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Nintendo Switch

Found 80 results

  1. Anelle

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    oooh give us a review when you've used it for a while! I'm very interested in getting an all electric in the future
  2. Anelle

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    POSSUM WATCH 2019--- the new lil baby has a name. We've been talking about how "feathery" light she is because she came to me starving but I didn't want to give her a name that reflected that featherweight because we want a nicely fat lil poss! So her name.... is Steel. Because "Steel is heavier than feathers!"
  3. Anelle

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    I once made the mistake of ordering a large shake from Jack in the Box and Lee just LET ME like some kind of monster I screamed when they handed it to us who on earth can drink that
  4. Anelle

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    Ugh, why is it so hard for some people to just... act human?? Talk to people like they're people? Next time fart on them. DO IT
  5. Anelle

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    Little Steel is doing much better, except she absolutely refuses to eat. I've offered a lot of things. She gets upset and refuses with all her might. I don't quite suspect MBD as much as I did before, but it's still a very looming possibility because she just. won't. fucking. eat. At this point I'm ready to classify her as non-releasable, which means I'm about to start the process of finding a rehabber to be her forever home. EAT, YOU ADORABLE LITTLE SHIT. Tomorrow we take our cat Boog to get a weird lump biopsied so please send good vibes for that. I'm very scared. She's the first "real" pet I've ever had.
  6. Anelle

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

  7. Anelle

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    Thanks again, y'all. If a dwarf opossum ever comes my way again, I'm gonna be better prepared to help them. Fili's legacy! meanwhile, the other 5 are exploding in size and just about ready to move outside and they're so fucking cute y'all god I love opossums
  8. Anelle

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    Thanks y'all ❤️ Support like this means a whole lot. Gives me courage.
  9. Anelle

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    Grimy update--- He's gone to live with my mentor now that his tail's on the mend because she has 2 others his size and I'm better with the tube feeder babies than she is so she swapped me another small one for him. NGL, I'm low key devastated I got SUPER attached to that idiot XD
  10. Anelle

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    No name yet! Generally I don't name them until I feel like they've earned a name. Maybe earned is the wrong word, but until they just... HAVE a name to me I guess. Lee named Grimy! Only 2 out of the 5 littles (well, 6 including new girl) have names so far--- Honeybun and Pickles
  11. Anelle

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    we have very strict rules we follow as far as posting things, but i do share things on snapchat sometimes with the caveat of no screenshotting! I'll post a few pics sometime though
  12. Anelle

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    Yup! Right now the one that I "swapped" for Grimy is in some dire straights so I've got my hands full making sure she pulls through. She's cute as a button though! I love her. The others I have have reached the stage where all their eyes are open and they're cranky about everything because they're not quuuuite big enough to leave the "pouch box" still so the moment they see me they start chitting and swarm my hand like "MOOOOOOOOOOOM WE'RE BORED"
  13. Anelle

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    hhhhhhhh those sound amazing
  14. Anelle

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    hope things get on track smoothly!
  15. Anelle

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    SO GATHER ROUND FOR A TALE OF WHY MY FAMILY IS WEIRD AND KINDA DUMB THAT DOESN'T INVOLVE COVID (WELL, IT DOES BUT NOT AS THE MAIN FOCUS) My grandmother, who is in her mid 90s, has finally started having some health issues that have hampered her independence so my eldest aunt has been staying with her a lot to help out and make her feel more secure. So Aunt K is in the den watching tv and she hears Mimi call out to her "K...bring me a hoe." Turns out she'd seen a fucking snake in her bedroom and her instinct is shit, get me a hoe i'm gonna FUCK THIS SNAKE UP. Mimi's a tough lady. Aunt K, however, is not. Instead of being like oh shit yeah lemme grab one, K flies into hysterics, shrieking and freaking out and panicking more when there is no hoe to be found and the snake vanishes (it hid from the chaos) and they end up calling my uncle, who comes over, catches this lil harmless snake and releases it out back. This is not enough, so then they must venture into town in search of a Snake Hoe in case of future snake alerts, but, GASP! No shop in their small town has any hoes! DAMN YOU, CORONAAAAAAAAAA So by this point my parents, who are planning to come up for a family gathering anyway because my family is a bunch of idiots, are like no need to worry! We in the BIG TOWN will get a hoe! So they do. They make it halfway to my grandmothers before being informed that one (1) Snake Hoe is not enough. Mimi requires one for her bedroom and one for the back porch now. So, they stop and get another hoe. Fast forward to now, Aunt K tells my mom that she's bought some big rubber rain boots to wear as snake precaution, because that's totally rational and how you should react to a lil garter snake. Moral of the story is I just like to tell this so I can say "snake hoe"
  16. Anelle

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    FUCK ALL OF YOU IT'S THIS TOPIC AGAIN I've had a lot going on in a short span of time and I have to ramble about it a lot just to process it so some of y'all might have already heard some of this 10 times but I appreciate anyone who reads. Unexpectedly lost the uncle I was closest to a few weeks ago. He collapsed at home and coded at least 3 times between then and when he made it to the hospital so he was already gone but we still had to wait several days and confirm that he wasn't coming back. Once we knew that, my aunt and cousins were able to proceed with funeral plans and thankfully they opted for close family to be able to go to a small graveside service, and that included us. So we threw shit in the car and hauled ass 10 hours to attend that. It was the first time in quite a few years that the entire side of that family, all the aunts and uncles and cousins, were gathered in one place. Usually one or more family is split off at holidays or schedules just don't line up. So it was incredibly bittersweet.... we were the most whole we'd been in a while but with a huge loss. The obvious hurt aside, it was still a wonderful visit in the end. Spent a couple of days there then headed back home. Very exhausting. Then a few nights ago we had the windows open to enjoy the rainy air and lee messages me something along the lines of "hey go to the window and see if you hear a cat" Welp, sure as shit I did and we went hunting for this kitten that was calling for its mom. Followed the sound to a neighbor's car, knocked on their door to explain the situation and ask if they'd pop the hood and allow us to rescue it, so we searched and rooted around and did all sorts of crap and about an hour later pulled a lil black kitten out! We're both still exhausted and emotionally vulnerable and after spending so much time and effort rescuing the thing we fell in love pretty quick and now, unless our other cats simply can't accept him, we have a new kitten. IT'S A LOT OF CHANGE BUT KITTENNNNNNNN ok thanks bye i needed that ramble
  17. Anelle

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    Man, going back to possum talk... I'm currently trying to choke down an anxiety attack about this possum. Last time I had a possum this age with a tail injury, the vet was very wrong in her diagnosis and that possum suffered needlessly until I was able to help her pass peacefully. It still devastates me when I think about it. The vet was not wrong this time, she made the call to give Grimy a bit more time to see if the bloodflow in the tail meant it could heal. With the tail tip dying, the next step is a very simple procedure to amputate the tip, cauterize and then see him through the healing. Should be just fine. He's having other issues from all the soot he inhaled, but seems to be doing well in those areas too. I am already deeply emotionally invested in this possum and while I have confidence in the treatment plan and his future right now I'm just hitting myself with all the what ifs and it fucking sucks
  18. Anelle

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    well i would goddamn well hope so
  19. Anelle

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    POSSUM WATCH 2019 Daisy is still going, she's pushing 200g and we just got a new cage that i've wanted to get for a while. Still haven't found her a new forever home, so we're worried we might end up being permanent possum parents.... not that that would be the worst thing in the world, but with 5 cats and her needing special care it's ideal for everyone if another rehabber can take her and spoil her and give her a life as an education animal! If not... guess I have a new side gig.
  20. Anelle

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    woah woah woah now, I don't want that weather either Don't have a choice though, it'll happen here anyway. There's still so much concern over Texas's stupid ass power grid that I'm scared for summer here too. fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu god a water fight like that sounds divine. We did a huge group one several years back and it was so much fun! I think the bulk of kiddos in our friends group are big enough now to where we could put one together again.... hmmm.....
  21. Anelle

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    hell yeah, even better
  22. Anelle

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    I've had a doozy of a day. Had to go in for an MRI, had an anxiety attack during, so that was cool. Lived through that. Little Steel still isn't eating on her own and I'm having to face the fact that it's looking like she has MBD (Metabolic Bone Disease) which is a huge blow, because I was given her and told she was just undernourished but MBD is pretty serious and potentially devastating to the opossum. I'm such an anxious wreck today that I've lost it over this lil baby so gotta get some sleep and come at this potential development with more courage tomorrow.
  23. Anelle

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    Click here if you want to read me trying to write something I thought was funny as my meds kicked in. Spoiler: it's not Anyway, I hereby open The Squirmy Puppy, which is what I've always wanted to name a bar/tavern/pub whathaveya because it would be an adorable name. My idea for this is just... come talk to the imaginary barkeep about your day or what's on your mind. I was gonna draw pictures This went off the rails really quick TELL ME ABOUT YOUR DAY GODDAMNIT
  24. Anelle

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    POSSUMWATCH 2019: Today Lee changed Steel's name to Filigree, which suits her much better. So now she's Fili for short. On Sunday I'm gonna hand her off to my mentor so that she can try and get her to eat and then we'll go from there as to what her future will be. Lee and I are extremely attached, so it's gonna be sad to not be the ones to raise her anymore, but that's part of rehab! You love them and then you let them go one way or another. The others are growing rapidly, and are smelly adorable little monsters who think they should be provided with food any time I move near them. They've had solids introduced so I get to smell their rank poo, my life is nothing but glamour. Soon they'll be big enough to move to the big cage on the porch!
  25. Anelle

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    Thanks y'all ❤️ kind words are keeping me afloat for now, I really appreciate it.