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Found 12 results

  1. Anelle

    Pet Time Party

  2. Anelle

    Pet Time Party

    SDF;LBJIAlwDRJwalkJEDRGVLA;EFJKRGLVKAERDFJGVLA;KJWELFGKAWRJG;LKFJ LOOK AT THEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEM Tell your sister I'm good at naming cats. Also holy shit the last time I shared in here was when Pete was that small????? We've gotten two more cats since him lmaooooooo
  3. Anelle

    Pet Time Party

  4. Anelle

    Pet Time Party

    WARNING: SAD SHIT IN THIS POST also I ramble like hell but I just had a breakthrough in my mourning so bear with me or just ignore the text, there WILL be pics to follow *you can skip this first part if you don't wanna read the sad I don't mind* So, I very excitedly introduced Percy to y'all a few months back. Pretty sure a lot of you know, but I haven't been able to fully talk about it but I think I'm ready to. We lost him due to an accident, we took him to the emergency vet and threw a lot of money at them but in the end the kindest thing was to let him go peacefully, because he was just too young and small to endure treatment. They said that if he'd been even a week or so older then there could have been a chance. It destroyed us for a while. Sometimes it still destroys me. I don't care if I only had him for 2 weeks, we pulled him out of a car engine, he instantly became ours. We loved him so much. He was my literal dream kitten--- an incredibly loving all black cat with THUMBS. We'll never know if he had the halloween eyes that would have truly made him my dream kitten. His were still baby blue. When we pulled him out of that engine we promised him we'd keep him forever and keep him safe, and we failed him. As we laid him to rest in our back yard I begged for his soul, his essence, something to listen to me, and asked if it was possible in the universe that he send us another kitten in need someday. I know it's silly, but I have weird views about animals and souls and stardust, whatever don't judge me. Percy had come into my life right after I lost a very close uncle. It was like losing a father figure. Percy was supposed to be a reprieve from grief, it almost felt like he was sent by my uncle to help my grief for him. In the end all I got was guilt that I didn't magically know the accident was going to happen and more grief. One of the lowest points of my life. *here's where it gets happier* Just a few weeks later we'd had a tentative talk with my wildlife mentor because she usually takes in some foster kittens during kitten season on top of the wildlife intakes, and we figured it couldn't hurt to see if any of hers felt right. Then the day before we're set to go meet hers another friend calls and is like heyyyyyyyy want a kitten? Turns out his wife had been leaving to go to work and saw a lil tuxedo kitten in the road so she stopped her car and got out to try and catch him but he crawled up underneath. She called her husband who starts hauling ass on foot to get to her since she's only a few blocks away from their house. By the time he gets there, kitten gets spooked out from under the car and starts running down the sidewalk towards the busier road when suddenly their mail carrier steps up, hollers something like "this what you're after?" and then she just intercepts him and snatches him right up. When we heard the story and saw his picture we both genuinely felt that Percy had sent us this one. His name is Pizza Hut (longish stupid ass story) but we call him Pete. He's helped me through my grief so much. He's currently in that wild stage where kittens will get the demons going and just tear all over the house for hours and then come plop in your lap for a snooze and snuggle. So everyone, forgive my rambling, it was therapeutic, and more importantly MEET PETE! he started as a lil fluffy potato but he's currently in that stage where he's longer and lankier and his fluff hasn't caught back up yet.
  5. Anelle

    Pet Time Party

  6. Anelle

    Pet Time Party

    awww little Butt Slug Harvest! Everyone, rejoice! Today is Poopcat's 10th birthday!
  7. Anelle

    Pet Time Party

    Novaaaaaaaaaaa she's getting so big and more gorgeous in every pic! I love her
  8. Anelle

    Pet Time Party

    PREPARE FOR PERCY!!! For those I haven't shrieked at about this yet--- a few nights ago Lee thought he heard a kitten crying outside.... and sure as shit, he did! We searched until we pinpointed where it was, knocked on the neighbor's door to ask if they'd pop their hood and allow us to rescue it, and an hour of struggling and cramming ourselves under the car and in the bits of engine we could reach later we had a new family member! He's somewhere around 5 or 6 weeks old, is polydactyl (he's got thumbs!)
  9. Anelle

    Pet Time Party

    I mean, technically Pete's proper name is Pizza Hut, but Steve has always just been Steve
  10. Anelle

    Pet Time Party

    The others are coming around on him, but we're still keeping them mostly separated except for some supervised meet n' greets. Boog was ignoring him but now has decided to just start growling at him, Pooper has bapped him almost every time he's seen him, Oobie and Tater are uneasy about him but he LOVES them, goes up and bunts them with his nose so we're wondering if his mom was a brown tabby, and then Steve largely ignores him and he largely ignores Steve. fuck, we have so many cats
  11. Anelle

    Pet Time Party

    Extra large sky raisin!
  12. Anelle

    Pet Time Party

    I like to tickle his spotty toes and chant "Pete's peets"