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Everything posted by Mera'din

  1. Mera'din

    The Outer Worlds

    Think I still have a ways to go. My wife finished it up yesterday but it's my long work week so I haven't had a lot of time for it. Hoping to finish it up next week before Death Stranding comes out.
  2. Mera'din

    Diablo 4

    The apology was fine if they DO actually follow through with 'actions'. Time will tell. D4 looks cool as hell so far though for sure. As long as they don't pull some auction house level fuckery again, we should be good. Also, not once mentioning or acknowledging Diablo: Immortals was probably a good start. We'll see if that sticks.
  3. Mera'din

    Overwatch 2

    Or, you know, just... played the game. Like seriously, I have nearly EVERY thing unlocked in the game and have not spent any actual money on it outside of buying the game. And that's even with splitting my time between more than one version of the game. Not that there isn't a better way to do it, but calling it something that "holds the game back" is being extremely melodramatic. The only things holding the game back is their weirdly questionable balancing choices at any given time and their insistence on band-aiding legit problems with the competitive mode instead of finding a real solution. Not cosmetic distribution methods. Questionable practice or not, I'd take that any day over being charged for new maps and/or characters. More to the subject at hand, this is pretty much exactly what I wanted and their decisions to make the PvP linked with the first game to not split their userbase is downright impressive. I was honestly expecting the game to basically be the PvE, but would function as a sort of 'expansion' for the original game for the PvP side and unlock a bunch of new stuff there to avoid those issues (at best). Not just have the two function equally with all the same PvP content. Between how this and Diablo 4 look so far, this feels more like the Blizzard of old than it has in a while. Kind of worried that the other shoe is gonna drop and we're gonna get some twisted stupid shit that seeps out of all of this sooner or later. >_> Side note: Jeff being snarky as fuck about shit getting leaked was fucking hilarious.
  4. Mera'din

    The Witcher (Netflix)

    Really happy with everything visually that I've seen. Definitely looking forward to Dec. 20th.
  5. Mera'din

    [Gaming Chat]

    Game is wonderful. Also, I love that the nicest characters in the game (so far at least) are effectively the mob leader and the black market trader. Taking my time as well. Been playing quite a bit but just got to Monarch.
  6. Mera'din

    [Gaming Chat]

    Holy shit. They just keep digging themselves deeper with that game. And this is shortly after announcing that NPCs would be delayed until next year.
  7. Mera'din

    Cowboy Bebop (Live Action TV Show)

    Looks like production has been delayed for 7 to 9 months. John Cho injured his knee severely during a shoot and it's going to require surgery and what not before they can start up again. https://www.usatoday.com/story/entertainment/celebrities/2019/10/19/john-cho-injured-netflixs-cowboy-bebop/4036613002/
  8. Mera'din

    Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2

    Game has been pushed back. Honestly the right decision and kind of figured this is what would happen after they announced they wouldn't have a playable demo at PDXCON anymore last month. No concrete date just that it will for sure still be in 2020. Probably a good move even if they didn't need the extra time with all the other big stuff coming out in Q1. Here's the statement:
  9. Mera'din

    Completed Games (2019)

    25.) Greedfall REALLY solid game. Action RPG reminiscent of the original Dragon Age made by a smaller studio. It's rough around the edges (lots of little things that would have been nice to see in he game), but it can be forgiven most of that considering the quality everywhere else. I wasn't sure how much I would be into it at first because I'm not generally a fan of the 18th century colonial aesthetic it has but it ended up being really interesting. Combat was fun once you get used to it and you can pick up any skill you want regardless of your starting "class" so you can customize in interesting ways. Story had a lot of interesting twists I wasn't expecting, and choices you make have a number of impacts both small and large throughout the game. Even the companions you take with you on certain quests can make them easier or harder to complete in a satisfactory way depending on what you're trying to do . At one point there is even a companion quest that depending on how it goes (or doesn't go), COMPLETELY changes how a major plot point unfolds around the middle of the game. Was interesting to see the little things that would change for simple choices between my play through and my wife's. There are some key choices that determine the brunt of the ending you get but lots of little things that affect it as well therein. It's not anything groundbreaking, and it's shorter than most RPGs of this nature (think I did everything I could find in the game and finished it in about 60 hours), but that's not necessarily a bad thing. Launched at $50 and was a complete game that I enjoyed playing so I have no regrets. It's also nice to see smaller developers show up the garbage that most AAA studios shove out these days using less people and less money. Think I'll probably go for the platinum on this one if I have time. Interested in seeing the other endings at least. Not sure if I can manage the highest difficulty though. Some of the fights were rough just playing on normal but I'll probably give it a shot.
  10. Mera'din

    Which Stephen King Based Movies Have You Seen?

    They added a LOT of stuff too it off the Novella. There was no weird time displacement shit, and the boyfriend was not a factor in the original story at all. They definitely tried to make it more "smart" than it was meant to be and it shows. The acting carried it pretty well imo though. The novella was fairly disturbing in its own right and they had most of the major plot points from that so I enjoyed it. Was weird seeing all the extra stuff but I still enjoyed it. Only really big thing that was missing from the original story that I recall which seemed like it would have been useful for the movie to have was at once point, the brother tries to set the field on fire.
  11. Mera'din

    Marvel General

    I'm not sure if any of the Hulu stuff is necessarily tied to the MCU. At least not in any way more significant than the Netflix stuff was.Which is to say just loose references and name drops. Can probably more or less just ignore anything that isn't on Disney+ since all the "big" MCU stuff will want to used as a draw for that service.
  12. Mera'din

    Marvel General

    Didn't they announce that back in May? I think you were even the one that posted about it. >_>
  13. Mera'din

    Birds Of Prey (2020)

    Wow, I did not even remember that that was supposed to be her in that show. I remember the character but she was so different from every other iteration of the character that I completely forgot about it. XD
  14. Mera'din

    Playstation General

    IT'S ABOUT GOD DAMN TIME. https://www.engadget.com/2019/10/02/sony-ps4-cross-play-open-developers/
  15. Mera'din

    Birds Of Prey (2020)

    I'm mostly annoyed that they shoe-horned Harley Quinn into this at all. I don't follow DC comics but was she EVER part of a lineup in that series? ? Mostly I was a fan of the TV series they did back in the day (even have it on DVD), and this is most definitely nothing like that. I honestly had to look up the movie to figure out who ANY of the other characters even were (like the choice of villains though) because I couldn't tell from the trailer. >_> One plus I got from the trailer: I'm honestly excited they're giving her a Hyena. That was always one of the most memorable part of her character for me from the animated series. XD Seemed like it was just one, but I'll take it. Hyenas are supposed to be insanely hard to train and keep calm without doing things they probably couldn't get away with these days so I imagine having 2 (assuming they used a real one though it looked like they did) would have been an ordeal.
  16. Mera'din

    Completed Games (2019)

    24.) Control This is easily my favorite game of the year thus far. Loved everything about it. The challenge, the story, the atmosphere, the visuals, all of it. It's probably the most rewarding game I've played in terms of exploration too. Tons of stuff to find to fill in story as well as upgrade your character and it's really well placed too. Some of the areas are impressively large and have a ton of exploration potential. Was continuously finding myself amazed by how much depth the maps had. Areas that seemed like background were often times explorable once you had the right abilities. Even the post-game had some cool stuff to it. Returning to areas after beating the game resulted in new dialogue from the main character, and there was a new side mission as well (with a really hard boss fight). Character progression felt really solid. You never feel entirely overpowered and a wrong step even against simple enemies can quickly turn against you if you don't play smart and utilize all of your abilities. Probably the only thing I'd consider OP is the launch ability and even that has it's restraints. Other than that, one of the hidden side quests rewarded me with a mod for the base gun that makes it so you have infinite ammo as long as you're hitting an enemy which was really cool. Two of the optional bosses were pretty difficult, and I had to retry them multiple times to get a handle on the fights. Got a little frustrating, but never stopped having fun. I know MT had some complaints about the aiming, though I didn't notice that myself really. At least not beyond what I expect from a 3rd person shooter. Might be something that's more noticeable on PC perhaps? I know these kinds of games tend to have aim assist on consoles which might have made the difference. Performance was a little iffy at first with how much is going on in the game, but a patch they put out a couple weeks ago fixed most of that. Only noticed a lot of stuttering coming out of the menus or from pausing after that. As a side note, for anyone who's a fan of Alan Wake, this game references it a LOT and it's rumored that the second of the two DLCs will relate to it. I've had the game on PC for a while but never got around to playing it. Think I'll have to do that now with how much I loved this game. Also some light Quantum Break references I guess (another one I've always wanted to play), but those are pretty vague as the IP is owned by Microsoft so they couldn't make any blatant ones like they did with Alan Wake. Already looking forward to more of this. One of the few titles that I've got the Platinum for and continued to play to see what else I could find in the game.
  17. Mera'din

    Marvel General

  18. Mera'din

    [Gaming Chat]

    Player base was fine last I checked after Cataclysm came out. Never joined anything that wasn't full at the start. Sure it will slide off after this week though if they don't push something else out quickly enough. The games biggest problem is it has no sustainability still and they're really slow on the draw getting more stuff out. Cataclysm was really good and was exactly the kind of thing the game needed outside of core fixes, but it shouldn't have taken them almost 5 months to get it out with nothing else to show for it. There's a subset of people who will never be happy with the amount of content in a game (there are even jackasses already bitching about lack of content in Borderlands 3), but in this games case it's pretty justified.
  19. Mera'din

    [Gaming Chat]

    That is... not what they said at all. O_o They're axing the "road map" they were already not keeping up with anyway so they can put more focus on fixing core issues of the game and instead are doing "seasonal" content (which is what the Cataclysm was effectively) and they have more of those type of events coming this year still. Not that I expect anything particularly impressive until they get some of that shit fixed.
  20. Mera'din

    Completed Games (2019)

    23.) Persona 4: Golden I'm not TECHNICALLY done with this yet, but getting close. Hit a bad ending though so I'm putting it up now since it was still technically an ending. >_> A friend let me borrow the game. Played it on the PSTV I bought forever ago so it was nice to finally have a reason to use it. XD Pretty interesting overall. The contrast between the "social" side of the game and the dungeon side of it felt really stark though. No real flow between the two it was "Do a shit load of this. Now do a shit load of this." I've heard 5 handles that a little better though. Story is interesting and I'm enjoying going through it. Combat is relatively challenging and I find myself using status and elemental stuff more than I do in most RPGs which is nice. Looking forward to seeing the good ending and finding out what's actually going on and will probably continue taking an interest in the series based on what I've seen with this one. Was planning on going for the platinum but I'm not going to bother at this point. One of the mini-games that you have to do to max out all the social stuff is fucking stupid as fuck and almost made me stop playing the game honestly. The fishing one specifically. Looked up tons of things about it and tried to figure out how to do it but just can't. Literally all the advice is "you pretty much have to do this on the Vita" which means I'm completely out of fucking luck. Don't know if the response time through a PS3 and PS4 controller is just not good enough or what, but it can go right ahead and fuck itself. Wasted hours trying to do it and can't even get close so not going to bother with pushing for the trophies on it anymore.
  21. Mera'din

    Gaming Regrets Mk II

    There are rumors that there may be a remaster in the works for it. Apparently Square renewed the trademark for title in the UK or something like that. Would certainly like to see it happen. Always really liked that game. It was really different from a lot of things at the time and even the 2nd one wasn't too bad (never played the 3rd one though. Hell, didn't even know it existed. Gotta love that Sony handheld support. >_> ). Otherwise, you can get the original on PS3/PSP/Vita off their store I believe. Definitely worth the play imo.
  22. Mera'din

    What Amused You On The Net Today?

    EVERY time I've almost forgot about that, someone has to bring it up again.
  23. Mera'din

    [Final Fantasy General]

    It's okay. I'll touch it enough for both of you.
  24. Mera'din

    Death Stranding (2019)

    It's nice to start finally seeing some coherent (relatively speaking) plot for this game. So basically, it's a reimagined, video game version of 'The Postman' XD