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Marvel Studios' Hawkeye (Disney+ 2021) [SPOILERS!!]

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They already fucked up, I didn't hear one gangster say "bro" :nono:

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This seems fun. I've never been a huge Hawkeye fan and this is probably the upcoming show I was least enthusiastic about, but it looks like it has some potential.

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You didn't read Hawkeye by Matt Fraction did you?


I'm fairly certain this is directly based on that series and it's going to be awesome.  We'll see but the trailer already looks great.





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No, because in general I don't read Hawkeye period and have never wanted to. I really don't find the character interesting. I'll take your word for it though and be that much more interested. :)

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Just now, Mera'din said:

No, because in general I don't read Hawkeye period and have never wanted to. I really don't find the character interesting. I'll take your word for it though and be that much more interested. :)

I've never read a Hawkeye comic before or after the Fraction run if it helps.  Lol.  That series specifically was

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Fraction Hawkeye is god tier

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Episode 1


Off to a good start. The "bro" quota was almost met by this first episode. It was neat to see Hawkeye's "jump-backwards-off-a-building-and-shoot-a-grappling-hook-into-the-wall" trick from a different angle. Also, holy shit was that musical number god awful, but in the best possible way. I feel like the episode did a good job of setting things up, I have a feeling Kate's mom's fiancee is gonna be one of, if not the bad guy in this series.

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Oh fuck. I forgot this was coming out already. Too much shit has been dropping these past few days. X_x
Guess I know what I'm doing later today. XD

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Episode 2


They've got the right amount of bro's down pat, for sure. I just hope these guys remain in the story the rest of the season, because they're entertaining as hell with how idiotic they are. Seeing Clint have to deal with the LARPers was a good little scene, his lack of enthusiasm was hilarious. Kate's not very good at giving off the "everything's fine" vibe, when she ran off suddenly and got all stammery when Jack showed her the butterscotch. I wonder just how deep into things he is, or if he's just sort of a side antagonist just for Kate herself. When the Tracksuit Mafia guys mentioned "her" I assumed it was potentially Sharon Carter, but wasn't really sure what she wanted with them. Turns out I was wrong, although I do have no clue who this woman is. She's most likely deaf, since she had her hand up to the subwoofer, which doesn't really give me any clues.

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19 hours ago, Mera'din said:

Oh fuck. I forgot this was coming out already. Too much shit has been dropping these past few days. X_x

Seriously all of this. I'll hafta catch up to it when i get a sec. 

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Caught up, and so far I'm thoroughly enjoying this.



Especially the larp bit. OMG I died since it can be that bad depending on which groups you play with lol.

So far it's a good pacing, interesting choice of cast for some roles, It'll be fun to see where this goes.

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Episode 3


Major potential spoiler for future stuff if i'm right about this.


Uncle is Wilson Fisk AKA Kingpin. That laugh is 100% Vincent D'Onofrio's laugh. I went back and listened to it three times after the episode was over.


The ep was mostly action with a little backstory on Echo, which was neat. I really gotta wonder what the arrows did that Clint pulled out of the quiver before letting Kate shoot them at the Bros. Honestly, what I posted in the spoiler kept coming back to me throughout the episode whenever action wasn't popping off, it was that distracting. Glad to see Lucky (AKA Pizza Dog) finally getting a name in the show, glad they didn't forget about him. I knew as soon as Kate started mentioning that Clint needed a costume that she'd draw Hawkeye's old comics costume that would 100% never work today.

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I thought that sounded familiar. And he was clearly supposed to BE someone we'd know. Didn't show him for a reason. I really hope you're right because that would be fantastic.




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I'm fucking digging this so far.  Also clearly David Aja's designs all over the DNA of this show too.  Hoping they give him so more money since so far it seems like he got jack shit.


The story though, I like that they're mixing it up a bit so it's not exactly the same so the characters fit a little more into the MCU.  In the comic Hawkeye was kind of a fuckup and Kate was the one holding shit together but they sort of flip flopped this since MCU Hawkeye is an actual legit adult who knows what he is doing. :lol:


Also ep 3 spoiler:


Also I recognized that voice IMMEDIATELY.  That is 100% fucking for sure Vincent D'Onofrio as the Kingpin.  I am psyched to the fucking moon and back about that one.


Love they named Pizza Dog finally lol.  I like that they didn't just drop the character.  I really loved this newest episode somewhat adapting that silent issue of the comic.  This series is definitely a huge love letter to the comic.  Not exactly the same but pretty much as close as you could get. :D


Also I am really liking Echo so far. :nod: I haven't actually read the comics with her but I like.

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What I was hoping would happen didn't, and i'm a bit bummed out. It's my fault for getting my hopes up, but I wanted at least something more.

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And we have Natasha's sister!!! Now shit's getting good!!


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This series is fantastic. I need to stop doubting Marvel at this point.

"Eurgh who needs a Hawkeye TV Show?" I said a month ago. What a dumb idiot I was.

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I mean sure some of their angles are hit and miss but for the most part i haven't seen a horrible one. 

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Gonna spoiler one little bit JUUUUUST to be safe.




Kind of a slow episode, but it's more of a setup for the final one, which should be real interesting. It was neat to see the Snap from Yelena's perspective, how it seemed to be instantaneous for her, I don't think they've shown that side of it before. It was also interesting seeing just how different Clint's fighting style was between when he was Hawkeye, and when he was Ronin. At some point it looked like the bros were getting taken out by someone invisible, which threw me off for a second. I was kind of thinking it wasn't actually Clint in the Ronin getup until he revealed his face. 

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Fuck this one is all about hitting ya right there in the FEELS isn't it?!

That throwback of the Snap and seeing how it was from that POV!

Message arrow ?

Uber Escape car ???

Not surprised about Maya's boss being the one who hired Ronin, or that Maya's #2 knows something.

Reeeeeeeaally not a fan of Yelena's eyeliner. 




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That episode was excellent despite the lack of action overall. Yelena is such a great character. Was easily the best part of the Black Widow movie, and she continues to be a great addition. Really look forward to seeing more of her all around. That whole snap scene was excellent too. Definitely a unique perspective on it that was super cool to see. Actually took my brain a second to realize what was happening. Saw the dust and at first my brain was like "WTF was that? Did she just somehow resist the..." and then you see the paint on the wall changing and what happened hit all at once and I was like "Oh no..."  The emotion behind it was projected really well too, she felt like she was on the edge of extreme panic the whole time.


That end scene though despite the focal point just being a grainy cell phone pic. :mosh: 

Have to assume he didn't get caught in the blip, and the kind of shenanigans he must have been up to during that time could be a huge setup going forward for the more down to earth stuff. Makes me think of the whole Secret Empire storyline when New York gets trapped in that bubble of Darkness and the heroes trapped there are so busy dealing with all the crazy shit that Kingpin goes and helps all the regular people and basically Good Samaritans his way into becoming mayor of New York when everything goes back to normal.

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On 12/15/2021 at 5:09 PM, Mera'din said:

Have to assume he didn't get caught in the blip, and the kind of shenanigans he must have been up to during that time could be a huge setup going forward for the more down to earth stuff?. Makes me think of the whole Secret Empire storyline when New York gets trapped in that bubble of Darkness and the heroes trapped there are so busy dealing with all the crazy shit that Kingpin goes and helps all the regular people and basically Good Samaritans his way into becoming mayor of New York when everything goes back to normal.

Oooh I really like this thought.  I am so fucking excited that they're bringing him back.  I don't know how they keep doing it but Marvel just manages to keep making the MCU more and more exciting. :rotfl:


Also the thing we've pretty much been guessing this whole time....her mom is a baddy.  I bet that Jack works for her in some capacity too.  I'm REALLY curious where that all is going.  Also I like Yelena...she's just fun.  I also like that she's not just a carbon copy of Natasha.



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If they brought back D'Onofrio as Kingpin, only to kill him off one episode later, I am going to be supremely upset. In all honesty, his potential death ruined the rest of the episode for me. Everything up to that point was fucking awesome, but after that scene with Maya killing him, I just stopped caring. Not even the full musical number in the mid-credits could make up for it.

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Honestly the musical being the after cred bit was kinda weak sauce imo after the mind blower in Spiderman. But i get they wanted to do something cute for the holiday. 


I mean they look like they kill Kingpin off. But the fact that they actually pull the camera off scene means that there is the open floor of anything happening there, including him surviving. I still go by the rule of if we don't see a dead body, they aren't 100% dead. 

The watch....was Clint's wife a Shield agent?????? Did they point that out before and i missed it??.


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1 hour ago, Tassifox said:
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The watch....was Clint's wife a Shield agent?????? Did they point that out before and i missed it??.


They didn't say anything specific, but she was awfully helpful in gathering information for Clint, which kind of hinted she was more than just a civilian. The watch also had a 19 at the bottom, which from what i've heard in the reddit thread about the episode makes her Agent 19, who is also known as Mockingbird.

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So, this show fucking ROCKED. The tone was perfect. It tugged at my heartstrings. It made me laugh. The right people looked badass. The relationships felt real. Lalo fucking slayed (of course).


My one gripe is it made Black Widow essential viewing to get the full effect of the show. Fuck Black Widow. Piece of trash movie.


My other gripe (MT and others should click)


I was SO EXCITED for Kingpin only to have it feel like another Wandavision Boner moment within a week.... however that was apparently, panel by panel, a comic book moment

that he survived. Thank god Reddit.

So I am much less pissed than I was 14 hours ago.








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The pull away to show the city before the shot went off was 100% a "he's totally not dead" thing. At worst, she shot him and he's not dead because the dude is a tank. But most likely, I'm guessing she fired but didn't actually shoot him and did the whole "I could have done this, but didn't. Remember that and leave me the fuck alone" power move so she can actually try to go and be her own (better) person. Looking it up, comics-wise it was apparently the former of the two options but that works too honestly. We just full on watched the dude get hit by a car and then blown up and he walked away from it. Not even a little surprised he could survive a gunshot wound (to the head no less based on the comic version O_o ). 


I kind of wonder if they'll use her at some point in the Moon Knight show. She was in the only run of that that I've read (believe it was the one Bendis did) and she was used pretty well there I thought.


On the Laura and watch thing: They were dropping some pretty heavy hints that they had worked together in the past so it was nice to have specific confirmation. I just want to reiterate how refreshing that relationship is though. Most things like this the wife is being almost antagonistic the whole time about what's going on and it gets tiring seeing it over and over. In this (and honestly in the other stuff she's been in too) she was super supportive the whole time, was backing him up whenever she could, she understood and wasn't threatened by the relationship he had with Natasha and it was clear that they had talked about the whole Ronin thing after they came back from the Blip. This is probably the healthiest marriage I have ever seen portrayed in my entire life. XD

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34 minutes ago, Mera'din said:


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 I just want to reiterate how refreshing that relationship is though. Most things like this the wife is being almost antagonistic the whole time about what's going on and it gets tiring seeing it over and over. In this (and honestly in the other stuff she's been in too) she was super supportive the whole time, was backing him up whenever she could, she understood and wasn't threatened by the relationship he had with Natasha and it was clear that they had talked about the whole Ronin thing after they came back from the Blip. This is probably the healthiest marriage I have ever seen portrayed in my entire life. XD





Omg all of this! I love that healthy relationships are being more represented. We need this!


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Loved the show.  Spoiler tagged the topic so watch ya ass.



Kingpin reveal was orgasmic.  His fight where he's a fucking TANK was phenomenal.  I'm actually really happy to see them delve into what a powerhouse he is physically in addition to the genius.  Makes him even more fucking terrifying.  Love the new look with the cane too, I want to see him fire a laser. :rotfl:  Definitely not dead of course.  Cutaway was REALLY obvious there.  Strange choice in general but everyone knows at this point in comics, no body = no death, even the normiest of normies so it's fine lol.


I loved everything about the show.  Their relationship building, getting somewhere satisfying near the end.  The little bits of pizza dog.  Bringing him and Kate over for Christmas.  Loved the normal supportive relationship that Clint has with his wife like @Mera'din said.  We didn't have to deal with CW relationshit drama.  I've been really enjoying that in all these non-CW shows man.  Fuck I was so tired of it before.  I LOVE that the watch points to his wife being Mockingbird.  Really curious if that is the final nail in the coffin for Agents of Shield or if she just passed down the mantle or something.


Just a really fucking fun show all around though.  Definitely heavily inspired by the comic (READ IT @Mera'din) but not an exact copy (Clint and Kate sort of switch places a bit) and the story is different enough to make things interesting.  Just loved it.  I REALLY hope there is going to be a season 2.

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I don't know if they ever called Bobbi "Mockingbird" in Agents of SHIELD honestly, but yeah this really doesn't do that show any favors with its now questionable continuity (not that the last couple seasons would have counted anyway with all the weird time travel shit they started doing). Your idea about it being passed down is possible though. Fury removed her from SHIELD records so it's possible the codename was repurposed, or the MCU could designate things differently too and a certain level of agents have just a number, where as the higher end ones have the codename like Hawkeye did. It's a bit of a moot point though since neither Bobbi nor Laura are called Mockingbird at any point.


Probably should read that run at some point. It definitely seems like its worth the time. Just need to find the time at this point. I've kind of fallen out of reading comics altogether again. XD

Is there a readily available TPB or something for it, or is it ones of those things they disappeared at some point?


Also, shout out to all the tracksuit guys yelling "Bro" throughout the episode. :rotfl: 

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8 hours ago, Mera'din said:

Is there a readily available TPB or something for it, or is it ones of those things they disappeared at some point?

I bought it in a trade a year or two ago, if you can't find it I can send it to you. 

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Looks like there are some options. Individual volumes as well as a couple omnibus collections and what not. Is this what I'm looking for? Not sure if it has everything in question or not.



Looks like the same stuff the old hardcover one had (though that one is now going for like $200 at least on the listing on Amazon that I saw).

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Could get that here:



Save a few bucks but there will be a wait since they have to order it.  The omnibus is out of print currently so you aren't getting that until a reprint or if I'm able to somehow find you one somewhere magically. :lol:  I don't think you're that into "collecting" comic shit anyway though so that thick TPB should be good enough (or there are always the old ways ??).

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Does the Omnibus have the same stuff as that? I think I'm pretty well done collecting single issues and have moved more towards TPB and Omnibus style stuff like you did. Just so much easier to manage. I really need more book shelf space though. XD

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Omnibus should be the same shit, just more expensive since it's out of print.  If they ever do a reprint (and they may), you could scoop that up too (if you want me to keep an eye out let me know).


TPB Contents: Collecting HAWKEYE (2012) #1-22 and ANNUAL #1, and YOUNG AVENGERS PRESENTS #6

Omni Contents: Collecting HAWKEYE (2012) #1-22 and ANNUAL #1, and YOUNG AVENGERS PRESENTS #6


So yeah literally the same contents lol.


And yeah, fuck single issues.  I'm going to sell basically ALL of mine in 2022.  Can't do it anymore.  It's HC/Omni or a digital read.

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I should really consider doing that too. Only thing I think I want to keep is my non-super hero stuff and maybe the Ms. Marvel and the Dan Slott Spider-man stuff I have since I have basically the full runs of those. I have way too many boxes in my closet though and I don't think I'll bother reading most of it again since its such a hassle to even go through them at this point.

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I'm sorry but the best part was the musical at the end. It was sooo bad it turned around into a glorious masterpiece of awful.


The show itself was really good though. I like that Kate was shown to be almost on par with hawkeye as a marksman, but everywhere else she was lacking in some way.


Yelena is always a treat.

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8 hours ago, Galeigh said:

I'm sorry but the best part was the musical at the end.


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10 hours ago, Galeigh said:

I'm sorry but the best part was the musical at the end.


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We still love you Galeigh even if that's wrong.

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The musical bit was pretty damn funny though…


Finished this up last night. Thought it was alright but not great. In “The Falcon and Winter Soldier” range of quality. Too many forced yucks in the second half of the series. I wanted to be invested but everything was just a joke. Odd juxtaposition with the Kingpin showing up who is a more grounded and scary character. It was cool to see him but felt squandered. Also I’m sure he’ll be back but not great to bring him back just to immediately imply that he was shot and killed. Like 6/10 in total?

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I dare y'all to tell me you didn't laugh your ass off at the musical with a straight face.

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6 minutes ago, Galeigh said:

I dare y'all to tell me you didn't laugh your ass off at the musical with a straight face.

That's....really hard to do.


But seriously, was it enjoyable? Sure. Was it the best thing? Hell no.

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11 hours ago, Galeigh said:

I dare y'all to tell me you didn't laugh your ass off at the musical with a straight face.

I didn't laugh my ass off, I cringed and squirmed my ass off with a straight face.  I got maybe a small giggle from the glimpse we get in the first episode but I def could've done without seeing the whole number. But again I get why they did it since it takes place during Christmas and honestly they gave us a pretty big reveal with Spiderman NWH post creds so I get why they went with something light and fluffy for the holiday mood. That could've been achieved in other ways tho I think. :shrug: But whatevs if anyone else here enjoyed it, take what little laughs you can take nowadays so for real no judgement here on ya.

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Musical was funny and then it went on way too long.


I'd give the show an 8/10 overall I think.  I enjoyed it quite a bit but some of that also comes from my love of the comic lol.

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As a fun little after credits thing it was great. Better than Shwarma.

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