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Found 6 results

  1. Galeigh

    Watchmen (HBO)

    That was kinda my point... This new series doesn't come from a good place and will be bad. Just like the newest ghost busters.
  2. Galeigh

    Watchmen (HBO)

    Because we know all that's need about the History of the Watchmen (any more risks fucking with the canon story) and anything set AFTER it's events undermine the ending of the series and takes the wind out of Ozymandias' Genius plan and the uncertainty of Rorshach's Journal bringing it all down.
  3. Galeigh

    Watchmen (HBO)

    I wouldn't care if they copied the style. Some really good shit jas come outta copying another style: Deadpool, Moonknight, Shazaam, fucking Goku is a straight rip off of Supermans origin, the list goes on. Watchmen was, from start to finish, designed to be an enclosed story with a dubious ending. Expanding upon it just dimishes it. The whole style and premise, however, I can 100% get behind that being used somewhere else. Some stories just shouldn't be touched, and Watchmen is one of the. DC is already fucking it up and this shit is exacerbating the problem. Alan Moore can be a right ass, but he IS one of the best writers for comics alive right now. That's an earned rep that should be respected.
  4. Galeigh

    Watchmen (HBO)

    Or just not make it? There a dozens of other properties at their disposal that could USE more expanding. Why blow money ruining something?
  5. Galeigh

    Watchmen (HBO)

    Never said I hate this. I just disagree that should have ever been made. It's toxic to the source material, like the recent Ghost Busters movie which ignores everything great about it's progenitor (I am referring to good writing over bad, and great characters instead 1 dimensional cut outs, not the fact that the new has a female cast instead of a male one) to make a quick buck.
  6. Galeigh

    Watchmen (HBO)

    Not being faithful to the source material? With Watchmen? Hard pass. The sheer arrogance of it is just mind boggling. It's not too much of an exaggeration to say Watchmen is one of the best written comics of the last 60 years. This will end very badly.