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in content posted in Birds Of Prey (2020) and posted by Mera'din.

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Nintendo Switch

Found 2 results

  1. Mera'din

    Birds Of Prey (2020)

    Wow, I did not even remember that that was supposed to be her in that show. I remember the character but she was so different from every other iteration of the character that I completely forgot about it. XD
  2. Mera'din

    Birds Of Prey (2020)

    I'm mostly annoyed that they shoe-horned Harley Quinn into this at all. I don't follow DC comics but was she EVER part of a lineup in that series? ? Mostly I was a fan of the TV series they did back in the day (even have it on DVD), and this is most definitely nothing like that. I honestly had to look up the movie to figure out who ANY of the other characters even were (like the choice of villains though) because I couldn't tell from the trailer. >_> One plus I got from the trailer: I'm honestly excited they're giving her a Hyena. That was always one of the most memorable part of her character for me from the animated series. XD Seemed like it was just one, but I'll take it. Hyenas are supposed to be insanely hard to train and keep calm without doing things they probably couldn't get away with these days so I imagine having 2 (assuming they used a real one though it looked like they did) would have been an ordeal.