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Completed Games 2024

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1. :gba:Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons



Holy shit, is this a good Zelda game. It's short, but when you consider it's supposed to be paired with Ages(which I'm playing next), that's not really true.  Even on its own, it's a content-packed adventure, with some inventive items and solid boss battles. Some of the puzzles had me stumped(some for stupid reasons like forgetting I can push a trampoline -_-). I used a guide for that damn trampoline mishap and to figure out where to go(another dumb oversight) after Tarm Ruins, and I wasn't gonna try and find the random spots the golden beasts popped up. 


While not all the bosses were super hard, I thought they all had unique mechanics that took advantage of all the items you get. I really liked that the final proper dungeon tests all your skill with them and is designed in a way where you can get past some of the basic hazards in multiple ways depending on how you're using everything.


Oh, and of course, the music was incredible.  The dungeon themes would be stuck in my head all day after playing. GBC OSTs are underrated.


Sick game. Unique setting and identity and the best that top-down Zelda has to offer. You can't ask for more. 9/10

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Seasons is definitely my favorite of the two :nod:


edit: I’m glad somebody finally started the 2024 thread! I honestly have nothing to contribute because all I play (still, 2+ years going strong!) is Diablo 2: Resurrected. Not I like reading everybody else’s write-ups. 

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1. :gba: Metroid: Zero Mission

  1a. :gba: Metroid Fusion

  1b. (SNES) Super Metroid

2. :switch: Metroid Dread


A couple weeks back I did a week of streaming, doing a Metroid "retrospective" going through the 2D games. Started on Monday showing off the first game and it's GBA remake. Tuesday was Metroid 2 on the Game Boy, and the fan remake AM2R. Wednesday was Super Metroid, along with a remixed version of that game that made the physics feel more like the later 2D games (less floaty jumps, mostly). Thursday was Metroid Fusion. Friday was finishing both Metroid Fusion and Super Metroid. My original plan for Friday was to play Metroid Dread, but I don't know where my capture card is, and in order to emulate it I would've needed a hacked Switch to get the BIOS off of, so I figured it wasn't worth the effort.

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1.) :ps5: Marvel's Spider-Man 2

Fuck that was fantastic. I had pretty high expectations going into that and was still impressed. Strong pacing and balance despite the open world sandbox aspect, side-quests and collectibles that didn't feel oppressive or chore-like to find (mostly because there wasn't too many and they generally felt like there was a purpose to them). Fun combat that felt like it had been improved upon nicely. Then there was the story. They packed SO much into that that I was not expecting it to get into, but it didn't feel rushed or awkward generally. A few things here and there that managed to catch me by surprise as well, with enough story threads left hanging that I'm looking forward to seeing what they do with the next one since there are like half a dozen possible plots they could lean into or mix and match with how they left things. XD


They outdid themselves with the outfits again too. Probably the ONLY thing that felt awkward for me was the number of resources they had you juggle to unlock stuff. Tech parts, RARE Tech Parts, City tokens, Hero tokens, etc. Felt a bit overwhelming and annoying at first, though things flowed and unlocked steadily enough just playing things as you came to them that it was only a minor gripe. I like that they kept the score/time/combat challenge type stuff to a minimum compared to the first game too, and what they did have didn't require you to get the highest score on all of them to unlock everything which was a relief.

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1. :gba: Metroid: Zero Mission

  1a. :gba: Metroid Fusion

  1b. (SNES) Super Metroid

2. :switch:  Metroid Dread

3. :ps5: Star Wars Jedi: Survivor


Man, what a disappointment. The story was the only thing that kept me going. The puzzles suck, and it's real easy to get lost, while the holomap doesn't really make it any better. The first game had a similar map situation. Wasn't really a fan of having a sort of open hub world thing. Wasn't bad, just wasn't what I wanted. I called part of the twist before it happened, but they added one thing I didn't see coming.

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2.) :ps5: God of War: Ragnarok - Valhalla

Counting it as a separate thing because it certainly felt like it was. XD

Anyway, for being free, this DLC was really fucking good. Not super long, but even after the credits roll, there's more story stuff to get if you want it. It's basically God of War turned into a mini-roguelite game that reminds me of Hades at times with how they handled story progress. The story built into it serves as a vehicle for Kratos to be forced to face and come to terms with his past and is handled really well, and in the process you're able to learn more about some of the side characters from the main game, such as some of the Valkyries. There's a bit of a surprise guest appearance too that was pretty fun and tied into Kratos facing his past. The whole thing was set up well enough I actually did a number of runs past the core story finishing to finish up some of the side stories and wrap up the trophies. Getting Kratos' classic look as an unlock was really cool too.

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1) :switch: Mario vs Donkey Kong (100%ed collectibles, did not do time attacks)


Mostly chill and fun. I think I liked the second set of levels the most, everything compacted onto one screen or area made it all flow better.

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1. :gba: Metroid: Zero Mission

  1a. :gba: Metroid Fusion

  1b. (SNES) Super Metroid

2. :switch:  Metroid Dread

3. :ps5: Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

4. (NES) Mega Man 2


Partner and I upgraded our CRT to a 24 inch one, so we've been playing a bunch of older systems on it lately. Yesterday I randomly decided to boot up Mega Man 2 and play for a while. I'd never beaten the game in one sitting, without cheats before.

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1) :switch: Mario vs Donkey Kong (100%ed collectibles, did not do time attacks)


2) :switch: Princess Peach: Showtime (100%)


Nice like game, similar to a Kirby game. Most of the play styles are simple but there's only a few levels of each so none wear out their welcome. I'd be cool with hard-mode DLC or more levels if it came out.

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1) :switch: Mario vs Donkey Kong (100%ed collectibles, did not do time attacks)

2) :switch: Princess Peach: Showtime (100%)


3) :switch: :gameboy: Super Mario Land


For its time and what it was, not bad. As a Mario game, not great. Jumping and momentum feels wooden and poor, falling speed is horrendous. The submarine and flying levels are cool. I remember there being complaints that the initial Switch Game Boy offerings didn't include this game, but I think they made the right choice putting 6 Golden Coins first.

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I took it for a quick spin the other night too. Loved that game on my GB when I was a kid but yeah it has not aged the best.

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I love Super Mario Land, warts and all. So many fond memories of playing that on my Game Boy. I guess most recently, I played it on the 3DS Virtual Console... so, I guess within about the last 10-ish years? I don't recall feeling like it hadn't aged well at that time. I don't have a Switch Online membership right now to give it another go on the Switch otherwise I'd be playing it right now!

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3.) :pc: Still Wakes the Deep


Have been waiting for this one since I've always liked the games that The Chinese Room has done. Was particularly interested in seeing how this one played though since it's a mostly new staff at the company now and wanted some frame of reference for how their other game, Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2, might turn out. Overall I was pretty impressed with the game. It was more "game" than their previous titles had been, with some simple stealth bits and such, but still very much felt like one of their games. Great atmosphere, solid story, well written dialogue and just all around enjoyable. They handled the horror genre pretty well. Playing it gave me some major The Thing vibes. Not a lot of surprises to the story, so it was pretty straight forward ultimately, but I enjoyed myself. The visuals were solid all around with some truly well done body horror bits. Sound design was where the game really stood out though. Even when there was no real danger in a given area, the sound design managed to keep the tension strong. 

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4.) :ps5: Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth


Kind of mixed feelings on this. I absolutely loved 90% of the game. The attention to detail and the way they adapted the original story were mostly fantastic and there was a lot of great content throughout. Having said that, similar to the first game, I'm really not a fan of how they did the ending. The took a concise and impactful moment from the original game and made it confusing and obtuse for the sake of spectacle and as much as it still had a decent emotional impact, it really felt like they missed the mark overall for no particular reason, and excised one of the most iconic scenes from the original version in the process. I assume we'll see the "real" scene play out in the final game as part of Cloud coming out of his fractured mental state, but it made everything feel off. This isn't fucking Kingdom Hearts, god damnit, stop trying to act like it is. :| 


This is also one of the few times I have no interest in trying to 100% the game or complete all the achievements. They went way too far overboard with the minigames. I enjoyed them all, but when it forces you to revisit them, often twice, it gets really tiring really fast. Plus the combat system is not so fun that I want to be forced to play through this shit on Hard Mode or fight some ultra difficult boss that's more frustrating than interesting. I'm too old for that shit at this point in my life.

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