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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/10/19 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    "I'm tired of talking about this!* *makes a video about it* Gotta get dat youtube money I suppose Edit: You know, the more I hear the people on the side of 'No! Leave it as it is!' cry about artistic vision or whatever, the more I get the impression that they feel like adding an Easy Mode will, for some reason, erase the original difficulty mode... which isn't what anyone is suggesting. I'm going to turn this on it's head now, if you feel that the Easy Mode of a game breaks the artistic vision of the game... well, you don't have to play that difficulty.
  2. 1 point
    Oh man, I used to do truck shifts for Ulta and that meant going and unloading boxes and putting out product at like 3am on Fridays and for a while it was pretty good, lots of the pros you mentioned... no customers, I had earbuds in..... but then they banned us from listening to music and the deliveries started getting STUPID ridiculous for what was mostly a crew of petite women (and then me with the bad back, but that was a whole other weird issue) and then they'd make us stay later and later and it was just...... no good. Sometimes I think fondly of listening to an audiobook while lining up eyeliner though haha
  3. 1 point
    It was absolutely the ref's fault. Apparently he got no heat for it though, but Vince did pull him aside backstage at Raw and told him he'd be fined. Another ref got fined for some kind of botch in the Smackdown tag match as well.
  4. 1 point
    Saw an article saying that the next phase is going to be similar to Captain Marvel in that it'll be stuff set in the past which is hopefully means they want to establish the FF as an early in thing. Could totally do a "stuck in the Negative zone" style thing with them or something at the end of their movie and then bring them back post Endgame from whatever gets shit reset. Also saw another article talking about how the Russo brothers shot a lot of the stuff in the Endgame trailer specifically FOR the trailer to throw people off of what the story will actually be in the movie because they were tired of people analyzing the living fuck out of every frame of the trailers. XD I also want a Rocket and Goose (Chewie) meetup at some point in one of these movies because their interactions were always great in the comics.
  5. 1 point
    Oh god I remember that. God she was awful sometimes. Side note: She is constantly getting into weird political arguments with my wife on Facebook and it stands out strongly enough that my wife literally has people PM her and be like "Who the fuck even is this lady?" and she has to explain to them who she is and it's honestly really cathartic for me.
  6. 1 point
    Annnnd MT is going to have a heart attack
  7. 1 point
    Made it to the end of Bryan/Kofi but I'm way too tired/bedtime now Really good show so far, though. Pacing's pretty good, nothing overstays its welcome and nothing wrong with the results
  8. 1 point
    I think G1's a 5 or 6 hour show :x Though most of the first hour is the Honor Rumble and that's a super-terrible match, like "worst match of the year" potential, only thing worth seeing is Liger making his entrance because Liger in MSG ;_;, and I guess sorta Suzuki (overdubbed Kaze ni Nare ) and Colt Cabana and
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