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Everything posted by Mera'din

  1. Mera'din

    [21/01/10] Totally Weekly Gaming Thread

    Been playing a few things recently other than the normal Destiny routine I've fallen back into. Cyberpunk 2077: Got this at launch but have been working through it pretty slowly since it's pretty buggy in places. REALLY glad I got a PS5 to play it on because everything I've seen from it being played on the PS4 is pretty awful and I don't think my PC would do a whole lot better with it at this point. Haven't run into too many bugs personally other than one side quest bugging out on me so I can't do it. Only thing I've seen is it seems to crash every couple hours on the dot and a few Skyrim-esque "WTF even was that!? XD " type bugs such as this: Hades: Bought this one thanks to MT. I love all of Super Giant's games, which is extra surprising because I don't think I've ever liked the style of game that each of their games is. This one being no exception as it's a Rogue-like (Rogue-lite? I lose track of these fucking subgeneres. XD ) which I normally hate. This one really grabbed my attention though. The story, the depth, the music, the characters, the voice acting, is ALL on point. The gameplay loop is also fun and addicting as hell so I find myself playing more than I ever intend to at a time. Think I've made just over 20 "attempts" at this point and I've reached the surface I think like 5 times now. Though I finished finally and then it turns out beating the boss there isn't the end of it and I thought I was gonna cry (beat him with like 20 health left and then he stands up and his health bar fills again and I was like NOOOOOOOO). Might have to turn on the "God Mode" at this point before I cave and give up since I got other stuff I want to play coming out soon. X_x Man Eater: Free game on PS+ for the PS5 this month. It's decent. Not the kind of game I would ever buy myself, but it's fun to kill some time with. You are shark. You eat things. There's a pretense of a story. Big map to swim around in, collectibles, some challenging fights here and there. Was actually a little hard at first getting used to the controls (and the awful camera if you get too close to the surface of the water) but once you get a couple specific "evolutions" it gets a LOT easier. I've had fun with it.
  2. Mera'din

    WandaVision (Disney+ 2021) [SPOILERS]

    I'm on board with what MT posted then. Definitely seems like what is happening. As things start to bleed into her sphere of influence more and more, I wonder if that's where we'll see the "style" shifts. The helicopter being such a jarring thing that it was in color, then the blood, and the fear of someone finally "breaking" in forced her to alter the "narrative" and everything shifted to being in color to try and guard from similar intrusions. Kind of wonder if they won't semi-pull from the comics for the end of this and have it culminate in her "coming back" to reality, finding out her kids (and possibly Vision depending on how that side of it goes) weren't real, and REALLY looses it and basically shatters reality and fixing that will be where Dr. Strange comes in since this is supposed to directly set up for his next movie from what I read.
  3. Mera'din

    WandaVision (Disney+ 2021) [SPOILERS]

    Is it confirmed that that's who that lady is supposed to be?
  4. Mera'din

    Jojo Rabbit (2019)

    I still need to watch this. I've had it for a while and keep forgetting with the sheer amount of stuff I still have to watch. X_x I'm really glad his name is getting around as much as it is these days though. He definitely deserves the accolades. What We Do in the Shadows was pretty good. Felt like watching a movie version of The Office, except it's about vampires. Still want to watch the tv show remake being done at some point too. Everything I've seen from it is pretty funny, but haven't gotten around to it yet.
  5. Mera'din

    WandaVision (Disney+ 2021) [SPOILERS]

    That's one thing I like about the streaming shows overall is there's no "set" length to episodes like they usually need to adhere to with network TV. Episodes of the Mandalorian were all over the place anywhere from 32 min. to 54 min. and were as long as the story they were telling needed to be. Definitely expecting to see that with this one.
  6. Mera'din

    WandaVision (Disney+ 2021) [SPOILERS]

    Really enjoyed it. The vibe from the show is exactly what I was hoping for.
  7. Mera'din

    Completed Games (2021)

    I think you'll like the Miles Morales game considering your gripes on this one. The story is a lot more focused and streamlined and gets rid of the kind of stuff you seemed to dislike. Though the primary villain they went with may make or break it for you. Random crimes are still there, but feel less NESECCARY overall, and the changeup to combat with the addition of Miles' unique spider powers really makes the combat flow nicely (though arguably makes it WAY easier than the first game once you get used to them).
  8. Mera'din

    Outriders (2020)

    Video on the PC version. I am more and more impressed with this company the more I see. It feels like they're going out of their way to make sure everything about it is out in the open and any info you want is readily available. On that note, learned via this video that the game supports FULL crossplay between all platforms (Steam, Epic, Stadia and both last gen and new gen Playstation and Xbox consoles) so it doesn't matter what everyone gets it on if we decide to play it. Hoping to see a video with more specifics about how that works soon.
  9. That shit is so annoying. And it's gotta be WAY worse right now. We lucked out and had rented a house with no rent increase for a solid 4 years or so until a guy bought that place and all of the original owners other rental properties and within a few months we got a "We noticed your rent has been the same for a few years so surprise!" letter. Was going from $550 a month to $625. That's when we noped the fuck out of there (place was kind of a shithole anyway and they would almost never fix anything) and I ended up just buying a house and paying about the same as our original rent even figuring in the taxes and insurance.
  10. Mera'din

    Completed Games (2021)

    I keep forgetting that exists. Seemed more interesting than the one they had on the PS4 at least since the majority of that needed the camera. Need to try it out sometime.
  11. Mera'din

    Completed Games (2021)

    I bought/listened to that audiobook a few months ago. I enjoyed it. Also made me want to play GoW again as well, but I'm holding out until the next one gets closer. XD
  12. Mera'din

    Outriders (2020)

    I usually go for games like this on PS4/5, but can do whatever everyone wants for the demo at least. I work on the 25th itself, but half that Fri/Sat/Sun off so should have plenty of time to play during that weekend. Here's a link to their youtube channel. They have videos on pretty much every aspect of the game including class/skill breakdowns if anyone wanted specific information on anything: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyHurXEuoMCfah2bmyRRXZw
  13. Mera'din

    Outriders (2020)

    I've been looking at this game a lot more recently. What I've seen of it seems almost more like a Mass Effect sort of play style. It's looking pretty interesting so far. They have video breakdowns of each classes skills and abilities and have been really open about what all the game entails and how it works. Apparently the end game isn't just "play everything you just played again, only harder". Beating the campaign unlocks new areas and new missions and what not. At this point I'm pretty interested in getting it, but was holding out to see if anyone else was planning to play. If anyone is interested, they pushed back the release to April 1st, but they're doing a free (as in, no "pre-order beta" bullshit) demo that includes the first few "hours" of the game both single player and co-op on Feb. 25th if anyone wants to try it. Progress made in it will carry over to the main game on release as well.
  14. Mera'din

    FUCK 2020

    Based on how the company I'm working for is disappearing our special "COVID PTO" on January 3rd, I was under the impression the virus was going to evaporate into thin air in a couple days. >_>
  15. I managed to avoid any family fighting luckily. My mom was trying to get me over to her place because my youngest brother decided to DRIVE UP FROM TEXAS. So that's a thing. And my other brother was supposed to come down from the cities here as well but we had a massive snow storm the day it was going to happen and I worked the next 3 days after so he bowed out immediately (pretty sure he was just looking for an excuse) and I noped the fuck out of it too. Also was supposed to have a thing with my in-laws including my wife's brother's family (who live in South Dakota. The one who's wife thought it was a good idea to go out drinking at bars every weekend during a pandemic in one of the worst states to be in). My wife ended up going but they did it super early so I was able to skip out because I work until 7am and so generally sleep until 2 or 3pm. Mostly I'm trying to avoid people like the plague because I've already burned my "COVID PTO" on testing scares and would like to avoid having to use my personal PTO if I can. >_>
  16. Mera'din

    Completed Games (2020)

    New year, new topic time. Hit 30 games for 2019. Think it was fewer overall than 2018, but I was playing a lot more "continuous play" style games this last year as well as beefier games content-wise for a lot of it so I was expecting that. Time to start it over. 1.) Vampire the Masquerade: Coteries of New York Was interested in seeing how this would turn out since it seemed like there wasn't a whole lot of time between it's announcement and it's release. Mostly it's pretty much a visual novel with some light game mechanics here and there. Not the best game but it was an interesting story. Choices didn't feel like they meant much and it was probably too short even considering replayability. There are a bunch of side quests you can participate in but not NEARLY enough time to do even half of what is available it seems like. Plan on playing through more, but not expecting too much. Lot's of grammatical errors too. English was definitely not the language the game was made in. Or at least not the first language of the people that made it. Think this was their first game though so I can forgive a lot of what felt off. Liked it enough that I'm interested in seeing them expand the game with more clans and more story but this was basically just filler while waiting for Bloodlines 2. If you're super into VtM I'd say it's worth a play. Maybe not worth full price though. Solid sale item if you have an interest. Probably not worth it otherwise.
  17. Mera'din

    Completed Games (2020)

    24.) Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory This was actually kind of impressive. IS basically one of the 3DS Theaterhythm: Final Fantasy games (which were excellent)but turned into a full console thing. It functions as a summary of all the KH games via the music from them, though it kind of starts phoning it in by KH3 which was a bit disappointing, but overall it was a fun distraction with some cool new stuff thrown on at the end (thus continuing the tradition of literally EVERY KH release, no matter how trivial or unimportant seeming, being used to advance the story. XD ). Some of the music was really fun for a rhythm game setting to and had a small sampling of actual Disney songs here and there too. Might actually be able to get the Platinum on this even but we'll see. Depends on how many songs I can do flawlessly on the highest difficulty. Think I'm about halfway and if I can manage that one the rest is a cakewalk (if a bit time consuming).
  18. Mera'din

    [2020/12/03] Totally Weekly What Are You Playing?

    Lots of Destiny 2, lots of Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memories. Waiting on dat Cyberpunk.
  19. Mera'din

    The Mandalorian (Disney+) (2019)

    Episode was great. One thing that I couldn't help but think about though...
  20. Mera'din

    [Streaming General]

    I watched a few of the trailers but was kind of on the fence about it. It didn't seem BAD, just not all that interesting. Maybe I'll give it a shot at some point as I too used to watch the original show religiously as a kid. XD
  21. Mera'din

    Last TV Show You Binged

    Overall, I would say yes, but it has a relatively serious undertone. Not as outright funny as their stuff usually is but still enjoyable.
  22. Mera'din

    Last TV Show You Binged

    Most recent was probably Truth Seekers (new Simon Pegg/Nick Frost series on Amazon) was interesting. Not as good as their old stuff, but not bad. Before that I think was both seasons of Cobra Kai now that it has moved to Netflix. That show is WAY better than it has any right to be.