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Everything posted by Hikageryu

  1. My job is essential so i have my letter from the assistant Secretary of the Navy that i have to keep in my car in case we get pulled over when the shut down order happens.
  2. They could use some stuff that has nothing to do with major storylines... i.e. The Mandolorian. So anything they can pull from EU is gonna be something minorly mentioned or from The old republic. Because of how they introduced The First Order and basically ruined the galaxy's major players they really would have to relegate the disney trilogy to Legends status. In the EU the empire still exists, there is a chunk of the galaxy controlled by the Imperial Remnant.
  3. But think about this... how much more money would they make by even just continuing the EU? The old fans would be happy because we get to return to a universe with awesome characters and stories. Then disney can do whatever the fuck they want with their mary sue and glaring plot holes that are worse than the death star trench run. I've said it before and i'll say it again. I want the EU to continue. It was getting extremely interesting (at least for me). Luke finally met the person we know is going to kill him. We started learning more about the ancient force entities (abeloth). Fun story time... so after RoS my mother asked me what was between and i told her TLJ. She didn't remember. I reminder her that we all saw it together and got sick a few days later (thanks jackass with a cold in a crowded theater). Still no bells. So she watches it on tv and says she still doesn't remember it. At this point i have to bite my tongue from going "you are probably the luckiest person who has seen it then" so i just sigh.
  4. Like i said they need reinstate EU as canon. I would absolutely LOVE to see the x-wing series made into movies/show. Wedge is by far my favorite character in Star Wars. Imagine how epic the yuuzhan vong invasion would be as a series.
  5. Because of idiotic statements like this.
  6. I'm giving JJ a pass because I understand he was really put in an awkward position of having to please old fans and try and attract new fans. And all said and done TFA was a decent movie. I don't condone what they did to Han and Leia at all, period. And with the reports that disney went back and re-edited Abrams finished product I am curious if there actually is George Lucas version that scored the highest among test audiences. Rian Johnson needs to stay the hell away from any star wars property. That's partly based on his reaction to the criticism. The rest is the travesty that was TLJ. What I want to happen is Kathleen Kennedy needs to be fired. End of story there. Whoever is in next needs to Legends status this dumpster fire of a trilogy, then reinstate the EU as canon.
  7. Only thing i will say on this. You have a major problem when my mother, who is not really a fan but understands star wars impact on entertainment, turns to you and goes "I didn't like it." My rating... as an action movie i give it a solid 7.5/10... as a star wars fan, i give it a 3/10. Babu Frick and Wedge Antilles cameo was the best part. I honestly feel sorry for the actors for having to be associated with what the disney trilogy became. That is all.
  8. Hikageryu

    [12/01/19] Weekly What Have You Been Playing?

    Battle Chasers: Nightwar. Fun little turn based Rpg with dungeon crawling elements. Made by THQNordic.
  9. Hikageryu

    Hot Beverages

    Hmmmmm... coffee. I found an instant coffee i kinda like so i have been turning into my parents and sitting in my chair in the morning watchin tv. But it also depends on the time of day. If its later at night in the fall/winter i have some different tea leaves and a steeping cup so i make hot tea.
  10. Hikageryu

    Rick & Morty

  11. Hikageryu

    What Amused You On The Net Today?

    Opening up to the portal and seeing the list filled with topics about buying Viagra online.
  12. Hikageryu

    Kimetsu no Yaiba

    But... but... but... Hikage no want to wait... Hikage hates waiting. This anime is by far at the top of my list for best new anime i've watched in the past year. I love the animation style and the characters are awesome.(yes even zenitsu has his moments) Edit: Nezuko running with mario sounds.
  13. Hikageryu

    What'd You Eat Today?

    Breakfast: knock off cocoa puffs. Lunch: Sammich while watching the ufc fights with parents and neighbors. Dinner: i have kalbi marinated beef i got on clearance at store that i am gonna grill and have with some hickory and brown sugar beans.
  14. Hikageryu

    Kimetsu no Yaiba

    This episode was fun. Tanjiro and his one track mind. Felt kinda bad for Inosuke. Nezuko: If I fits, I sits.
  15. Hikageryu

    [09/05/19] Weekly What Have You Been Playing?

    So my friend talked me into doing some aram(All Random All Middle). I managed to get my champ. Right at the end of game i managed to pop an assassin and adc at the same time. Kersplode
  16. Hikageryu

    [09/05/19] Weekly What Have You Been Playing?

    Teamfight Tactics. Its League of Legends auto chess. RNG can be really frustrating but i enjoy it. Plus the little legends are awesome. Paddlemar is best little buddy.
  17. Hikageryu

    Kimetsu no Yaiba

  18. Yes there is. I recall there being a sith force ghost that took over.... i believe it was kyp duron and was attempting to fire of a planet killer weapon hidden on a lost starbase called "The Maw" that is located in a cluster of black holes in the unknown regions. Let me check on it and ill edit in a link. Edit: i was mostly right... not outright posession but dominating influence. Kyp Durron
  19. Hikageryu

    Kimetsu no Yaiba

    That chase scene with nezuko
  20. Hikageryu

    Invader Zim: Enter the Florpus

    Dib: Even that taco place you love so much! Zim: what? I think place is diiirty. Gir loves it. GIR: YES I DOOO!