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  1. That really sucks. Hopefully the guy bounces back after the hospital stay, but getting hospitalized can’t be a good sign
  2. Yikes. Circumstances are quite different from there to here. AFAIK masks will be required at all schools here (in class, in the halls, on buses, etc.) I'm sure a small amount of people are upset by that, but anybody that is that opposed to masking can choose to put their kids in online schooling, or some other alternative to public schools. It seems odd to pass legislation saying schools cannot require masks. Right now there is a push from some parents in Ontario to require all teachers and school staff get vaccinated, but I doubt that will go anywhere. The government is loathe to make vaccines mandatory. But if they strongly recommend it, and introduce routine rapid testing for staff that choose to not get the vaccine, then I think that will be adequate.
  3. That's a bummer. I would probably not be so quick to pull my kids from school, but it would also depend on other factors. Does your school seem like it's got a good plan in place to screen kids each day and notify parents if a case is found in the school? There are still going to be some cases that slip through the cracks, but if the school seems to have a credible plan in place to handle COVID and mitigate the risks, then that would satisfy me. I totally get how other people would see things differently though! Each kid is different too. My 10 year old always wears a mask without complaints or having to remind her, and she's mindful about physical distancing and other COVID-related rules, so it's easy for us to trust her to be safe at school. If she behaved differently then we'd probably be more worried about that as well. School doesn't start here until after Labour Day. We'll see how things go in September.
  4. The Ford government wants nothing to do with a vaccine passport, so I don't know if we'll get one in Ontario. I think it would be a good idea to need to show proof of vaccination to get into higher-risk places like indoor gyms, etc... but I can also see how some people would find that problematic. We'll see what happens.
  5. I'll probably still vote in-person as usual. I'm vaxxed to the maxx and don't mind waiting in line (if there even is a line ). Seems like a lot of people don't want an election, so maybe turn-out will be poor anyways. Unless the CPC really rally the troops to get out and vote against Trudeau. But the CPC can't even get along with each other very well right now, so I don't have much confidence in them to get their act together either.
  6. Sounds like we'll be seeing a snap election call very soon. Going to the polls in September could be a total shitshow depending on how things go with the virus over the next few weeks. Lots of people are gonna be mad
  7. A headline I read the other day: 'No doubt' Canada now in 4th wave of COVID-19 as cases spike across much of the country Yay You've gotta figure it won't be as bad given how many people are vaccinated, but a new school year is right around the corner here and I don't want my 10 year old at home all the time anymore. School needs to stay open plz, I don't care how COVID-y things get
  8. I don’t go to conventions and stuff like that much for fun, but I normally hit quite a few trade shows throughout the year for work. The biggest one is pretty massive, every winter at the Metro Toronto Convention Center. Thousands and thousands of people go through the trade show each day. Gonna be kinda weird going back to that if they’re back in 2022. I haven’t been to any shows (except virtual ) since March 2020.
  9. Gotta figure that lots of people may never return to regular office work. So many jobs can be done remotely just fine. But some managers are sticklers for attendance, so it will take a while yet to convince those types that there’s nothing wrong with remote work.
  10. I guess we’ll find out soon if 70% is adequate. The delta variant is apparently more transmissible, so that could be a problem. But we do need to abandon the pandemic protocols eventually… I am just not convinced that it’s wise to do it as quickly as Alberta is doing it. I’m fascinated to see how things play out over there… from a very safe distance here in Ontario
  11. Over in Alberta they are very close to pretty much scrapping all pandemic protocols and restrictions: “The province announced Wednesday that Alberta will soon have no mandatory COVID-19 protocols: no more mandatory masking, contact tracing or isolating. It's part of a move to treat the coronavirus more like other respiratory viruses.” I guess they will basically treat COVID the same as the flu and other viruses go around. I think they will still recommend people who test positive to isolate, but it will not be mandatory. Sounds like they will also cut down on testing, only testing people with severe symptoms. This might not end well, but good luck Alberta! Eventually I think we will all need to do the same, but it might be too soon. Especially in Alberta where vaccine uptake has perhaps not been high enough yet. I guess they will just live with people getting sick.
  12. I got my second dose last week. I was tired for a couple days, but that was it. Some story for the wife. Easy peasy.
  13. Well I got my first dose shortly after noon today, and I ain’t dead yet My wife’s first dose yesterday gave her quite a bit of arm pain, but it was manageable. I figured it would go one of two ways for me: no reactions at all; or a full blown man flu. I think I’m good. No soreness or anything else. We’ll see how I feel in the evening and overnight…
  14. Gettin' vaxxed tomorrow afternoon. No blood clots plz.
  15. I got the message today to make an appointment for my first dose. I guess it’ll be later this week. My wife’s appointment is for tomorrow.
  16. Many Canadians want so badly to somehow be better than our American neighbours. It's silly. I pre-reg'd for my first dose today. Just this week they opened it up to anybody 18+ in Ontario. I'm pretty low on the priority list though, so who knows how long I'll be on the waiting list before I get an appointment.
  17. It doesn’t make any sense, but the Ontario government has a track record of doing stuff that doesn’t make sense. During the winter lockdown (Boxing Day through to the end of January) ski hills were not allowed to open either. I don’t get it. The thing that continues to baffle me is that Doug Ford is a Conservative who is supposed to be all about facilitating business. His big slogan after getting elected was basically, “Ontario: Open for business”. But for the past year he has continually shut down small businesses, closed relatively safe outdoor activities like golf courses, ski hills, camp sites, etc. The little guys , mom ‘n’ pops, are closing shop while Costco, Amazon, Walmart, etc. are probably making a killing. The government claims to be following guidance of the science board, but it just doesn’t add up.
  18. "Thanks Doug" is trending on Twitter right now Stay-at-home order was planned to end May 20, but was extended yesterday to June 2. They still won't even allow the fucking golf courses to open. All of the major summer events in the GTA will probably be cancelled for the second year in a row (Caribana, the CNE, etc.) I don't golf or go to, well, anything really... so it's not like my life has changed much, but I'm a bit different than lots of (most?) people. Other folks need an outlet of some sort. A round of golf with a few friends would not be that dangerous. Close the clubhouse and bar/restaurant. Keep everybody outside. BYOB. Piss behind a tree if you have to. Walk the course instead of renting a car. This ain't rocket science. The golf courses could manage it safely and easily. I think provincial parks are open, at least, but I'm not sure if campsites are available. Everybody is cancelling all their spring/summer plans, I guess.
  19. Ontario apparently stopped using the Astrazeneca vaccine and we don't have enough of the non-blood-clot vaccines to go around, so we're just living in a perpetual stay-at-home order. Everyone is going nutty. My 2 year old got sent home from daycare on Tuesday because she had a runny nose. My work is getting fucking dumb due to all of the problems caused by COVID around the world. I have consumed a truly unhealthy amount of beer over the last couple weeks, and I don't see an end to any of this bullshit in sight
  20. Get a some OJ and a bottle of sparkling wine, mimosas are what I would prescribe in this case. Also a shot of scotch before bedtime won't hurt.
  21. I dunno, I think Brazil is botching their COVID response pretty badly, so I don't think US and A gets to be No. 1 at failing-to-control-COVID
  22. Rather than learning from the mistakes made in the U.S. and other places, we decided in Ontario that it would be best to just repeat all the same mistakes
  23. Try not to get sick. Keep going to work. Try not to get sick at work. Keep going to work even if you do get sick (or stay home and I guess just stop paying rent or stop eating???).