time while I was on leave and that's become my primary source of income now. I formally left my job in February.


Anyway, during all that I started seeing a therapist to and get an actual diagnosis outside of I'm just depressed/anxious. 


After a lot of talking and testing, I've been diagnosed with autism. It's obviously of the high functioning variety, but it greatly impacts my social skills, communication and being self righteous about my ways being right. 


Who knows, maybe if I had this diagnosis much earlier in life I wouldn't have made as many social mistakes and been such an asshole at times. Sometimes I couldn't even understand why I did the things I did, but turns out I'm literally autistic. ?????


It's been fascinating thinking back on my life with this new perspective and trying to figure out what moments my autism actually played a role in. 


Anyway, don't expect me to be around a lot more suddenly, I just thought I'd share this update as I'm more than positive this newly learned about trait of mine impacted my behavior online in many ways, starting with people here. That doesn't forgive my actions and behaviors, but maybe gives new insight to them instead. 


Ok that's all!

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Glad you were able to learn what's been affecting you, I hope, if you are on any medications, they help you out!

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We would say don't be a stranger, but we get it. I think some of us tend to be more active on the Discord server than here from time to time. But you know we're here for ya when you need it!


I'm happy to hear that you finally got an answer. Here's to growth and learning more on this part of your self-journey. :cheers:

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Nice to hear from you! I wish more folks would check in from time to time to let us know how they're doing.


AFAIK autism is not an easy thing to diagnose in the cases of high functioning people. Kids can be very good at masking it and trying to fit in, and then they end up slipping through the cracks. Hopefully this revelation will help you to better understand yourself. 


My wife is nearly finished her studies to become an RECE so she has studied quite extensively about child behaviour and ASD, and our 3 year old will doing an ASD assessment next month. We've tried to learn as much as we can (though I am a bit behind my wife in that department; I guess I'm relying on her to be the expert :lurk:). There is so much to learn yet about ASD.


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I think my favorite thing I've learned about it so far is that there are some theories that suggest autistic people are the first step in the next evolution it humanity. 


Makes me feel like a mutant. This is where my claws come out. ?

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My pretty theory is that autistic people are Newtypes. Someday somebody will put an autistic kid inside a Gundam and we’ll find out for sure. 

Seriously though, the more I learn and talk to my wife about ASD, the more I question whether anyone is truly  ‘normal’ (or neurotypical).

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I'm glad you have some answers man.  Good for you.  Don't be a total stranger, but yeah I don't expect that you're gonna be here all the time or anything.  It's good to hear from you.  I don't know how I missed this topic. :(

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Heya, good to hear you've found some answers! It can be such a redefining moment when something clicks into place and you realise it; I hope that it helps you going forward with any coping mechanisms etc, and helps you understand yourself even better :thumbs:

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