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Nintendo Switch

Found 73 results

  1. Fuck dude that is completely terrible. I'm really sorry to hear that.
  2. So really it's just to shut people up so businesses can just point to the order. Fair enough. People are being completely unreasonable assholes about this entire thing...because somehow wearing a fucking mask is political now too.
  3. Couldn't they do that before if they wanted to? I'm confused.
  4. "How could we have known??!" Reminds me of this idiot: https://www.fox10phoenix.com/news/phoenix-man-has-warning-for-other-young-people-as-he-battles-covid-19 Trying to find this link again and I found an entire page of search results of the same thing basically from different people. All you can say is like... No shit. Everyone fucking told you to take this seriously lol.
  5. A mix of contrarianism and doing the opposite of what the government says even if they're right mixed with selfishness imo. It's not actually a hard thing to do at all.
  6. Everything here is dumb and the news is being dumb to scare everyone extra to get more eyeballs. Things I'm frustrated by: No one will just wear a mask. They bitch about it constantly and I see so many people out without them walking into stores and shit. The news is lying about things to make them look way worse than they are which makes having a conversation about this really difficult since they are RIGHT that the news is lying. Are things bad in AZ? Yes, they are. Is the news massively inflating HOW bad they are? Yes. They report things that have several mitigating factors and go "LOOK AT ALL THE CASES" while ignoring any and all other factors. It's frustrating. I watch our data dashboards. Shit is definitely not in a GOOD place. Everything sucks and I can't do anything. I feel bad that Luna is getting basically no human interaction other than us. That can't be super good for her development. We are at least taking this time to potty train Luna so I guess that's using the time wisely? I have vacation time and I can use it to do... ?????????? Shit is closing down permanently all over the place because of the shutdowns. Why do we need the shutdowns? Because people can't willingly be responsible and take precautions. Cool. Things that are kind of cool I haven't physically been to work since February and I might not have to go back until next year Good news bad news here...I've tracked down and bought all kinda of comic shit but also dear god the money spent Because of crappy supply issues, PS4s and Xbones are constantly going in and out of stock and I sold my old ones for enough money to pay for the PS5 when it comes out. Also the SNES controllers that Nintendo sells for Nintendo Online members just came back in stock and I got 2. My family isn't stupid. When things LOOKED like they were going to be fine back in early June, they tentatively scheduled a get together which we then cancelled without any fuss at all. Everyone pretty much was like yeah this ain't gonna work. My grandparents at that same time decided to go out and eat at Cracker Barrel and they're now...not doing that again. My mother despite leaning right politically has taken this seriously and is very rational about things. Though I feel super fucking bad she pretty much doesn't get to see Luna at all.
  7. If you're at a point in this thing where you're still restricting sizes of parties and how many people can be inside a restaurant, that still seems like a stupid time to go out. The phase thing is funny. I mean I get it. They're lifting restrictions so go and do whatever but...I'm probably not gonna.
  8. Bunch of places are going to see huge spikes. There's no getting around it. Realistically you can't just keep people from doing shit forever though so it is what it is. As long as the hospitals aren't ACTUALLY getting overwhelmed, it'll be fine. It's just stupid.
  9. The sale is going to come back anyway. Not sure why you gotta be such a fuckhat about it.
  10. I just cannot understand what possesses people to be such obnoxious pieces of shit to people like that. Get over yourself you selfish fucking assholes. Good god.
  11. Yeah that's what I said. It IS indeed generic advice. I'm saying there isn't anything specific, it's all shit people see discussed and then run away with having little to no understanding what they are regurgitating (huge game of telephone).
  12. The heat thing killing the virus originally came from how the Spanish flu receded during the summer (then came roaring back when it got cold again), if I'm remembering the time line of things here. Also this is probably more related to the whole "colds and flus spread easier in the winter because everyone is cooped up in enclosed spaces" moreso than the actual heat itself but maybe it was both. That and you know, enough heat will kill any virus. Lol. One of the videos Betty shared with me from a medical professional showing how to treat things entering your home basically said that microwaving your take out should kill the germs on it. Looks like Jovanna is going to have to go back soon if they let the order we have expire here around the same time. I'm pretty pissed that they're going to make them go back to work when their entire job can be done remotely. I've been angrily cursing about it all day because the director of her department or whatever is a complete fuckwad and simply won't let people work from home even though it is indeed an option for them. He only let them do it during the pandemic basically when forced and is already telling them to come back the DAY the order lifts. He is seriously a piece of shit. On the flip side my work said basically only people that absolutely cannot work from home effectively will go back when the orders lift but the rest of us don't even worry about May because it's not going to happen then. Probably more like June/July and even then they're talking about rotating people in and out (and anyone with health considerations will likely get a pass which...Jovanna has high blood pressure and a heart condition that is controlled with meds but you know...one of the other reasons I'm so fucking pissed at her work ).
  13. Seems like the perfect time to open, look at that curve go dow---wait
  14. I can somewhat understand the actual issues they have with how things are being handled and wanting to protest. I cannot understand going out with no protection like a fucking moron and potentially starting a huge outbreak. Plus I've seen the signs most of the people hold up and a large number of them are legitimately fucking retarded. I think my favorite are the fucking luddites that think 5G is causing all this. How do you even live life that stupid? Then just...basically this whole episode.
  15. Sorry bro. But just stay home. Most people are going to do the same and it will just be fucking idiots wandering around (I bet most of the people protesting go back home). The people really getting fucked would be anyone that is forced to go back to work and be exposed to getting sick. I would be extremely fucking mad about that. Of course if you are basically not getting paid right now, that still might be better...that or a temp layoff so you can get unemployment or something.
  16. Yeah, the testing is where we're really fucking ourselves in the US. The more testing we have, the more we can figure out who has it and isolate them. Then we can get rid of some of the stay at home and shelter shit and slowly go more towards like...just testing fucking everyone everywhere. So they're going to kill like...all of their voters?
  17. What is "most deaths" in this case anyway? One of the scary things about this is that is has killed a fair number of perfectly healthy (before this) people. That's kind of fucking scary. This whole "can we get back to normal so we don't lose money" thing is kind of a shitty way to think about things. Things can't get back to "normal" but they should maybe reconsider how they're implementing these lock downs and look for ways to mitigate the spread but still allow people to work so they don't lose their houses and shit.
  18. Glad you are feeling better bro. Stay safe. If you need to chat because you're going stir crazy, we're all hovering around Discord.
  19. I just do store pickup. I don't even get out of the car now because we both know what this is and he doesn't want me near him as much as I don't want him near me so it works. @Garlic Junior Hope you feel better soon, bud. I'm sure it's not the big one but still....treat yourself well.
  20. You had me at "condense all the kids in a single building" since you know...don't...do...that...
  21. Fortunately I can work from home so I'm good for work. All the restaurants are doing curb side and stuff. Lots of stuff closing of things. I'm mostly just not going anywhere except to get food.