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Everything posted by MT

  1. MT

    Nintendo General

    Here's a look at some of Nintendo's upcoming Labo VR stuff Sounds like a bunch of tech demos more than actual games, which is kinda disappointing. I wonder if they'll ever make anything with more substance.
  2. Hellboy 2/GotG1 was the only difficult one for me.
  3. MT

    It begins anew

  4. MT

    Google Stadia

    They mentioned that the official controller will connect via Wifi straight to the data center somehow.
  5. MT


    There already is one
  6. MT

    It begins anew

    I don't need help remembering pizza is an option, but thanks just the same!
  7. MT

    Roll Up In The Forum Like

    Should've flown to AZ and you could've watched it with us.
  8. MT


    Good to see ya again, hime.
  9. MT

    Favorite YouTube Channels

    Video game related: Datto - Dude plays mostly Destiny and does a lot of videos explaining a bunch of stuff like how new modes work, how good guns are, etc. Game Maker's Toolkit - A lot of videos going into detail about how levels/dungeons are laid out. Started with the Zelda series, then moved onto Metroid, and is currently on Metroid Prime. Giant Bomb - My main source of gaming news/entertainment. News comes mostly from the podcast, but they do videos showcasing a bunch of new games. I learned about stuff like Papers, Please and Baba Is You from them. Jablinski Games - It's Jack Black doing a loosely gaming related channel. I'm a huge fan of the dude, so I enjoy his stuff. My name is Byf - Another Destiny guy, he does deep dives into lore. Summoning Salt - Does videos explaining the history of specific video game speedruns Up Up Down Down - WWE wrestler Xavier Woods (aka Austin Creed) has his own video game channel, with a bunch of cool stuff. It's a lot of wrestlers back stage playing video games. You don't get to see them as their normal selves that often, so it's real interesting. Music related: Kye Smith - One of the many drummers I follow. He did some 5 minute retrospective videos of a bunch of punk bands. Bill McClintock - He does some really interesting song mashups. His most recent is a mashup of a Madonna song and a Motley Crue song. Polyphonic - Mostly deep dives into musical topics. The first I saw was about how Freddie Mercury is such a fantastic singer. Etc.: Rifftrax - Some of the guys from Mystery Science Theater 3000. They do the same thing, watch movies and make fun of them. That's just a few of the 149 channels I subscribe to.
  10. MT

    Florida Man...

    Florida man clings to hood of car going 70 MPH Not all that exciting
  11. MT

    World News

    Now if it were Weekly World News, that'd be a different story.
  12. MT

    Pet Time Party

    Cayenne, almost 4 years old now.
  13. MT

    Nintendo General

    I don't know about extremely, it's just a series of boss fights, with an occasional side scrolling level thrown in. So it's basically a lot of pattern recognition.
  14. MT

    Alternate Performances

    At first, I thought this meant they found a way to record it underwater. Now i'm just sad.
  15. MT

    NXT/NXT UK General

    Riddle vs Dream for the North American title just got announced for Takeover NY
  16. MT


    I really want to, as I loved Get Out, but i'm also a wuss. I think i'm just going to suck it up and watch it anyway, because it does look amazing.
  17. MT

    Reputation and Power Level Titles!

    *charges power level +1*
  18. MT


    Man, so much shame could've been avoided.
  19. MT

    Video Game Randomizers

    In my experience with the LttP randomizer, nothing is really unbeatable. There are some situations that you'd absolutely never run into during a normal session, but a lot of the tricks to get past them aren't super difficult to pull off. The logic is such that every game is technically beatable, like you're never going to NOT get an item you need, or enter a dungeon that somehow doesn't have enough keys to progress through. Items can be real tough to find if you don't know a lot of the places to look, too. I've had a few games where I didn't find a sword for a really long time, having to make do with bombs, the hammer, or the Cane of Somaria.
  20. MT


    You mean there's been a safe word this whole time, and no one told me?
  21. MT

    Marvel General

    Seems like too many teams of X-Men to me, at least to start.
  22. MT

    Bill & Ted Face The Music

    You just had to go and find a better version of that, didn't you?
  23. MT

    Marvel General

    Maybe the Quantum Realm is what unlocks the x-gene? Like, the people were already mutants before getting snapped, they just weren't "active".
  24. MT

    Google Stadia

    How would you like to play the latest games, without having to own a new console or a powerful PC? This'll let you stream games to your phone/tablet/PC/Chromecast and play there instead.