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Vic Boss

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Posts posted by Vic Boss

  1. I haven't seen most of these movies, so if I saw it and liked it, I'm voting for it and if I saw it and it was mediocre or worse, I'm voting for whichever of the two I'm more interested in watching eventually. I think Galeigh asked who voted for Justice League over Incredible Hulk on Day 1 or 2 or whichever it was, it was me, I have seen IH and was boring and I haven't seen Justice League and I am interested in seeing what they did with it (eventually <_<)

  2. Semifinals of the New Japan Cup are set for Saturday, winners go on Sunday and the winner gets Switchblade at Madison Square Garden for the IWGP Heavy


    Okada vs Ishii and Tanahashi vs Sanada.


    I think Okada takes the whole thing including MSG, you never know if they'll go back since they're piggy-backing off of WWE so the ace is going to win the big one for his legacy there.


    Also on Sunday is Juice vs Chase Owens for the IWGP US Title. I don't question Gedo too often on his booking decisions because even the questionable ones turn out all right (though he does have a weakness when it comes to consistently booking tag team scenes ironically enough), but I think he's really flubbed Juice. He's applied traditional Japanese-style secondary-title booking to Juice and I don't think that works well when you're trying to build a title that can main event shows in the United States and build a star to be synonymous with that title. I like that Chase is finally getting something else to do but I don't like that Juice's US Title competition is not all that strong, especially with that roster.

    • Like 1

  3. Link-kun




    - One Piece

    - Pokemon Ultra Legends

    - Black Clover

    - Dororo

    - JJBA: Golden Wind

    - SAO: Alicization

    - Karakuri Circus

    - GeGeGe no Kitaro (I might drop this one if the season feels too busy)

    - Boogiepop Phantom (I haven't been watching at all but just gathering, should really watch some of it)


    New Seasons:


    - One Punch Man 2

    - Attack On Titan 3-2

    - Bungou Stray Dogs 3




    - I'm gonna give Fruits Basket a try since Lucy and Anelle seem to be all over it and Lucy compared it a bit to March Comes In Like A Lion

    - Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress Movie

    - Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny-girl Senpai Movie


    I haven't looked at or read the synopsis of anything else. Unless something really stands out I may not go exploring as much this season, kinda want to get to gaming more

    • Like 1

  4.  I keep up on the Arrowverse and Black Lightning. I do have interest in watching some of the other stuff (Titans and Doom Patrol) and maybe I'll get to it a little later.


    Season 2 of Black Lightning just ended. I don't like the show when it's focusing on storylines involving the two daughters (both of their love-life arcs suck and the one major filler arc was focused on Thunder) but I do like it when it's focused on anything else (regular black-people issues shit, organized crime shit, Tuskegee-style government experiments that created meta-humans, a meta-human arms race). Tobias Whale might be the best character on any of these shows (acks probs not better than Thawne), it can be a mind-fuck watching him sometimes because they use his being an albino black man to slip in a lot of stuff that looks like racism that I'm not sure they'd be able to do on the show if the character/actor was a white man.


    Also they brought back my other favourite character on the show after he'd been MIA the whole time




    Lala/Latavius, when he's killed he just returns to life, and anyone he kills ends up as a tattoo on his body and a ghost that only he can see and hear. Good times.



    Arrowverse has probably had its strongest collective season. Easily Supergirl's best season, they just introduced




    Lex Luthor



    , Legends of Tomorrow being the most entertaining it's been so far, and both Flash and Arrow having stronger meta-stories leading into the Crisis on Infinite Earths, though the villains have been pretty weak. Though in Flash's case




    Cicada's become a lot more interesting now that he's been replaced by Future Cicada. Presumably this is still all Thawne's doing.



    Next season has been announced to be Arrow's last, there's a Batwoman pilot in the works (she's already been introduced in the Elseworlds crossover).

  5. There is an anime adaptation of that happening in the summer. If it's grouped together with Promised Neverland (I assume the other two are Hero Academia and Black Clover?), then I'll def look forward to it
