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Posts posted by Mera'din

  1. I had been holding off getting it to be sure everyone at risk was able to even though I was able to get in pretty early due to my work (despite only working with like 3 other people at any given time).  However, I have started hearing stories of places having to throw doses out recently and they've lowered the minimum age to 14 now (also our mask mandate is officially gone. :| ) so as soon as I heard the local pharmacy got more in I set up an appointment.


    Had heard they only had the J&J one but when I went to sign up they had the Moderna one too so I did that one. Probably the most chill shot I've ever had in terms of the needle itself and initial reaction. Over the next 36 hours or so starting later that day, my arm hurt like nothing else. Didn't get hit with anything else like some people have though so that was good.  Get my 2nd one the 24th. Have to see about getting the older two kids in now as well since they're both itching to start looking for jobs now.

  2. 7.) :pc: Cibele 

    Not even sure where I got this game. Must have been packed into one of the random Humble Bundle's I've bought over the years. Barely what I'd call a game at all. More like an interactive short film kind of thing about relationships that develop in online games. Felt a little cringey at times (though more because it was true to form than anything actually wrong with the way it was written). Super short and didn't really feel like it resolved in any meaningful way. Seems like it was just the creators way of telling a personal story in the best way she new how. Definitely felt like a niche sort of experience that would be lost on most people. Not something I would be likely to recommend to anyone I know, but it was quick and straight forward which is pretty much what I was looking for before I headed to bed.

  3. Been out of the anime loop for a LONG time (pretty much since FMA: Brotherhood finished up) and have only watched a handful of stuff since then, mostly game adaptation stuff (Daganronpa, Persona 4). Watched Demon Slayer recently at a work friends insistence and enjoyed it quite a bit even though I wasn't really into some of the characters and didn't care much for the art style and some of the character designs (I find that I've become kind of snobbish in my old age. XD ) . 


    Just the past couple days I've been watching one that really reminded me of why I used to like anime so much though. Saw a random picture of a character from Dorohedoro on twitter and looked it up and found there was an anime for it on Netflix and figure what the hell, there's only 13 eps. Was hooked with the first episode and watched the whole thing over the past few days. So weird and pretty consistently funny. Interesting character designs as well and I liked the art style. Thought it was going to lean super heavy into the gore at first, but I never felt like it went overboard. Hoping to see a season 2 eventually. 

    • Like 2

  4. Watched "Those Who Want Me Dead". It wasn't too bad. Nothing overly memorable about it, but I wasn't bored watching it. Probably would have never bothered to see it if not for the HBO Max thing with new movies though.


    Also started watching "The Devil All the Time" but not sure if I'll finish it. Some great acting in it, but god damn is it miserably  depressing so far. Stopped halfway through because I had to do some other stuff and not sure if I have the heart to go back to it. X_x 

  5. You're still listed on your inactive account. If you didn't activate the cross save thing off of your psn account, it wouldn't show you in it when you play or check anything.




  6. They REALLY need to roll Forsaken and Shadowkeep either into the base free game, or make them an all-in-one bundle thing with the current expansion because there is literally no reason to buy them outside of story stuff and a handful of exotics since nearly all the gear in them is sunset. :| 



    • Like 1

  7. Waiting to see more on Eternals and how well Shang Chi will be done (looks great so far). If they can nail those, we'll know Guardians wasn't just luck. Not that I expect there to be anything wrong with them. Those are just nearly as obscure as Guardians had been. The fact that they can dig past their big names and come up with something that propels them into the mainstream has always been my favorite part of these movies. Not overly surprising though. Even Iron Man was a b-list super hero before this whole thing started.


    At this point, I'd honestly be more impressed if they managed to fuck up Fantastic Four. :rotfl: 

    • ROFL 1

  8. 17 hours ago, MT said:

    I'm in none of the places you mentioned.

    Looks like I have another club to join.


    Also, hello new person. Since you actually kept coming back I figured I'd poke my head in here. XD

  9. 6.) :pc: The Signifier

    This is a game I've had on my wishlist since before it came out last October. Seemed like an interesting premise, but reviews said it was relatively short so I was waiting for a sale. Definitely an interesting game. Reminds me of a toned down version of the "Brain Dance" recordings from Cyberpunk which was probably one of the most interesting parts of that game.


    Basically, you're trying to find out how a woman died by using a scan of her brain from shortly after her death. It appears to be suicide, but she was the VP of a tech company and the timing was suspicious so you've been called on to investigate it. You use the scan to go through both objective and subjective representations of her memories from various points in her life ranging from 5 years old or so to just minutes before her death. You also investigate and speak to people in the real world to find clues that will help unlock understanding of what you've seen in her memories and can utilize things found in the memories to further interactions with some people. There are some interesting choices to be made along the way that can change the ending. The one I got was pretty bleak so I'm hoping another play through will hopefully turn things around a bit.


    In terms of gameplay, it's a relatively simple adventure game/walking simulator, with some light puzzles. Visually, it's pretty trippy as the memories you visit are not always clear and things in the subjective representation can be tainted by the persons emotions and mental state resulting in some pretty chaotic stuff. I really enjoyed it overall and it was an interesting concept. There's another game called 'Observer' that I'm looking at getting because it has a similar sort of theme to it but with more of a dark, futuristic, cyberpunk style that looks like it could be interesting.


    Also managed to get my last few completions in Hades done and saw the ending. Still playing here and there to finish some of the side stories and see the epilogue. Love that you continue to get unique interactions even after you're done with the main story. Such a well made game.

  10. Got some good feels out of this. Also logo/title reveals for basically everything for the next few years (don't think all of them had been shown yet?) Couple quick shots from Eternals as well.

    And then that last logo. :mosh:



    • Shiny 2

  11. On 4/25/2021 at 12:56 PM, Tassifox said:

    So yesterday 2 friends and I braved going to the movie theater for the first time since before Covid. I can't remember the last movie I saw out but I know it was a couple months before lockdown. We did it because 

    1. It was Demon Slayer Mugen Train

    2. The theater we went to is a fairly dead one even before Covid so we guessed it would be safe enough. 

    It was weird being there but I really really missed it. People were good about their masks, seating was tricky since it was picking your seats and with blocking out others for social distancing made it tricky for more than 2 seats so we did a later showing but I felt it was worth it. Probably won't do it for some big hits that are coming out but not bad experience. 


    Just did this tonight. Same movie. :shiny: 


    My friend and I figured it would be fine because it was the middle of the week, and it was a subbed anime movie so figured there wouldn't be too many other people around to worry about. Definitely felt weird being in a theater, but there were only like 8 other people there and picking the seats cleared out all the seats around what you picked with ours as well so didn't have to worry too much. Was really fun though. Have definitely missed going to the theater. 


    It was in South Dakota so I was worried they would half ass some of the typical protections, but the theaters there are doing a good job at least. Figure it's probably mostly the businesses that are nationwide that actually bother doing anything. Most of the stuff local to that state not so much from what I saw. 😕 

    • Like 1

  12. Pretty much agree with Anelle. It wasn't any worse than the older movies really. It was fine. Dumb fun. Could have been a whole lot worse. And at least they EVENTUALLY remembered to use the damn theme music. Took them the entire fucking movie. :rotfl: 

    Granted, it was a new 
    arrangement, but that wasn't surprising. Didn't care for it as much as the original, but was still happy to hear it.

  13. Definitely feel like some of that is the trappings of how short it was. Feels like they were going for how things worked with Walker in the comics, but couldn't really extrapolate that with the time they had (and with him not being the focus at that point) but it seems like they tried to have him convey through body language and what not that he has started to turn around, realizing what being Captain America really meant, etc. 


    Kind of wonder if this version of Madame Hydra maybe represents 'The Commission', whom he worked for in the comics as both Captain America and US Agent. Could function as another potential thread leading to doing something with the Thunderbolts.


    Really was hoping Sharon wouldn't be the Power Broker. They made it seem so obvious that I thought they must be going a different direction with it, but  I guess not. Still will certainly make things far more interesting if this carries forward to another season or whatever else. Last 5 years have not been kind to her I guess. 😧


    Sam's speech was damn good. I didn't mind the suit. Probably one of the best comic to live action ones there has been so far where they tried to keep a more "realistic" utility look to it. Was never overly fond of the ones they did for Steve outside of the first Avengers movie, so that was a nice surprise. The fight scenes in the new suit were pretty awesome too. Felt like they really dialed up how he fights a couple notches too. Getting punched and blocking with the shield while also bracing himself with the wings digging into the concrete was great.


    Also, Zemo's butler is fucking vicious. XD


    Overall I really like how this whole thing played out. Planted a lot of seeds to go in any number of directions. Probably one of the most villain/antagonist packed things they've done so far too. Used/adapted 6 different villains. Gotta be a new record, or damn close at least. >_>


    Dat closing title card was a nice touch too. "Captain America and The Winter Soldier"

    • Like 1

  14. That was literally the only one I never played. Refused to get it after they revealed there would be a multiplayer mode. Don't care how little it may have impacted anything else in the game I learned a long time ago not to support that shit when they pull it with traditionally single player games. >_o


    That and I was honestly burned out on prequels by that point and never even cared enough to see how the story was for it.

    • Like 1

  15. Yeah, they're really pissing people off with this one. The whole system is pretty fucking scummy. There's even more bitching about this already then there ever was for the sunsetting stuff so hopefully they'll make some changes to it pretty quick. It's especially ridiculous because they literally just got done axing a bunch of different currencies/resources. -_- 

  16. They turned that around in the long run though. PS3 started out practically a meme between the price point and Ken Kutaragi's undefendable bullshit among various other things but once they sorted their shit out, the cleaned the thing up pretty well and it eventually overtook the 360 by the end of that generation. There isn't much they could do at that point with how it was designed and that is clearly still biting them in the ass, but them seemingly trying to rest on their laurels isn't helping. If they wanted to sort out backwards compatibility, they could (and would have little issue in terms of the PS1/2 as an opening volley).  But Jim Ryan ABSOLUTELY refuses to consider it and he needs to get fucked.


    Microsoft getting Phil Spencer was the best thing that ever happened to them, where as Jim Ryan is basically Sony's version of Don Mattrick. :sick:

    • Like 1

  17. He was one of the last good ones still there. At least as far as the "out in front" types go. Gonna miss his dev update. Kind of wonder what happened as his public notice about it had that super vague, PR spin quality to it. Usually if they leave on good terms they're a little more specific about why so I wonder if Activision started pushing too hard on something and he said 'fuck you, I'm out." 

  18. I know. That's why I said "practically behind their backs". This has technically been in the works for a while as apparently part of their renegotiated licensing agreement included MLB's ability to take the game to whatever platform they wanted, but the fact that it was dropped out of nowhere less than 3 weeks from the games release was amusing to watch on twitter. Especially since the game will be a day 1 drop on Game Pass vs. Playstation owners having to pay $70 for it (because of course it's one of the games upped the price on). The series has been a Sony exclusive for like 2 decades, and has been the sole MLB game series available for like 7 years. Sony can't be happy with the situation.

  19. Watched a few this weekend:


    Nobody - This was a lot of fun. Solid comedy and acttion. Best way I can describe it is "John Wick, but with Bob Odenkirk". Also contains a shotgun weilding Christopher Lloyd, so there's that.


    Psycho Goreman - Another fun movie. Weird as fuck and kind of gorey but in a campy 80s "Toxic Avengers" sort of way. General feel of the movie reminded me of "Turbo Kid" which I had also enjoyed. 


    Monster Hunter - Enjoyed this more than I expected. Dumb, fun action movie loosely connected to a video game. Ie: What Milla Jovovich does best. Really like the mo stereo designs and they seem true to the source material as far as I'm aware. Ending was annoying as fuck though. If I wanted a bullshit, mid-action cliffhanger ending, I'd go watch some anime.

  20. Sony playing that FOMO game. :rotfl:


    Probably more likely that the instant and very verbal sentiment from a lot of people was "lol okay. Gonna pirate a bunch of this shit since you refuse to sell it to us." and they decided they like money after all.


    They're really screwing themselves this generation. Kind of wonder how things will play out in the long run because xbox has been on a roll recently and Sony seems to be trying to rest on laurels they may or may not actually have. 


    Also, MLB: The Show '21 being put onto Game Pass day 1 practically behind their backs is an absolute alpha dick move. XD
