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Everything posted by webhead

  1. It does prevent infection but if it doesn't completely prevent it, they've said it ALSO prevents getting a really severe one. From what I've read at least.
  2. Vaccine is not going to be a huge factor until all the adults get it. Once Jovanna AND I have it, we can definitely alter our behavior. City of Phoenix apparently will be having their own setup and plans going so my wife is kind of keeping an eye on that to see when she might get to go. She's got some risk conditions so we're hoping, you know, earlier.
  3. webhead

    I made it 96+ hours

    Been eating well this week managing to stay under my calories every day pretty well. I lost like 4 lbs the first couple days. Saturday is my cheat day tho which works out since that is also Zoom day.
  4. webhead

    [20/12/28] Totally Weekly Gaming Thread

    I added (ps5) to the emotes now btw.
  5. Ugh. Older they get somehow the dumber they get. Many of them never learned critical thinking and their retarded logic just builds on itself over time and you get shit like this.
  6. webhead

    Merry Christmas 2020

    That is awesome! What I got: 1TB M.2 NVME drive to replace my 256GB (woooo, reinstalled Windows last night and am loading this baby up with games as we speak) New Nvidia Shield Pro (does Dolby Vision yessss) Instant Pot nonstick pot Comic Stuff: Spider-Man Maximum Carnage Epic Collection Fatale v2 (Brubaker) Klaus v1 and 2 Sackboy for PS5 Medievil for PS4 Bourne Collection in 4K Noctua fans that are black instead of poop brown for my computer (I had 3 and though I asked for 2 just to replace on the CPU I ended up getting 3 so I also got to replace a poop brown case fan for a nice neat case ) Friends jammies set Some nice button down shirts from Jovanna Scooby Shirt 50 bucks from Grandma Countless things I bought myself (mostly comics) but also a Ninja Toaster Oven/Air Fryer. I love it.
  7. Biologically seems like being a woman really fucking sucks sometimes. Hopefully everything is good now and no more bullshit to deal with after this.
  8. Oh yeah he was talking about it the other night. They knew it was there but had other shit to take care of so they could get her into surgery.
  9. Really glad to see she got in and out of surgery successfully man. Tell her I already miss her screaming in the background on Zoom calls and hope she's better soon.
  10. webhead

    The Great Londish American Zoom Meetup

    Tomorrow! Let's try to all make at least one. Last of the year!
  11. You can postpone your wedding. No one is going to die because of it. Seriously. This is just the dumbest shit ever.
  12. What in the actual fuck? The level of selfishness there is fucking unbelievable.
  13. Sorry to hear that. Hopefully she gets through without too much more strain.
  14. webhead

    [Gaming Chat]

    Mixed feelings. Last ME game was underwhelming and Bioware seems to just suck more and more as time goes on.
  15. webhead

    Winter Anime 2021

    Jfc finally! January 7th I see? I'm fuckin THERE.
  16. webhead

    Holiday Card Xchange

    Got your card yesterday! Thanks!
  17. webhead

    [Streaming General]

    Wonder Woman 84 is first up I think. AND they are rolling out 4K AND HDR! I'm really liking HBO Max.
  18. webhead

    [Streaming General]

    Today Jovanna and I watched through the new Saved by the Bell. Pilot was okay but honestly the show got better and better throughout and was better than I had expected (or was pretty close to what I expected/hoped for). It's very self aware and funny which I enjoyed and it was fun to watch. I see people are going all over the internet to review bomb it for its wokeness or whatever but I thought they played most of that pretty cool other than, I guess, the entire premise of the series which is the kids from the shit school being sent to Bayside. Anyone else watch or going to watch? I watched like all that show back in the day as a kid so I was kind of hyped when the trailers didn't look like total shit so I'm happy it turned out decent.
  19. webhead

    The Great Londish American Zoom Meetup

    TOMORROW / TODAY. BE THERE!!! Londish Meet: Noon West Coast 1p AZ time 3p East Coast 8p Londish Time Murican Meet: 6p West Coast 7p AZ time 9p East Coast
  20. webhead

    Playstation General

    It also records your voice if you haven't muted the mic on your controller! Some dude posted his trophy get from Demons Souls where he's just screaming in the background on Reddit. I lol'd. https://www.reddit.com/r/PS5/comments/k1ebkr/first_time_souls_player_i_didnt_realise_that_the/
  21. webhead

    Playstation General

    I might plug in a hard drive at some point for ps4 games too. We'll see. I got demon's souls and Spider-Man. Spidey is probably the big one everyone is playing. The backwards compatibility is what made day 1 easier for me. I can still play the ps4 games I haven't finished but with better performance potentially and a controller with better battery life I think? Seems like a win.
  22. I've only seen one store with arrows and it was honestly annoying as fuck because it was not a grocery store where you can easily do up/down through every aisle. It was a fucking TJ Maxx and the arrows were an incomprehensible fucking mess (which is what you'd expect at a TJ Maxx tbh).
  23. Feel bad for you both. My job fortunately allows me to just work at home so I've been fortunate. Even here with the Republican governor, we still have mask mandates. Of course I still see plenty of dipshits not wearing them but I live on the side of town with less entitled rich people so it seems to be less prevalent here. On the other hand, we went to the Kneaders over here to eat outside (it's nice, I don't want COVID by sitting around people inside a building, etc) and Jovanna said there were a shitload of people packed in there. Like...why? In "well I guess it could have been worse" news, Jovanna just missed the seniority cutoff and they're making a bunch of the convention center employees move to other city jobs. I'm glad that they aren't just firing them or laying them off but she has no idea where she's going to go (she started applying for vacant jobs) and she also has no idea how long (UP TO 3 YEARS possibly???). So she's been really stressed out about this. It sucks but I am really glad that they ARE going to move her instead of firing her. Kind of a good news bad news kinda thing.