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Found 90 results

  1. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    And that is legit. 1 of my friends who has been transitioning played around with small things to get a feel of how comfortable it made them feel. From just name changes, to pronouns (to which no surprise in my group she decided to take ALL of them lol but most of us will do the she/her+they/them) and just other little things that became a bigger part once it felt right. They even have a FB group support page called Labels Rejected: Positivity Corner. It's activity status is pretty mellow but it's a great place for sharing stuff or just needing a good vibe in the community. I'm so excited for your journey here on out. And like we said in the Discord. When you're ready to come out to your fam, I really hope they respond positively. Otherwise you still got us!
  2. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    Oh shit. Sorry to hear. If you need an ear to listen we're here for ya, i'm sorry you've had to go through that on your own.
  3. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    Happy Holidays to everyone here! I know it's pretty radio silent here but i wish you all happy and peaceful times with your fam and friends! Whether you choose to celebrate or not this year. If you feel up for it, lets talk old holiday memories or what you plan to do this weekend! Atm i'm on my lunch break at work. Almost done and it's been alright so far. The rush will probably come just when i'm ready to clock out. Then i'm gonna chill at home tonight and see the fam tomorrow. Stuff has been happening with my brother so he's back living with the folks. But he's safe and that's what matters. If roads are better from our declining ice storm i may drag him out of the house for a spell.
  4. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    Dude Wab we need a fucking Hug reaction.
  5. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    I'm so sorry for your loss Nelle. *hugs* This year has not been a good year for my friends and their fur babies in one shape or form.
  6. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    That's okay. You don't need fam like that anyways. You got Galeigh and us. Dats enough. I know i would have def thrown back if i was there. Body slam style.
  7. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    Dude i would be too. Kids need to learn how to treat animals and if they think it's okay to scare ANY animal let alone another family member's pet. They would not be allowed in my house period. I'm glad your cat is home safe and i'm sorry that you had to go through that.
  8. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    Honestly you'll hopefully enjoy it. Just being in a different quiet peace like that is super nice.
  9. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    they are the fucking best. you can either make them crispy or nice and plump gooey and i always do a mix of both cuz some of my friends love the crispy ones more.
  10. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    Butterscotch chip oatmeal cookies. I make them every Christmas
  11. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    The facility made sure she had drugs and oxygen to keep her comfortable. when dad told me last night what was going on they were expecting her to last maybe the week. So I'm very glad it didn't drag out that long for her. We've also had crazy stormy weather up here including tornado warnings in some spots so my dad was lightly joking how she is going out with a bang. I know I'll remember her best when cooking/baking because majority of my stronger memories of her is at gatherings and her always prepping the best food in the kitchen. One of my favorite cookie recipes are hers.
  12. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    Been a hot minute since there's been an update post here and I'm sorry its one of ill tidings. My dad had texted me yesterday so having the call from my mom this morning wasn't too surprising. But my grandmother had developed a fever recently and was having trouble breathing. Probably from something she had ingested mom thinks. But she passed away this morning. I am okay, red eyed for sure after talking with mom but I'm OK. I'm personally surprised she's held out for so long after so many falls (1 where she somehow survived breaking her neck) and fevers. Being stuck in a bed for the last few months, barely being "there" or responding even though we know she could understand well enough if you talked to her. My mom and I are pretty sure she's only held out so long because of my grandpa and making sure she was there for him because of how long they've been together. I am thankful she was able to finally able to let go peacefully and comfortably with my dad and his siblings there, and that she can finally rest. My grandpa seems to be doing okay with this transition since all the intermediate family is there, my brother and I had talked to him on the phone a bit. I'm also glad my dad can be less worried about her with her health flipping so much in this last year during a pandemic.
  13. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

  14. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    Thanks bebe. One of the reasons I didn't want to go through trying to find another roomie other than covid was strangers are a hard pass vs possible consideration back when I was like 20. And a lot of my friends are either in relationships or are going different paths. So this was something that I knew was going to be inevitable over time. And as long as rent doesn't go up, I should be able to cover his share of rent okay. I've already got money put aside that I started since Mega (using his gamertag nickname for reference) and I had first started talking about this last year. I already pay the utilities because they were cheap enough here and now that the car is being paid off I'll have 1 less debt to take up space and can put into rent and other debt tabs. So why not? I've also had a lot of people reach out to let me know if I need anything, just say so. Buuuuuut I'm shitty at reaching out so we'll see how that works. I promise to take picks of before stuff and after I redecorate and reorganize stuff or give a tour of the place at the next Zoom meeting.
  15. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    So after much of a delay for the last few months and other stuff happening the last couple weeks. My room mate is fully moved out and in with his GF. And tonight marks the first night I am living on my own, without any room mates. For those that don't know, I have always lived with a room mate, I once lived with as many as 5 at one point but never truly on my own and alone since moving out of my folks house. The only reason this has changed now is about last year or so when the (now gone) room mate had approached me saying that he and his GF had talked about wanting to live together after they have been dating for about 2ish years at this point. Which I totally get. But I did not want to live with him AND the GF because I've been down that road before and while I have nothing against his GF, no red flags or anything. I didn't want to go through that set up again. Which he understood but was sad about it. And around here trying to find reliable room mates through friends circles (let alone through strangers and adding COVID into things) I ended up doing math and things in my head and I figured I could attempt to finally just be without room mates. And they were able to get an open unit in our complex here just in one of the buildings next to mine so he's not far and we both are having an open door policy since we've essentially been platonic life mates for over 15 years. So there's that. We just got done doing dinner treating friends who helped moved the last of boxes and furniture that needed to be moved and currently sitting down having a drink and more or less processing some thoughts that I haven't had a chance to between work and trying to do social life with the state re-opening fully here. I won't lie I'm in a weird head space right now. I know I'll be fine in the end and enjoy being alone in this aspect but right now....it's really weird.
  16. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    Big adulting today. Especially since it's been forever since I had to do a car loan (last time was car #2/4). I mailed out my payoff check for my car loan today. I requested the confirmation letter to give me some peace of mind since it should take about 10 business days for the paperwork of my title to get to me. But if all goes right, it should be fully mine by the end of the month.
  17. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    We had I think roughly about 900 water balloons? idk we were mixing between the easily mass produced easy fill ones and the slower filled ones that we got impatient, and like 20 various water guns. It felt SO FUCKING GOOD.
  18. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    Anelle take your weather back! Overall when I haven't been at work or at a friends place, the temp at my apt here has been fine. Because of where my apt is positioned: -Small timeframe of sun hitting us -We have rhododendron Bushes and a giant tree blocking 90% of that time frame. -Bottom floor and hardwood for majority of thus place. So just gotta run fans, open windows and put blinds down. All set. Yesterday at a friends' birthday we did Pride themed and the biggest water balloon/pistol fight. It felt so fucking good.
  19. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    For those who i haven't told via discord or zoom. I'll be taking a hot air balloon ride with my dad and bro for Father's day. My brother arranged it since apparently my dad has been leaving hints. And he rarely does hints on gifts. We'll be taking a 3-3.5hr flight for Sunset. While I'm excited....I'm also freaking out because my brother and I both are terrified of heights. 🤣
  20. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    That sucks. wish there was something that could be more helpful dealing with it.
  21. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    Damn I couldn't imagine having to deal with that aftercare. That right up there with my mom's eye surgery aftercare where she had to stay in a chair that kept her in a chair face down for like a week or two. Hope the healing goes fast!
  22. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    One of my friends got a Hundai Hybrid and he's been loving it. He got to get a real good drive into it heading down to OR and back.
  23. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    Today starts a long ass week of 9 day straight work week. Mainly because I asked for time off next weekend so that I can do a friends small vaxxed bday gathering. For preparation I am practicing test cookie decorating for the occasion. She likes the Untitled goose game so I'm finding ways of how I want to decorate it and this is test #1. Not too terrible for first attempt. (I was testing cutter sizes too to make sure how much space I had to work with)
  24. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    <--closest thing to a hug emoji we have here. I'm sorry you had to experience that from those turds. You have come through a lot and you know we all love ya and have your back here. Proud of you with what you have accomplished to get to here!
  25. Tassifox

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    Fuck that's rough. Hopefully they can get shit done fast for you. Be sure to try and rest up! *hugs*