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Nintendo Switch

Found 118 results

  1. god, I saw your city pop up in my twitter trends and was like oh boy people in Erika's neck of the woods still actin' up and SURE ENOUGH I can only hope that their "check" for it is to try and connect to your personal 5G and if you don't come up on their phone you're good. That or one of those pet microchip scanner wands. Fucking hell edit: I meant to quote MT but I'm dumb and lazy second edit: what the entire fuck, Alberta
  2. DESZAE, PLEASE LMFAO beatin' people up verbally (they deserve it tho) omg that satay looks gooooooooooooood now i'm fuckin' hungry
  4. what in the absolute fuck are people supposed to do? So fucking stupid
  5. Jesus, that's bleak. So much of this could have been avoided but no sense dwelling on that (even though it's really hard not to be bitter)
  6. We got ours ridiculously early only because I put our names on the list like... minutes after our city put the sign ups page live. I really thought that would just mean we'd get in the front of the line during a later phase but apparently they had doses to use and not enough people signing up so I guess they were just like fuck it, we'll pull from other phases. I still feel guilty about it, but they had doses they needed to use and we were eligible so we took it.
  7. We had a small family gathering for Easter (most of us are fully vaccinated, but we held it distanced outside anyway) and our uhhhhhh fuck it i'll just call her step sister in law even though she isn't (complicated lol) came and she told me she was too scared to get the vaccine because she heard it had super scary side effects and I was just like NOOOOOOO PLEASE GET IT so hopefully she takes that to heart instead of whatever rumors she's hearing... It really sounds like y'all are on the same rollout schedule we're on but got a way slower start and that fucking sucks. It's been sounding that way for a while but I guess I assumed y'all would catch up, but doing some reading I guess it sounds like Canada chose to invest in European factories for vaccines instead of US ones which I mean.... I don't blame them for being wary of all that since it got started under Trump but god it sucks that it's all so backed up. What a mess. I really hope things start to pick up pace wise for y'all soon.
  8. No idea on the variant thing. From what my parents say, it sounds like when Lee's aunt had it, but the difference is he's tested positive for it and she tested negative 3 times but they were like "ok but this is clearly covid so uhhhhhh" She had a hell of a time for about a week and she had my mother in law around to take care of her, so I'm super worried about my cousin being alone. But I mean, he's checking in with family and if he stops checking in we know to break down his door i guess! ....or use a key, i think my parents have a spare key. That's less dramatic tho.
  9. We ain't learned shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit we all gonna diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie *fart noises* I don't really have a high opinion of anyone in any sort of leadership position anywhere right now because of this shit. Just line up politicians and let us all queue up to spit in their mouths. I don't think I mentioned it here yet but a cousin of mine has covid and i'm about to just rupture with anxiety. Dude lives alone in an area where he doesn't really have a bunch of close neighbors and isn't doing too hot right now. He's close enough to my parents to where they were able to drop off some supplies on his doorstep today but he can't keep anything down and has awful fever and shit like that. Hoping this is the worst of it.
  10. It just continues to break my mind seeing these numbers over and over and have places open and trying to pretend nothing is going on. I feel like that article leaves out the part where this metaphorical plane wreck is gonna crash into the still smoldering remains of another wreck. Oof.
  11. like, on the one hand i'm more than happy to repeat guidelines to my parents if they'll follow them, and my mom generally actually listens (mostly.) because they live in such a godawful misinformation bubble that if they genuinely want to hear, ok but also it's not like they're totally blocked from this information. I dunno. I ain't gotta deal with them in person though, I live too far for that so it's whatever. People in my actual realistic social circles seem to accept that our stance on coming to parties and shit is "absolutely not" we got people inviting us to weddings this year tho and i'm just like fuck off with this shit i latched onto "the pandemic isn't over just because you're over it" meme but it's so fucking true
  12. My parents got their second shot today so butthole is preparing to unclench a lil more They've been traveling to see my brother and his family though so ???????? hopefully they lay low long enough for it to fully take effect before they do that again but i doubt it Dad straight up asked me what they should do after they got it (ie masking and the like) and I was like I'm more than happy to tell you but uhhhh this information should be available/you should know also you're not going to listen to me anyway so I DUNNO I'M JUST SO FUCKING TIRED i hope everyone here is able to get theirs soon
  13. maybe with all the chaos people without a ps5 can get one while everyone's trying to get a shot
  14. either you feel like shit or i'll come beat you up so that you do SOMEONE has to suffer with me
  15. at one point I thought they were but it turns out i just had a really big fart brewing
  16. No spiders have erupted from it yet and the swelling has gone down but there's still time
  17. there's been people here who signed up and then i guess didn't check their email (or their phone because we also got robocalls and texts informing us of our appointment) and didn't show up so there were wasted doses, or there could have been a million other factors I dunno. It fucking suuuuuuuuuuuuuucks seeing numbers like that though. as for symptom update, i got me a big ole fat goose egg lump on my injection site i'll let y'all know if spiders hatch outta it
  18. Officially got shot #2! I'll share side effects as they come if anyone wants so that y'all know what to expect but I think by now there's enough data for people to know what to expect. It's been about an hour since we got 'em and I don't quiiiiiiiiite feel run down but like... teetering on it? Keep in mind this is how I generally feel after flu shots too so it's pretty normal. We're gonna go out for steak 2 weeks from now once these set in. Still gonna maintain masks and distancing and all that but we can unclench juuuust a bit. Gonna tip real well too.
  19. Second shot tomorrow, apparently! We were told expect a delay but apparently they're back on track!
  20. My parents have their vaccines scheduled! They'll receive their first shots when we get our second round. I'll be able to relax just a bit more now, since they're still not bothering using precautions with my brother and his family (and bro & co certainly aren't taking precautions) Just a bit though, they'll probably act like total fuckwits after they get the first round so I'll have to clench back up but i'll take a lil respite where I can get it for now
  21. Definitely look into whether there's city lists or grocery stores or pharmacies or anything like that that you can throw your name in on. My MIL was first priority but ended up getting hers via a local Brookshires rather than her workplace because she heard a rumor they had it and when she called they were like yeah, come on in. Obvs mileage may vary on scenarios like that, but better to put feelers out than not
  22. oof, that sucks. Like that there doesn't seem to be infection though, that's a relief.