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Nintendo Switch

Found 90 results

  1. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    There's a lot of promotions that I agree are BS. the "Have to buy 4 to get it at this sale" or the "DIGITAL ONLY COUPON" which of course drives my older customers nuts and our higher ups just go back n forth on "do it for the customer" and "uphold policies" shit. Just make it the fucking sale price, one and done, keep your people coming regardless of competitors. But I know that's not how it works.
  2. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    Remember I've only traveled as far as AZ for a hot second (which I know hardly makes a shit difference ) but nope , I ain't heard of no snake hoe. I've got gardening hoe, sexy hoe and Idahoe
  3. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    Told ya!
  4. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    No I mean in the 18 years I've worked for Albertsons-turned into-Safeway it's always been Weds for ad changes. We rarely do 2 day sales anymore. Once and awhile they'll pop up but hardly ever anymore. Whoever created the first coupon though I hope their soul burns in hell.
  5. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    The last time I was summoned for jury duty, they gave me a group # and a phone # to call. So when I called it, a recording would tell me if my group # was needed or not for a scheduled time and when my group wasn't needed. I would just have to call back the next day. I kept that up for about a week and still didn't need my group so I stopped calling and never got word back. And haven't been summoned again yet. I would hate going through what you did since it's a pain for most to try and get time off for summons.
  6. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    Honestly you'll hopefully enjoy it. Just being in a different quiet peace like that is super nice.
  7. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    And that is legit. 1 of my friends who has been transitioning played around with small things to get a feel of how comfortable it made them feel. From just name changes, to pronouns (to which no surprise in my group she decided to take ALL of them lol but most of us will do the she/her+they/them) and just other little things that became a bigger part once it felt right. They even have a FB group support page called Labels Rejected: Positivity Corner. It's activity status is pretty mellow but it's a great place for sharing stuff or just needing a good vibe in the community. I'm so excited for your journey here on out. And like we said in the Discord. When you're ready to come out to your fam, I really hope they respond positively. Otherwise you still got us!
  8. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

  9. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

  10. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    Thanks for passing the word. I tend to drop in and lurk a bit but it's pretty much short spurts now.
  11. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    Damn I couldn't imagine having to deal with that aftercare. That right up there with my mom's eye surgery aftercare where she had to stay in a chair that kept her in a chair face down for like a week or two. Hope the healing goes fast!
  12. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    Other than that bit of news. Weekend was good weekend. Friday was day off and worked on chores and costuming. Sat worked early shift then did inventory check with Ren-Faire Guild leader. Today was laundry, getting lunch and mead with a friend. Got a new blueberry french toast and dragons blood from my meadery. Then had dinner and watched last of GoT with my Cat Cosplay friends.
  13. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    Just do what Ghost did and move up to WA. We got shit ton of possums up here too!
  14. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    they are the fucking best. you can either make them crispy or nice and plump gooey and i always do a mix of both cuz some of my friends love the crispy ones more.
  15. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    Whoohoo! Go Gal! Today is day off so it's been laid back. We're in the mid 70's right now so I've been checking the garden, running a couple errands. Starting to go through my camping gear and see what needs to be cleaned, touched up, replaced for June Faire in a couple weeks. Good day off is Good. ?
  16. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    I'm really sorry hun, *hugs* hope the next chapter is a more adventurous one!
  17. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    It's awesome that you have something that makes you so passionate. ❤️
  18. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    Just release a pack of wolves, worked with Michigan and their Moose problem. https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/43z5bg/canadian-wolves-airdropped-into-michigan-to-kill-moose-and-have-babies
  19. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    Duuuude that totally sucks. I hope you feel better soon.
  20. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    Only way I can get through one of those "cups" at Jack in the Crack is if I haven't eaten/drank anything almost all day.
  21. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    Anelle take your weather back! Overall when I haven't been at work or at a friends place, the temp at my apt here has been fine. Because of where my apt is positioned: -Small timeframe of sun hitting us -We have rhododendron Bushes and a giant tree blocking 90% of that time frame. -Bottom floor and hardwood for majority of thus place. So just gotta run fans, open windows and put blinds down. All set. Yesterday at a friends' birthday we did Pride themed and the biggest water balloon/pistol fight. It felt so fucking good.
  22. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    So I don't normally talk about my family a lot, just because mostly it never really comes up in topics or anything. I got a text from my mom saying "can u talk?" so I know it's not gonna good news but it's her way of keeping me up to speed on family things she wants me to know. My grandmother on her side has dementia. She's in her mid 90's and it began about a couple years ago which led from her living on her own in a condo, to moving to a facility when she started falling more often. And then recently being moved to a different facility where she will have much closer attention. Her heart congestion is getting worse along with her memory and has had a couple trips to hospital in this last month to where my mom and aunt who have been tag teaming to see and check in on her to where they both have the goal of making her as comfortable as possible since the back and forth from her facility to hospital is too much stress on her now. So this call was the "She's getting along okay but if you have some time soon to drop in a visit...." call. I already had a feeling that this year might be it from mom's updates. Hell my grandma has straight up told my mom when her dementia first started that she's ready to rejoin my grandpa. I've made rough plans to try and see her on either my next day off or after one of my early shifts at work because despite what how my mom is making it sound, it may be sooner than I was thinking. And I know no matter how much you try to prepare yourself for these times when it comes it's not gonna be easy. Hell I had to keep my answers short talking to mom because I was trying to hide my voice and crying on the line just thinking about it. We've had family pass before but there are only one or two times where it's hit me hard. the last time being my grandpa.
  23. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    Oh shit. Sorry to hear. If you need an ear to listen we're here for ya, i'm sorry you've had to go through that on your own.
  24. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    Happy Holidays to everyone here! I know it's pretty radio silent here but i wish you all happy and peaceful times with your fam and friends! Whether you choose to celebrate or not this year. If you feel up for it, lets talk old holiday memories or what you plan to do this weekend! Atm i'm on my lunch break at work. Almost done and it's been alright so far. The rush will probably come just when i'm ready to clock out. Then i'm gonna chill at home tonight and see the fam tomorrow. Stuff has been happening with my brother so he's back living with the folks. But he's safe and that's what matters. If roads are better from our declining ice storm i may drag him out of the house for a spell.
  25. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    So now I can add Snake Hoe to my list of weird things I have learned about like Poop Knife.