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Posts posted by Hornet

  1. 3 hours ago, webhead said:

    Orange and raspberry Cole were my jam on those.  Why'd they stop letting you do regular Coke? :eek3:


    IDK, discontinued products except in Zero Sugar version. They do a Peach Zero Sugar now, in stores, but I always thought aspartame tastes kinda bad. (I can tell when a G&T has been made with slimline tonic, bleugh)

  2. Naw it isn't. Coffee can be pretty great.

    I'm all about that Arizona Green Tea with Honey but it's difficult to get here. I also like ehhh like, green tea, and coca cola.


    My fav was vanilla coke but they've discontinued full fat vanilla coke and made it sugar free... The thing that super-sucks about that is that the "any flavour of coke" machine in Five Guys now refuses to make full-sugar flavoured coke drinks, which is a colossal shame becuz it used to be that it would mix you a tangerine coke or whatever.

  3. On 4/8/2019 at 10:31 PM, Lucy said:

    Yeah, pretty much! The only thing that annoys me slightly about sampling is if the song doing the sampling turns out to be weak/worse than the song it samples, and then all you wanna do is listen to the 'original' song :uhoh:



    AKA Ice Ice Baby Roulette

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    What's some shit you've lost over the years? What's some shit you've found over the years?

    Most recently; 

    • The copy of True Grit I was reading, last seen on a bus
    • A friend in uni lent me a Grocery Bag of dvd's, comics, and books to sort of switch me onto the counterculture & all that, I left it on a train. Had to reimburse him for £70
    • Had a zippo engraved, left it on a train
    • About five or six Blu brand e-cigs
    • Huge OKJ Bible, no idea where it went. How the fuck I lose a book that big.
    • One croc
    • Fav't sunglasses, Last seen being worn douche-style in the collar of a linen shirt, lost them running in the rain from one bar to another in Greece circa 2006.
    • Sterling crucifix
    • Sterling ring in the style of a belt


    And not strictly lost, just dumb, I once dropped a handgun on my foot.



    • Vertebrae, we assume from a marine mammal
    • 2x drivers licences over the years, I put one in an envelope and mailed it, handed the other one OTC at the supermarket I was at
    • My mate found a photograph of an intensely frightening looking old lady, carried it around with him for years and just randomly showed it to people. Dubbed her "Edna"
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    For a while I actually hung out with one of the guys from that little work pub group, until one day I invited him to my house and, ok. No politics on this board right? Let's just say we got on the subject of the nineteen fourties and he sweshioned the shmoloshmausht and told me charlie chaplain was a great man and i told him to duck off.


    edit: Anne Frankly I didn't like him that much to begin with, WAHEYY

  6. Best nonalcoholic drink is green tea.


    It might feel classy drinking gevrey chambertain or some shit but let me tell ya boys, it doesn't feel anywhere near as classy on the way back up, or the day after being blasted at 300mph out your ass. Drink in moderation if at all

  7. For a while me and a couple of colleagues were semi-reg going to this one pub as a foresome. It was awesome!


    One guy got fired, Girl got fired, Guy got a job in Manchester... ?


    After nearly 100% staff turnover, been trying to get something cookin' with the new lot but they don't seem assed. Occasionally we go to one of the old guard's houses to watch the big fights on pay per view & to eat buffalo wings though, those are good.

  8. Just now, Tassifox said:

    Also sorry to hear about the guy you look after. Hopefully something gets through to him.


    TBH I'm probably just going to trade off and pair him with someone who also doesn't try... I'm committed to leaving the damn company by Oct anyway so the transition should be done sooner rather than later.

    Worst thing is I think he's a good laugh and we have a time, sometimes, and if I leave the company I'll probably trade numbers and we'll go out for calzones now and then or some shit. Right now his being basically an OK guy just makes thing shittier, because he doesn't know how f*cked he is if he doesn't bucko up. ?

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  9. Beer: Grimbergen Dubbel on tap or La Fin du Mode

    Red Wine: Nothing tannic tbh. Just anything that makes you go mm rather than bleh

    White: Imma sound like a Lady who Lunches but Chard

    Scotch: I like Islay scotch. so; Ardbeg or Laphroiag 

    Cocktail: Depending on mood, a whiskey sour or a negroni.

    Gin: Plymouth, Beefeater or... And it's hard to find in Britain, plain Bombay. (as in; not Sapphire.)
    Bourbon: Bulleit

    Vodka: Absolut but I'm not really a vodka drinker, never had Grey Goose for instance.

    Wildcard: Sometimes I like a Fernet and Coke

  10. IDK wtf is going on with him, he basically wants the cat to stop shitting in his garden. Even with a fuckin flood of humane suggestions dude is convinced Lillies are the way to go, like he wants revenge on a cat or something. Tried to argue for clemency for this cat with arguments like "it's a fucking cat, dude." and "It might be some kid's cat." No dice. 


    The dude I look after, I swear to God, I have bled trying to get him to engage with something, giving him info and directions to (IRL) forums for others with his condition, LGBT specific forums for others with his condition, taken him to hobbyist cafes and repeated the walking route he would need to take to get there Over, and Over, and Over again so he very definitely knows how to get there (He hasn't gone since), Taken him to a credit union to sort him an acct (which fell through), got him a damn job (didn't attend), found him var. workshops for making stuff (declared interest) and had him photograph the dates of workshops (didn't attend), related to him that there would be a large social with free food specifically for people with his condition (didn't attend) had Swift Playgrounds installed on the ipads so that he might l2code (noped out) signed him up to codeacademy (noped out) provided him with books and articles related to declared wants like being better at socializing, and nutrition (Tldr)


    Wanting to twist his head off is an exaggeration, but I definitely, at this point, spend an awful lot of my day thinking things like; "Hey if I'd have gotten hired by McDonalds instead of this Charity when I was a kid, I'd be a franchisee by now." 

  11. We live ensconced in books and also surrounded by taxidermy. From where I'm sitting right now I see abt. 200 books, and 4 dead animals. 5 if you count the vertebra we found at the beach. We assume it's a marine mammal but you never know, it might be from a dude.


    So; Imagine the Addams Family live in a crumbling Georgian terrace.

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  12. Even the singleplayer experience benefits from the Lisa Simpson "Challenge you can do" effect tho w/r/t adapting controllers, accommodating colour blindness.


    Nah, you're right, games accommodating easy difficulty is good in some sense, but Winning feels best when it was Hard to get there. I say this as someone who is not good at videogames lmao


    Except sometimes. Idk. I think everyone deserves the "Omg I can't believe I actually managed to do that!" feelie.

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  13. @Lucy you bring up a valid point bringing up coordination difficulties and var. disabilities, conditions and impairments as reasons to make a game include an "Easy" mode... But I feel like "Easy mode" is a copout. Microsoft have made hella cool steps towards accessible controllers, a lot of games now have HUD and skin adaptations towards making games more accessible to the colorblind... Making the game softer rather than adapting the user experience in such a way that disabled people can smoke ablebodied players on their own merits is in some sense Cheap, y/k?


    I have some limited experience, though, of adaptations towards disabled use of a computer, being a) being dyspraxic enough that I can still type good, and b) once breaking a collarbone and learning to play CS against bots one handed, c) Spilling a glass of wine on a keyboard to the point that it constantly typed full stops and adapting to using microsoft On Screen Keyboard to the point i could type 70wpm d) playing videogames w/ disabled adults on the reg. e) having a wife that LOVES farcry but gets simulated motion sickness so bad she borks. 

    "Hard" is definitely subjective though, at The Bad Place, there was a dude laughing at the idea that games around emotional intelligence should be a thing, and that games purely about twitch reflex is kind of underselling the medium... and I listed about twelve games that had an Emotional Intelligence route that was done very well... One in particular being LA Noire.


    (As someone with shit memory, LA Noire made me better at finding things btw... I search my house for dumbshit like my keys now in a systematic way that is like, walk in a repeating line search for the thing, looking at every point in the house once in a big ol sweep.)

  14. Replay value, replayability probably has a lot to do with whether games ought have an easy mode. If ur game is enjoyable on a second playthrough, easy mode is probably a better idea, because you get to like... Get good at the game, and have fun playing it on a higher difficulty the second time through as a norm, and the third time through as HaRdCoRe


    idk, there's a line in the Simpsons that was Lisa responding to the teech saying; "I thought you said you wanted a challenge!" and she is like... "Yes but a challenge I can DooOoOooOo..."


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  15. Today I walked for nearly six continuous hours as the guy I look after went into various stores trying to make a 25 pence saving on a canned drink. He was convinced that 85 pence was too much to pay, and that he had seen it at a different store for 60. So we went to five. different. fucking. stores looking for dat elite 25 pence saving... Then I took him into one of the maker spaces in town and said "Look; if you go to one of THESE places you can learn a craft. They will let you play with tools and you can learn something." He said he would think about it, then we spent 3 more hours shuffling around for no reason. The whole time we discussed his repetoire of about five different topics of conversation. We walked past two museums, a library, and three galleries. I lost my vape pen in a field. Sat down for a moment and that shit rolled out of my pocket. He spent a lot of the day trying to think of an insulting nickname for me. One day I am going to twist his head off. After work I went to the pub and read 2 chapters of True Grit and had 2 beers.

    Yesterday my best friend since childhood told me he intended to poison a cat. He is planting lillies with intent. I told him to buy a super soaker, an ultrasonic scarer, one of those sculptures with marbles for eyes that scare cats away. That he could plant lavender. That he could push toothpicks into the earth so the ground is unpleasant to stand on He said no. He's planting lilies in the hope that the cat dies.


