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Found 25 results

  1. Tassifox

    Stranger Things

    In a ways they do end it off nicely. Then they had to fucking dangle Russia in there after the credits. So we're at least gonna possibly get 1 more season if they go at the pacing they do of time lapsing over a year. But I'll be shocked if Netflix attempts to go beyond 1 more season.
  2. webhead

    Stranger Things

    Yeah this feels like an end and they kind of just...keep going somehow. Lol.
  3. Peeve

    Stranger Things

    I watched all 3 seasons in the past few weeks I had a thought I wanted to share. I know it is unlikely, but I would prefer if the show was over. It felt like a fitting end to the series.
  4. webhead

    Stranger Things

    Finished it Friday. Another great season. More thoughts later. Agree with @Blackjak
  5. Mera'din

    Stranger Things

    I just watched Ep. 6 tonight. Completely agree. Rest of the episode was on point too, but those last few scenes were beautiful.
  6. Blackjak

    Stranger Things

    The final 5-10ish minutes of Episode Six was masterful in pretty much every way.
  7. Tassifox

    Stranger Things

    Seen all of it, Holy fucking crap last ep thoughts in spoiler
  8. webhead

    Stranger Things

    Watched a recap video on YouTube and the first 3 episodes last night. I missed this show.
  9. Tassifox

    Stranger Things

    Rebinged the previous 2 seasons and started ep 1 of season 3 now.
  10. Mera'din

    Stranger Things

    Watched first episode so far. I missed this show.
  11. Blackjak

    Stranger Things

    Just finished the season. I need a cigarette. Or a drink. Or both.
  12. Mera'din

    Stranger Things

    Whelp. I guess that might answer some questions about where things will go with Billy.
  13. Mera'din

    Stranger Things

  14. Tassifox

    Stranger Things

    *sits too close to her TV screen with popcorn* Is it time yet?
  15. webhead

    Stranger Things

    Yeah it was how sadistic the guy was that makes me think a rebound is just out of the question. Dude is going down a very dark path in life and I don't see that changing. I could definitely see what you are saying happening.
  16. Mera'din

    Stranger Things

    They went pretty hard and heavy with the "abusive father" trope for him in S2, so it could really go either way. They could easily double down with him (maybe kill father while shit is going down so he gets lumped in with any other losses?) or try to redeem him. He was pretty sadistic in S2 though, so I don't know if they'll go the redeeming direction. Knowing this show, they'll present it like they're doing that, and then someone or something will push him over the edge and it'll pull a 180 and he'll end up worse in the transaction.
  17. webhead

    Stranger Things

    Yeah this is what I'm feeling. Dude was fucking evil. There's no redemption for him, it's just going to keep going further, I think.
  18. Hornet

    Stranger Things

    Honestly I think they'll go in the other direction and flesh out his nastiness, maybe he's pro-upside-down or attuned or something. I've got no problem with them having a human villain, I just don't like they basically made him a cobra kai dick; when so far they've been so obviously going in a more interesting direction with each trope character each time.
  19. Nairn Smoith

    Stranger Things

    I’d be shocked if Billy doesn’t get a redemptive arc.
  20. Hornet

    Stranger Things

    Good point well made. I guess they made him a lifeguard, so that's something!
  21. Nairn Smoith

    Stranger Things

    On a related note, in S1 Will was a complete non-factor simply because the plot called for him to be absent. S2 he becomes MVP. The well of talent on this show is deep.
  22. Hornet

    Stranger Things

    S1 Stranger Things, one thing I really liked about it is that it set up all these tropish characters, and then went on to make everyone more moral and much smarter than you'd think, everyone cooperated and made clever decisions. 2 introduced the character of Billy Hargrove, who went against that without really being fleshed. All's I'm saying is I hope they do something with him in any direction.
  23. Nairn Smoith

    Stranger Things

    Stranger Things always has dope ass trailers and this is no exception. I can’t think of a TV trailer ever made that’s better than this one. Brilliant use of Baba O’Riley.
  24. webhead

    Stranger Things

    Season 3 is coming!