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Nintendo Switch

Found 90 results

  1. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    I definitely got too used to doing morning and Scan shifts at work. Today was the first time in forever I got a shift started at 1:30. And of course dealing with the closing team that is usually the worst because they don't want to do anything in closing duties. Work wasn't horrible at least. But after all that and getting ready to watch new GoT on my friends HBO Now account. I click on the ep and even though I made sure they resubscribed their account it keeps telling me that they have to renew. T_T so no new GoT right now. At least I have tomorrow off.
  2. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    Is that his way of saying Jovanna needs to do some good deep on him? Like a cavity search deep?
  3. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    One of my friends got a Hundai Hybrid and he's been loving it. He got to get a real good drive into it heading down to OR and back.
  4. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    God the last few days have been insane. So I had one of my SCA events over the weekend. This one is our Spring-Summer open to the public demo event where we demo all the things we do to Moderns as we call them (kinda think of it like Muggles i guess?). Thurs and Fri set up day. Sat is the demo. And Sunday is remainder of tourneys and tear down. Got home from tear down around 5ish, unloaded car, showered, ate and then passed the fuck out before working today. Tomorrow is a day off to do all the laundry, car wash and what not. So very tired. but loads of fun with good friends.
  5. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    Busy weekend was busy but semi good. Was part of a big parade to promote Ren-faire I work for. Then spent the rest of the weekend hanging out with a couple friends and their kid. Something I do from time to time. Today though while the wifey was at work me and the hubby go out and hang in a park with their daughter, who is 4. She's a total dork but a cutie and the park we chose has a nice foresty path to a beach but as we got closer to the beach itself it was kind of a slippery down slope so I'm telling her to be careful and wait for daddy to help her down. Well once she was clear and I tried to go down without help I did the exact opposite of what I told her and slipped, tried to break my fall with the tree and failed. Tumble rolled into the brambles and slammed onto my back onto the sand. So picture below is thankfully the worst of my injuries along with a couple more scratches on my right side and a bruise on my left knee. After making sure I was fine I tell my friend's 4 year old and told her "This is why you listen to mommy and daddy, because I failed to do that" Also quoted from Goro on my FB about this "Wow looks like your 4 songs into a My Chemical Romance album, ouch all the same" fucking asshole (sick burn tho really)
  6. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    Butterscotch chip oatmeal cookies. I make them every Christmas
  7. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    I'm so sorry for your loss. Especially when you didn't get the chance to say what you wanted.
  8. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    Man I'm so sorry. I would love to hear pet stories.
  9. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    I believe it's a all grocery store thing since most of the ads I get in the mail the Tues before cover Fred Meyer/QFC which is Kroger, Safeway/Albertsons (not kroger), Rite Aids and Bartells. With Safeways/Albertsons we've done the Wed ad changes for years. Only time it sucks is when we have Thanksgiving and/or Xmas falling on a Thurs so then we go 5 days without a new ad until the following Wed. In general we have about 4 ad promos to switch prices and the like (even if one isn't specifically a physical ad) -1/mo Big Book -1/mo GM (General Merchandise aka most non-food items and is the not physical ad but it's something we do every month) -Every Wed weekly ads -$5 Fridays (Then I change the sale prices on Sat mornings)
  10. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    For those who i haven't told via discord or zoom. I'll be taking a hot air balloon ride with my dad and bro for Father's day. My brother arranged it since apparently my dad has been leaving hints. And he rarely does hints on gifts. We'll be taking a 3-3.5hr flight for Sunset. While I'm excited....I'm also freaking out because my brother and I both are terrified of heights. 🤣
  11. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    Glad things are doing okay there for the most part. We've been slightly having some crazy weather here to where we've been having flood warnings near main rivers but overall nothing yet. Winter should be fun.
  12. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    It's amazing how much people act the way they do to other humans. Granted I'm no saint myself but I try really really hard not to go out of my way to be a dick.
  13. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    Fuck that's rough. Hopefully they can get shit done fast for you. Be sure to try and rest up! *hugs*
  14. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    Dude i would be too. Kids need to learn how to treat animals and if they think it's okay to scare ANY animal let alone another family member's pet. They would not be allowed in my house period. I'm glad your cat is home safe and i'm sorry that you had to go through that.
  15. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    Especially while the day is sunny and I can have the windows/sliding back door open to air out. (And clean out some of the roomie's bedroom because he's bad about it! )
  16. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    The facility made sure she had drugs and oxygen to keep her comfortable. when dad told me last night what was going on they were expecting her to last maybe the week. So I'm very glad it didn't drag out that long for her. We've also had crazy stormy weather up here including tornado warnings in some spots so my dad was lightly joking how she is going out with a bang. I know I'll remember her best when cooking/baking because majority of my stronger memories of her is at gatherings and her always prepping the best food in the kitchen. One of my favorite cookie recipes are hers.
  17. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    Indeed but I'm sure she'll have plenty other sagas of the Opossums
  18. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    Been a hot minute since there's been an update post here and I'm sorry its one of ill tidings. My dad had texted me yesterday so having the call from my mom this morning wasn't too surprising. But my grandmother had developed a fever recently and was having trouble breathing. Probably from something she had ingested mom thinks. But she passed away this morning. I am okay, red eyed for sure after talking with mom but I'm OK. I'm personally surprised she's held out for so long after so many falls (1 where she somehow survived breaking her neck) and fevers. Being stuck in a bed for the last few months, barely being "there" or responding even though we know she could understand well enough if you talked to her. My mom and I are pretty sure she's only held out so long because of my grandpa and making sure she was there for him because of how long they've been together. I am thankful she was able to finally able to let go peacefully and comfortably with my dad and his siblings there, and that she can finally rest. My grandpa seems to be doing okay with this transition since all the intermediate family is there, my brother and I had talked to him on the phone a bit. I'm also glad my dad can be less worried about her with her health flipping so much in this last year during a pandemic.
  19. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

  20. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    What's the newbie's name?
  21. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    Big adulting today. Especially since it's been forever since I had to do a car loan (last time was car #2/4). I mailed out my payoff check for my car loan today. I requested the confirmation letter to give me some peace of mind since it should take about 10 business days for the paperwork of my title to get to me. But if all goes right, it should be fully mine by the end of the month.
  22. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    So yesterday was a day off, spent it cleaning around the apt. Then working on one of the side projects I've either put on pause forever ago or decided to add to in order to push off depressing thoughts when I'm home and don't get a lot of social time with peeps. This side project was upgrading one of my headpieces from my ren-faire garb. Added some bling and what not so I'm proud for getting one less half assed thing done. *stares at the pile of TBF* Today was ASS O CLOCK 3am Scan team shift at work since it's Ad change day, but we also have a wave of resets happening this week so we had about 5 aisles to rescan, print, and rehang on top of our usual stuff. Normally resets aren't so bad since most of them are like 1-2 sections an aisle to redo but one of the aisles was the first half of the Chips/Snacks aisle.....woof.... Home now, stuffed my face with breakfast while binging new anime and chillaxing with tea while the weather is on and off sprinkles of rain right now.
  23. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    Fuck this week has been especially bad for sleep. Last night I kept waking up from weird ass dreams including one that made me wake up fucking crying and I didn't know why. Today I helped friends load up their moving truck, and of course they were on the 3rd floor .....fuck my body hurts. even after a shower and them treating to ayce Korean BBQ.
  24. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    Sorry that shit is sucking but I'm glad you've had some silver lining to it. *hugs* We love you guys!
  25. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub
