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Posts posted by webhead

  1. Yeah Chris Pratt is probably going to suck in this as much as everyone assumed.  Definitely a "pirate after it comes to digital and then probably not even watch" movie but we'll see.  Other than shit voice acting from the main character ( :rolleyes: ) this could maybe be okay but I'm not going to hold my breath. :P

  2. You know you can actually type out

    [spoiler] stuff [/spoiler]

    inside your text though and it'll do it.  You don't HAVE to use the actual box.  Box only shows up in a way you can't change after you've sent the post.

  3. Woops forgot to post about it.  I really enjoyed the show (and so did Jovanna).  It was just...comfy TV really.  I haven't actually read the comics yet (I did buy some but haven't gotten to it), but she's just a fun character and her family around her really is just great.  I like that things start off a bit tense with how her parents are but when she really needs them, they really do deliver.  Definitely looking forward to more. :nod:

  4. I thought the power change was fine because it's the same basic kind of shit so far, just a different effect for it.  Also her powers I don't think are as important as her personality and shit (admittedly I haven't seen a lot of her in the comics yet but I did get her omnibus).


    I like that episode.  Was fun.  Agree about it being sad she was such a dick to her dad though. :lol:  


    Also spoiler tagging the topic!

    • Like 1

  5. 22 hours ago, MT said:

    I have friends that work at Blizzard, I owe it to them to at least give it a shot :P

    Fair enough.  And it's not like the devs made these shitty decisions.  Leadership at Blizzard is fucking garbage.  I have very little hope for Diablo 4 tbh.

  6. On 6/6/2022 at 7:10 PM, MT said:

    After reading this and giving it some thought, I deleted it from my phone. If I can't grind for the best gear, what's the point?

    I figured you'd make it here eventually.  That game is predatory trash.  Fuck it.

    • Like 1

  7. 1. :pc: Halo Infinite

    2. :pc: Elden Ring


    This shit was super fun.  I haven't played much in the way of Souls games (just a few hours here or there) but I ended this at 100+ hours and really enjoyed the hell out of it.



    Went for Ranni's ending


    I pretty much killed every boss I could find before I went for the last boss.  There might be a few bullshit ones scattered but ye.  I really enjoyed it.  I am not surprised by how popular this game is.  I feel like it was a lot more accessible than past games (and also the fact fucking everyone was playing it made it more fun).

  8. Watched both Sonic movies.  Honestly they were just really fun (stupid but fun) movies.  I went back and looked at ugly Sonic again and I cannot thank those animators enough for fixing that fucking nightmare.  But seriously just a ton of fun.  It's about the best you could ask for from a Sonic movie honestly.


    Sonic 2 credits spoiler:


    I really don't think a movie about SHADOW is really the best direction but I guess we'll see.  I only remember him being in garbage games I didn't want to play. :rotfl: 


    • Like 1

  9. 20 hours ago, Hornet said:

    Oh my god motherfucker chose to give me death, I wasn't prepared for this 



    21 hours ago, dr. b said:

    C'mon web, hand over the keys to your old buddy buzzbomb already. Think of how much better this board would be if I had admin privileges!



    16 hours ago, Anelle said:


    I probably should have expected this. :rotfl: 

    • Jizz lol 1

  10. I'm gonna give it a couple days and then I think we make this into a spoilers topic, yes?




    I really enjoyed this movie.  In particular I loved that note where they fought with music.  Love when directors are creative like that.  I could see Raimi's fingerprints all over this movie and that's always a welcome change (Marvel movies are so samey a lot of the time).  You could tell Raimi was having fun with the zombie strange and wings made of souls of the damned.  Jesus christ that was nuts. :lol: 


    I enjoyed the character growth for Strange as well.  He got humbled of course becoming Strange but I think once in a while he needs to get his hand slapped away.  Seeing some of the fucked up shit (and especially that sinister Strange) was clearly eye opening. :srwink:


    I'm very curious what the 3rd eye means.  It's clear that people that fuck with the Darkhold get fucked by it but it seemed like they were trying to say this Strange was different from the others.  I wonder if this shit appears and he just learns to use it.  He seemed very confident during that scene with Clea (and yeah that's the character).  Also they're clearly going to the dark dimension that Dormommu is from (since that's apparently her uncle).


    Wanda moving from WandaVision to this was definitely jarring.  I guess that's kind of the nature of movies though.  There's always going to be leaps in between, even after they get a TV series.  I kind of expected eventually she was going to lose it like this but I really didn't think she was going to be the main villain of the movie.  Jovanna said she was really sad Wanda went bad guy lol.  I was like well....I was kinda waiting for it.  I do hope some day they manage to redeem her.


    I think I'm with @MT giving it a solid 8.


    I don't think John Kracynzski playing Reed is necessarily set in stone.  Same as them almost definitely not using Patrick Stewart again as Xavier in other movies.  Man he really is showing his age now.  Also I wish we'd gotten to see a little bit more of Reed.  It felt a bit flat because he barely had anything to work with.  I will say I was genuinely shocked to see Reed and especially HIM as Reed.  I'm totally for it though if they do end up casting him in the FF movie.  That would fucking rule.


    Watching Wanda fucking kill the shit out of all the Illuminati was crazy as fuck.  The one with Xavier was particularly brutal.  Someone on Reddit even caught a screenshot:




    Also they said the word "incursion" about 8 billion times.  I'm like 99% sure we're on our way to a Hickman Secret Wars movie.  Or maybe they blend his with the original.  Very curious to see where that thread is going especially because the Russos said they'd come back for a Secret Wars movie. :O



    • Nope 1