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Found 194 results

  1. Psycho666Soldier

    [Manga Chat]

    I highly recommend Kaiju No. 8! It's a bit of an unsung juggernaut right now.
  2. Psycho666Soldier

    [Manga Chat]

    Just caught up on Sakamoto Days
  3. Psycho666Soldier

    [Manga Chat]

    Been pretty busy the last few weeks so most of my spare time has gone to either doing those things or playing Legend of Legaia, but I've been trying to read what I can. I saw Fabricant 100 ended and I've been very behind on that, so I wanna try and burn through that at some point. I've kept up with Beat & Motion(beyond the recent chapter), Akane-banashi(really like the current direction), Undead Unluck, and Ichinose(which feels like it's finding it's direction again even though it's still kinda obscure), and Kaiju No. 8. I'm also more caught up on Sakamoto than others, and I get the feeling we're gearing up for an ending within the next 10-30 chapters. Unless they're gonna pull a Chainsaw Man and start a whole new chapter in the protagonist's life. But I struggle to see them finding a new peak to achieve once this arc ends.
  4. Psycho666Soldier

    [Manga Chat]

    I saw that and considered doing the same because I never finished the anime proper. Akane-banashi #76 and 77
  5. Psycho666Soldier

    [Manga Chat]

    Still gotta catch up on some of the rest from both this and last week, but I really liked Tenmaku Cinema:
  6. Psycho666Soldier

    [Manga Chat]

    I just need to read the last 4 chapters of Wild Strawberry and then I'll be caught up on all the current stuff I care to be caught up on, so I'll be blitzing some JoJo's soon. I expect you to finish before I even come close, though.
  7. Psycho666Soldier

    [Manga Chat]

    Chainsaw Man #141 Also, I can't recommend Martial Master Asumi enough. I think this has a lot of potential to become animated and have a good healthy run. The art is some of the best of what's being published right now, and the combat storytelling is excellent.
  8. Psycho666Soldier

    [Manga Chat]

    I really enjoyed seeing Denji hear how weird the church was and saying screw it. It's actually a good foil to what you were talking where it seemed like he was just going along with what he's told, where instead now he's thinking a bit more critically. Agreed on Beat & Motion. It was nice to see him still say something even if it wasn't exactly what he wanted to say. It felt like the message got across regardless. As for Shojo Null, I'm fully caught up now, and I kind of get the vibe the whole series is over-the-top lol. I also loved the Sakamoto #131
  9. Psycho666Soldier

    [Manga Chat]

    Chainsaw Man I also just read the first chapter of Shojo Null and I'm IN
  10. Psycho666Soldier

    [Manga Chat]

    Akane-banashi #73 Haven't checked out Shojo Null yet, but it's on my list. Along with Wild Strawberry.
  11. Psycho666Soldier

    [Manga Chat]

    I didn't get very far. I think I got like 10 chapters in? They basically just fought the first stand user that attacks in Josuke's house and that's about as far as I got. Wasn't so much for lack of interest as I had just binged Stardust Crusaders hard and had a bit of burnout.
  12. Psycho666Soldier

    [Manga Chat]

    I finally tried out Martial Master Asumi. Seems like a better Neru(except I liked the art a tad better) plotwise. The art is great, the fights are engaging, and I really like the way they've built the protagonist. Also feels like I picked it up where the last chapter was properly setting up the rest of the series. So if you're interested, I think it's safe to say you'll know whether you like it after the first 7 chapters. Also, now that you've started Diamond is Unbreakable, maybe it's time I pick it back up?
  13. Psycho666Soldier

    [Manga Chat]

    Elusive Samurai
  14. Psycho666Soldier

    [Manga Chat]

    Sakamoto Days
  15. Psycho666Soldier

    [Manga Chat]

    Whoa. Was NOT expecting the end of the recent Sakamoto chapter!
  16. Psycho666Soldier

    [Manga Chat]

    Still catching up on some things, but I just finished up to he most recent Beat & Motion Akane-banashi has been wonderful. Seems like a strong moment of self discovery, but I'm really hoping she gets the victory. She deserves it. Also still been liking Ichinose Family, but I feel the execution of the last 2 chapters was a bit rushed/sloppy, so it definitely made for a narrative dissonance with where they expect us to be emotionally. I'm still into the mystery surrounding his parents and what they do/don't know/what happened with the accident. I'm also super hype for what come next in Sakamoto Days. Also, that last Chainsaw Man chapter? That shit was wild and was probably one of the best chapters they've had in a while. Great work. Feels like the anime could really rock with that part.
  17. Psycho666Soldier

    [Manga Chat]

    Definitely enjoyed the last two chapters of Chainsaw Man, even if it feels a bit random at the moment.
  18. Psycho666Soldier

    [Manga Chat]

    Reminder to reply here once I catch up because I've slacked the last two weeks. Have you read Tenmaku Cinema? I didn't think I'd be a big fan at first, but it's been a pretty enjoyable follow so far.
  19. Psycho666Soldier

    [Manga Chat]

    I feel like a few manga where competitions are held have had the protagonists lose. Maybe it's mostly Showha Shoten I'm thinking of, but that feeling alone makes me want to see Akane pull this off. Sakamoto Days has been awesome the last few chapters, too. Excited to see how this all resolves, and it was cool to see the origins of The Order. I wonder if we'll get to see how the newer members joined? Or that super old guy. I've also been following Tenmaku Cinema and been enjoying that so far. Haven't really read any of the other new series, though, and not sure they particularly interest me. I definitely don't have high hopes for Nue's Exorcist considering it's the same creator as Bone Collector, and that was pretty crap. Elusive Samurai Ichinose Family
  20. Psycho666Soldier

    [Manga Chat]

    Ichinose Family #18
  21. Psycho666Soldier

    [Manga Chat]

    I just read that chapter this morning. I figured we were getting into the movie now, which I still haven't seen, so I'm happy to just go through it blind and then see the movie later. I dig the way they're setting up the Red Ribbon revival though. Also, #16 being Gero's son is 100% canon now!
  22. Psycho666Soldier

    [Manga Chat]

    I'm finally caught up on everything and this week was a strong round of chapters. Sakamoto Days #111 Ichinose Family #17 I'm blanking on specific things to say about the rest other than the Spy x Family chapter was a bit underwhelming, but overall I enjoyed reading everything this week.
  23. Psycho666Soldier

    [Manga Chat]

    Ditto on all that Beat & Motion stuff. It has a special heart behind it. I'm also super intrigued by how the relationship between the two builds up as she flips between drunkenness and sobriety, and how much of that she actually remembers. And yeah, I liked Chainsaw Man this week. Feels like we're getting ready to ramp back up. Gokurakugai is almost purely an art/aesthetic thing for me. Best & Motion has the more interesting/personally relevant narrative and characters, but there's a lot of style dripping from Gokurakugai that makes me want to see where it goes. I still haven't read past the first chapter, though I think I'm gonna drop Jiangshi X. I haven't read the last two weeks, and it just doesn't really hook me. It's just your basis Shonen with a premise that's niche enough to not 100% feel cliche, but it's still like 95% cliche. It probably won't last long anyway.
  24. Psycho666Soldier

    [Manga Chat]

    Ichinose is in a good groove right now. It feels like we don't get a lot with only so many pages per chapter, but there's been a hook and push over the last few chapters that has me hyped for whatever comes next. Last 3 chapters of Elusive Samurai have been good, too Chainsaw Man still has me hooked into the characters and what's gonna happen, but cutting things down to 15-17 pages a chapter has made a few chapters feel like they're lacking and like I don't get enough. I enjoy the smaller moments with the characters before all the brutal action, but it just feels like not enough character stuff is really happening either. Akane-banashi #52 I also really dug the new Show-ha Shoten. The wait is never short enough for the next chapter.
  25. Psycho666Soldier

    [Manga Chat]

    I've only read the first chapter so far, but Gokurakugai has potential. The art is really well done and has oodles of personality.