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Nintendo Switch

Found 16 results

  1. Fucking phone keyb---I mean I have no idea what you are talking about. Well that's what I was doing. Agree to disagree.
  2. I'm sorry but I think that's ridiculous that you think it is literally impossible. Agree to disagree.
  3. Bro, slow your roll here. We're discussing why we think easy modes should be included. There's no need to get into people being demanding or calling them entitled. You're denying it is even possible to have an easy mode in a Souls game. I completely disagree. I'm also not advocating for watering the game down. Slippery slope arguments need not apply here. If someone selects an easy mode, they know what they want from that. Because it has been done badly in the past does not mean that it is impossible to do or that it's a bad concept. I would definitely agree with you that developers should be careful to not turn their games into boring shit to cater to the lowest common denominator but they could certainly make some efforts to include an easier mode for people that want it right? Be careful, there are plenty of examples of people ruining their games, but the concept is still one people can strive for. The more people you get to buy your game, the more money you have to make more of them. Offering an easy mode, when done right is something that is a win for everyone.
  4. Here's the thing though. You can cling to these notions stubbornly or you could admit that maybe they could make it easier for people that choose to do so. There default difficulty can still be exactly what it is. That shouldn't change. Giving people that are frustrated a leg up isn't going to hurt them. It might even give them enough time to get good enough to try out the regular difficulty. I know when I get particularly good at a game, I'm much more likely to try out hard mode but I'm not going to start there.
  5. I'm split on that. On one hand, I absolutely fucking hate shit like that in most games. On the other hand, the point of that is to punish you in the DS games. Maybe part of "easy mode" is you simply not losing your shit when you die. Makes progressing a fuckload faster without the artificial difficulty/risk/reward of losing all your shit potentially if you die in the same place twice. Like you'd still have to learn how to defeat enemies. You just wouldn't get mad as fuck losing all your souls all the time.
  6. Yeah those are great ideas too. I think they should try to do this but I will say, I'd never say they should have to do it at the expense of their vision for the game. I just think the easier difficulties have some value. If you're going to do a shitty job, just don't bother, right?
  7. I don't believe that's actually true. I think with some inventiveness you can find ways around it. Selecting easy mode in a Souls game could be as simple as giving you extra stats and equipment to start. Again, there are multiple ways to approach a problem. Claiming that it's impossible because difficulty is all the game about is partly missing what the game is about. I think people get annoyed by these arguments because it sounds like people patting themselves on the back (I know that's not your intention). The game is about more than "being hard" and you can find creative ways to make it easier for people that are looking for it.
  8. Your argument is that they tried, people didn't like it, so they should never try again. There's more than one way to skin a cat, my dude.
  9. @Revolver They can do that. Anyone can do anything. @Galeigh There's nothing WRONG with wanting an easy difficulty. You might say sometimes it can be... Difficult to do it right so maybe they should git gud. I don't think anyone is demanding they do it and no one wants to see games watered down. If a game is crappy because they can't balance the difficulties they chose to put in it correctly then it's just a bad game. No one is stupid for wanting the option of lowering the difficulty. That git gud mentality is what keeps people from trying these things out tbh. Also let's be cool here. Starting to get a little angry in here.
  10. Yeah I agree. When an entire game gets watered down because it is "too complicated" or whatever shit that generally just makes the game more bland and boring. Difficulty in gameplay can be toned down. Getting rid of meaningful systems in a game just makes it suck (that doesn't include stupid things that were not necessary in the first place like fucking stamina systems).
  11. Interactive story. Choose your own adventure. You're still playing the game, easy difficulty doesn't literally play it for you. You're exploring the world, using the gameplay elements, and you know, playing the game. It's just not particularly difficult. Or maybe you just suck and easy is still a challenge. Lots of different reasons here.
  12. More to the point, who says a challenge in a video game is what's fun? Maybe they just want to experience it and that's what it sunf. Video games are escapism just like movies, books, comics, etc. You don't have to be hitting your head against a wall to have fun, right?
  13. That's not really an argument against HAVING easier difficulties. If you enjoy the harder stuff....play the harder stuff. Why would the existence of an easier option ruin anything whatsoever for you who likes to play on hard?
  14. You can make a game easier by giving more health, giving enemies less health, adjusting the AI some, etc. You have to put effort into it of course but it can be done without compromising the normal difficulty. They shouldn't cater to people though if it's going to compromise the main game. I just don't think that, if they give a shit, it will do that.
  15. I cannot possibly agree with this sentiment enough. Make the game. Push me in a direction but don't FORCE me to play the way you want me to. That's the kind of shit everyone complains about Bungie doing all the time.
  16. I like how Ninja Gaiden and some other games unlocked an easy mode after you died enough times (Ninja Dog mode). That one is like okay you've been at this a while and it's just not happening. You could continue to hit your head against the wall forever and eventually just get frustrated and leave or they could just let you play the damn game if you suck at it.