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Found 90 results

  1. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    God the last few days have been insane. So I had one of my SCA events over the weekend. This one is our Spring-Summer open to the public demo event where we demo all the things we do to Moderns as we call them (kinda think of it like Muggles i guess?). Thurs and Fri set up day. Sat is the demo. And Sunday is remainder of tourneys and tear down. Got home from tear down around 5ish, unloaded car, showered, ate and then passed the fuck out before working today. Tomorrow is a day off to do all the laundry, car wash and what not. So very tired. but loads of fun with good friends.
  2. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    Niiiiiice what kind of cruise? Tomorrow I leave for one of my nerdy medieval things. I'll be back Sunday.
  3. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    Busy weekend was busy but semi good. Was part of a big parade to promote Ren-faire I work for. Then spent the rest of the weekend hanging out with a couple friends and their kid. Something I do from time to time. Today though while the wifey was at work me and the hubby go out and hang in a park with their daughter, who is 4. She's a total dork but a cutie and the park we chose has a nice foresty path to a beach but as we got closer to the beach itself it was kind of a slippery down slope so I'm telling her to be careful and wait for daddy to help her down. Well once she was clear and I tried to go down without help I did the exact opposite of what I told her and slipped, tried to break my fall with the tree and failed. Tumble rolled into the brambles and slammed onto my back onto the sand. So picture below is thankfully the worst of my injuries along with a couple more scratches on my right side and a bruise on my left knee. After making sure I was fine I tell my friend's 4 year old and told her "This is why you listen to mommy and daddy, because I failed to do that" Also quoted from Goro on my FB about this "Wow looks like your 4 songs into a My Chemical Romance album, ouch all the same" fucking asshole (sick burn tho really)
  4. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    Is that his way of saying Jovanna needs to do some good deep on him? Like a cavity search deep?
  5. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    Especially while the day is sunny and I can have the windows/sliding back door open to air out. (And clean out some of the roomie's bedroom because he's bad about it! )
  6. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    Roomie has flown off for his parents so I'll have the place to myself! Other than work today I went out and finally bought a new vacuum since our last one broke shortly after we moved here. (Thank gods for hardwood floors to make it semi-easy) So today is a deep cleaning while Netflix is running in the background.
  7. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    Other than that bit of news. Weekend was good weekend. Friday was day off and worked on chores and costuming. Sat worked early shift then did inventory check with Ren-Faire Guild leader. Today was laundry, getting lunch and mead with a friend. Got a new blueberry french toast and dragons blood from my meadery. Then had dinner and watched last of GoT with my Cat Cosplay friends.
  8. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    Thanks for passing the word. I tend to drop in and lurk a bit but it's pretty much short spurts now.
  9. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    Man I'm so sorry. I would love to hear pet stories.
  10. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    maaaaaaaaaaan damn rules
  11. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

  12. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    Whoohoo! Go Gal! Today is day off so it's been laid back. We're in the mid 70's right now so I've been checking the garden, running a couple errands. Starting to go through my camping gear and see what needs to be cleaned, touched up, replaced for June Faire in a couple weeks. Good day off is Good. ?
  13. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    It's awesome that you have something that makes you so passionate. ❤️
  14. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    *hugs Nelle*
  15. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

  16. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    I'm glad it was nothing major! *hugs*
  17. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    That's never encouraging Wab
  18. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    As web says. We got you fam.
  19. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    That totally sucks. Hope you year results soon and that they're favorable. *gentle hugs*
  20. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    I still say you're in in .
  21. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    Told ya!
  22. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    I believe in the 'Verse!
  23. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    Yay! I'm sure you totally got this
  24. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    Money is money and take what you can grab I say.
  25. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    So even though work was crazy and we had Corp doing a walk through. One nice thing did happen to give the feels. Earlier one of my regular customers came in with a stack of lost dog posters. My boss had to tell her that sadly we couldn't post it in our windows but we could take one for our break room if she wanted. She didn't end up leaving a poster with us but right about an hour before my shift ended today, One of my girls from bakery came over and told me these customers were trying to wrangle in a lost dog away from the parking lot and it had no collar. The dog followed behind her and surely enough it was THAT dog from the posters earlier. So I'm trying to wrangle the tiny thing, succeed (after it piddled from being terrified) And I'm trying to wrack my brain to see how we could contact the lady from earlier since she didn't leave a poster with us. Luckily one of the customers who were trying to help wrangled it offered to go to one of the posters she saw on a nearby street behind my store and called the number. Within minutes the owner comes to collect the dog and was in tears. Saying that he just moved here recently and that the dog saved his life once. Definitely made my day worth it when we get a lot of times where people will try to look for lost dogs but usually no one finds it that fast.