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Posts posted by Hornet

  1. Some of the lads I work with were all talking to me at once so I put on Children of Men to get them to engage with something other than asking me lots of questions about stuff. Lazy trick but they all seemed to enjoy it.

    • Like 1

  2. Uhhh in theory I'm playing Far Cry 3 Classic Edition but right now I'm on the "Ugh" or Famine phase of my videogame binges. There was a bit where I had to escape a flaming temple and I just realized I could not be assed.

    5 hours ago, Xylus said:

    What up bruv 




    Post merge test

  3. - What are you reading?

    - How acquire?
    - What do you generally read?

    - Where you find out about books and that?


    Read this one called "Botchan" recently that was good, by this suave looking fucker




    A few of his novels are set in and around schools and universities during the Meiji period. So; people in education or teaching during a time of very dramatic social change, which is something I never even thought about before but leads to hella compelling books. "Botchan" is basically about a hard-headed, basically simple Tokyo guy, black sheep of his family, who moves to the absolute sticks after Falling into teaching as a profession, attempting to stay above the weird internal politics of the school he's been placed in.


    I'm now about halfway through this book about the antivax movement by a pediatrician called Paul Offit. It's called "Deadly Choices - How the Anti-Vaccine Movement Threatens us All". Some interesting parts so far include the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Fund in the US giving out substantial awards for whooping cough vaccy injuries at it's onset, and all those "vaccine injuries" later proven to be due to the same genetic condition; and an expert in a vaccine injury class action being shown to not know when questioned on the study he was citing; what the age range or the gender balance of the children involved was... and then the lawyer examining him rugpulling and revealing that the study was on RATS. (Which the expert didn't know! Dude hadn't read it). It's sad and scary as fuck but shows epidemiologists and paediatricians doing what they do, which is cool. Offit also wrote the excellent "Autism's False Prophets" and I feel like keeping up on counter-antivax and autism-woo stuff is kinda work-relevant, kinda-interesting. 


    Places I get books: Amazon (bleh), one excellent pain-in-the-ass bookshop that is just a big, old school heap of books with no decent POS machine so you gotta use cash, which is annoying, and charity shops (solike; the British version of Goodwill).


    I find out about books through friends, distance learning, sometimes /lit/, and sometimes lucky dip.

  4. Ok;

    Let's try and do one hour total music in the form of Youtube videos. The mix will change over time; but let's try and pick tracks that would conceivably be played one after another by a DJ. Think like you're playing Domino's.


    Feel free to shift genre and energy gradually but each song should feel natural in the squeakwence.


    Ready? ::::::




    • Like 1

  5. I was saying a while back that I don't really rate the casting of the upcoming Good Omens movie I always saw Crowley as Australian so I'd say Eric Bana, with Sylvester McCoy as Aziraphale.


    That's about all I can think of, so far.

  6. Honestly I think they'll go in the other direction and flesh out his nastiness, maybe he's pro-upside-down or attuned or something.


    I've got no problem with them having a human villain, I just don't like they basically made him a cobra kai dick; when so far they've been so obviously going in a more interesting direction with each trope character each time.

    • Like 1

  7. You all know me, not much to update on! We might get some new people though soo;


    31 years old, North West England. I work in the Social Care sector. Married to a wonderful American, Got a cat called Ryoko. Hobbies; Reading, Reading, Reading, (Critical Theory, Novels esp Natsume Soseki; Classics; Politics; Popular Science, currently reading "Deadly Choices: How the Anti-Vaccine Movement Threatens us All" by Paul Offit), Baking, Shitposting. I like open-world videogames on the PS4 which I play feast-famine style.

    • Like 1

  8. S1 Stranger Things, one thing I really liked about it is that it set up all these tropish characters, and then went on to make everyone more moral and much smarter than you'd think, everyone cooperated and made clever decisions.


    2 introduced the character of Billy Hargrove, who went against that without really being fleshed. All's I'm saying is I hope they do something with him in any direction.

  9. People maybe figured out a while ago that Tarantino was sorta telling the story of this stylish ultra-brutal popculture obsessed world (Conversations in Reservoir Dogs, Meez in Pulp Fiction) and in Kill Bill we got to see what the cinema WITHIN that world was like... Then we saw in Inglorious Basterds sort of how that came to be, with cinema being so essential to the conclusion of WWII in that canon that cinema seems very important and real.

    I figure what he's doing here is telling a story set within the Hollywood of that world to show the sort of crazy environment in which your Kill Bills get made. That's my guess.
