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Found 43 results

  1. Anelle

    [Manga Chat]

    I have read so. much. manga. lately. I'd love (but also be scared to see) a report on how much time I've spent on MangaDex and the couple of official apps I use! Been keeping up with the usual favs on Jump, One Piece, My Hero Academia, Jujutsu Kaisen, Spy x Family, Akane-banashi, Chainsaw Man I finally gave the Ichinose Family a go and binged that and have been keeping current with it! I fell behind on Sakamoto Days around this time last year, so I need to catch up on a year's worth of that. I got a few chapters of Gokurakugai and Wild Strawberry to read as well. I never finished chapter 1 of Shojo Null so I'll just start that back over and see how I like it. Been reading Kagurabachi as it comes out, other than that I don't think there's anything on there I'm actively wanting to keep up with atm! I'm just now realizing that I never finished PPPPPP and I got like 13 chapters of that left, so I guess I'll round that out too even though it clearly lost me pretty hard there. I think the big thing I'm wanting to tackle Jump-wise is to finally start Kaiju No 8! I've been interested for ages but it seems like every time I remembered that I need to start it up I was in the middle of something else I'd started to read.
  2. Anelle

    [Manga Chat]

    I AM SO SICK OF THE CULLING GAME IN JJK SO SICK OF IT JUST FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK PLEASE, SOMETHING ELSE ALREADY At least I don't totally hate the fight going on now but it's already wearing thin on me..... very very shonen fight for sure. Akane-banashi continues to deliver, and I'm still enjoying Fabricant 100, wasn't sure if I would stick with that one or even if it'd survive this long. Not really into Ice-head gil or whatever it is but I keep reading it just because it's new and there. Wild Strawberry seems promising, I'll stick with it for a bit at least.
  3. Anelle

    [Manga Chat]

    I'm way behind on sharing my thoughts in here!!! I'm finishing packing (I leave to see Lucy in Scotland tomorrow!!!!!!) but I'll try and slam some of them down tonight! I've missed talking manga with y'all, I've just been frazzled lately
  4. Anelle

    [Manga Chat]

    I'm behind on a lot of stuff but I did check out the first chapter of Fabricant 100 and it definitely has my interest
  5. Anelle

    [Manga Chat]

    Thank you! It'll even out eventually but it's been rough af. There's been stuff I enjoyed in the Culling Game arc but for the most part it just feels like it just DRAGS so hard, and a lot of the action is hard to read because of the art style. Assuming the anime makes it to this point though.... it'll probably be rad as hell when animated. At least in the latest chapters it really feels more like plot progression than it has in a while! I've never read all of JJBA either.... maybe once I get HxH under my belt I'll go for it too
  6. Anelle

    [Manga Chat]

    I've been super sick from a bunch of med adjustments/new meds and it's been all i can do to barely keep up with things I've never actually read much HxH and I wanna dive into that! I'm actually really fucking sick of the current JJK arc, I'm ready for something else to happen...
  7. Anelle

    [Manga Chat]

    yesssss i have begun my binge, the hype is real
  8. Anelle

    [Manga Chat]

    I did a big re-read of Claymore not too long ago! I might have talked about it in here, I don't fucking remember anything ever. It was the first time I got to just read the entire thing beginning to end and was a really good reminder of the influence it had on my art. The story gets weird, like I didn't hate it or anything but it has the Shingeki no Kyojin tonal shift beat out by a decade or so lmao. I think it's worth a read!
  9. Anelle

    [Manga Chat]

  10. Anelle

    [Manga Chat]

    AKANEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE my giiiiiiiiiiirl I love her so much I want an anime of this now now now now PPPPPP
  11. Anelle

    [Manga Chat]

  12. Anelle

    [Manga Chat]

    You've seen his twitter, right??? He's working hard!
  13. Anelle

    [Manga Chat]

    Yeah! I've been really glad to see more open communication about mangaka health and breaks. The industry is still insane workload conditions but there does seem to have been a positive shift! I don't mind waiting for more of series if it means the author is taking care of themselves and coming back ready to give their best. UNLESS IT'S FUCKING CLAMP, IT'S BEEN 123123123 YEARS PLEASE FUCKING FINISH X/1999 I'M FUCKING BEGGING PLEASE
  14. Anelle

    [Manga Chat]

    man, already hiatus for Ruri Dragon due to author health issues! So far it wasn't anything overly outstanding, but it was a lot of fun--- definitely something I would have been vibin' hard with as a teen I hope the mangaka recovers well, that sucks
  15. Anelle

    [Manga Chat]

    I just could not get into Black Clover! The anime at least. I tried 3 separate times and stalled out every time and never bothered to try the manga. I have pretty big shonen battle fatigue, I can only hang on through so much of it lol I love the Shonen Jump app, it's provided so much reading time for me on days I have to do bedrest ?? I wish there were some other similar apps as far as the interface goes, I'd buy a few more digital titles from other places if they were as easy to use but so far every other one I've tried is messy
  16. Anelle

    [Manga Chat]

    EARTHCHILD SHOULD HAVE ENDED THERE. WHY edit---then again, I've read it every goddamn week so I guess a bunch of other people have too and since overseas metrics don't mean shit to WSJ I guess Japan likes it??? I have not bothered to look it up because I don't care that much
  17. Anelle

    [Manga Chat]

    Dude the new chapter has me PUMPED It's been a hot minute so I forgot just how out there and violent this series gets and this chapter went hard! Might treat myself to a reread
  18. Anelle

    [Manga Chat]

    I think I'm over Dr. Stone. I still read this special chapter and will probably read future ones but I was ready for it to just be done. Akane-banashi is dragging a bit for me, there was too much explaining grinning dude's gimmick and less showing so it feels like the part of this I find most fun has stalled. I'm still very invested though! Earthchild keeps stressing me out because every fucking chapter feels like "ok THIS is where they're gonna hit wrap up because surely this is getting cancelled" and it KEEPS GOING but I want them to be a happy lil family goddamnit
  19. Anelle

    [Manga Chat]

    Yeah, Ayashimon was one that I enjoyed but it didn't quite have a good hook in me until more recently and while I assumed the whole story run would be a shorter one due to the power leap I wasn't expecting this =( It just took a little too long for the plot pacing and the art to reach a more appealing balance, the art style is cool but also a slog on the eyes, way too much scratching and dark blobs. That had really started to even out better by this point. Pacing was slow at first, you could tell there was a "meet and gain allies" roadmap but it just wasn't strong enough. Oh well, it seems like the author has had more success with a different series that I haven't read so I'll take a look at that. On to the next shonen jump offering I guess!
  20. Anelle

    [Manga Chat]

    RIP Ayashimon I guess, damn.
  21. Anelle

    [Manga Chat]

    ohhh yeah that's a pile of guns!!! ok. My sleep deprived brain kept trying to make that into like... one object and i was just furious that I couldn't figure it out lmao
  22. Anelle

    [Manga Chat]

    also i am now current on sakamoto days lol
  23. Anelle

    [Manga Chat]

  24. Anelle

    [Manga Chat]

    Ayashimon 21
  25. Anelle

    [Manga Chat]

    When Lucky called someone else's hair weird I lost my shit