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Found 345 results

  1. dr. b

    [Manga Chat]

    Dr. Stone #213 The Elusive Samurai #35
  2. dr. b

    [Manga Chat]

    I also really dig the art style of Neru. In addition to the verbal clash / interrogation coming up in The Elusive Samurai, I think Ayako will do something big in the next chapter too. She’s a fun character. It will be nice to see her more involved. Good point re: Hunter’s Guild. This series feels rather slow compared to some of the other manga I’m reading now. I will lose interest before long, at this rate.
  3. dr. b

    [Manga Chat]

    Gotta say, I'm pretty hyped for the doubles match coming up in Neru Also Tokiyuki is not in a good spot in The Elusive Warriors right now. I'm super curious to see how the next chapter goes.
  4. dr. b

    [Manga Chat]

    Yeah, this chapter was all over the map. I don't doubt it could be made to be much more coherent as an animation.
  5. dr. b

    [Manga Chat]

  6. dr. b

    [Manga Chat]

    PPPPPP #2
  7. dr. b

    [Manga Chat]

    Neru -- New character seems cool. Hunter's Guild -- I didn't find this week's chapter particularly interesting, so here's hoping for more excitement next week. Still gotta read chapter #2 of PPPPPP.
  8. dr. b

    [Manga Chat]

    Dr. Stone #212
  9. dr. b

    [Manga Chat]

    DB Super #76
  10. dr. b

    [Manga Chat]

    I’m not in love with the style and character designs of PPPPPP, but I’m sticking with it for the underdog story and music
  11. dr. b

    [Manga Chat]

    Jump says a new Spy x Family chapter is due in 2 days. Hopefully that's still accurate. Dr. Stone #211 The Elusive Samurai #32
  12. dr. b

    [Manga Chat]

    New chapters hit the Jump app a few days early this week. Also there’s a new series, a music manga Gonna check it out this afternoon.
  13. dr. b

    [Manga Chat]

    --- Yeah me too. In the end, I always get the gist of what has transpired, like who won a fight in the end or whatever, but there are certain panels in both manga where I'm sure there must be certain actions happening, but the pictures just baffle me Like, I'm trying to see what the artist is envisioning by drawing the panel, and it's just not getting through to me at all. Chainsaw Man will be fun to see animated for sure.
  14. dr. b

    [Manga Chat]

    There were some panels in this one where I was pretty clueless as to what was supposed to be happening, but it all made sense in the end. For me, this is a 'It would be really cool to see it animated' manga so far. But in any case, I am enjoying the chapters about the exam!
  15. dr. b

    [Manga Chat]

    Dr. Stone #210
  16. dr. b

    [Manga Chat]

    The Elusive Samurai #31 This dude still kills me too
  17. dr. b

    [Manga Chat]

    Candy Flurry #19
  18. dr. b

    [Manga Chat]

    Yeah man, I totally don't know. That was a real curveball in last week's chapter. I haven't read the new one yet, though I see it's available now in the Jump app. Very curious what is going to happen... I hope it's good! I've been enjoying Candy Flurry quite a bit so far.
  19. dr. b

    [Manga Chat]

    Candy Flurry took a rather random turn this week. The Elusive Samurai was once again very solid this week. Kojiro
  20. dr. b

    [Manga Chat]

    The new Candy Flurry and Elusive Samurai chapters were solid. I’m looking forward to the upcoming showdowns in each next week! Dr. Stone is progressing pretty quickly.
  21. dr. b

    [Manga Chat]

    DB Super #75 -- I'm usually not a huge Vegeta fan, but I guess he's growing on me a bit. This battle is great. I hope to see it animated someday!
  22. dr. b

    [Manga Chat]

    I'm caught up on Neru now. The first chapter didn't hook me right away, but the next ones were solid. I'm enjoying the entrance exam. Another manga reminding me of H×H and the Hunter Exam. I'm getting the itch to re-read H×H now...
  23. dr. b

    [Manga Chat]

    The Hunters Guild
  24. dr. b

    [Manga Chat]

    We got some fun new chapters today Dr. Stone # 206 Candy Flurry # 15 The Elusive Samura # 27 Ran out of time on lunch break to get to the new Hunters Guild chapter and to start reading Neru. Gonna get to those tonight. The best panel from Elusive Samurai:
  25. dr. b

    [Manga Chat]

    I was gonna read Neru last night but decided to read a book instead. It sounded interesting to me though. Guess I need to check it out this weekend!