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Vic Boss

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Everything posted by Vic Boss

  1. Vic Boss

    Wrestle MAN ia

    I just now got the Wrestle MAN ia pun They should def pull a Wrestle Kingdom and hold half of Wrestlemania on Saturday and half on Sunday. Show felt fine to me watching in two sittings and didn't really have much to complain about beyond the crowd dying because how long the show was
  2. Vic Boss

    Wrestle MAN ia

    Made it to the end of Bryan/Kofi but I'm way too tired/bedtime now Really good show so far, though. Pacing's pretty good, nothing overstays its welcome and nothing wrong with the results
  3. Vic Boss

    Should Hard Games Have An Easy Difficulty?

    The tricky thing about video games is that not everyone will play the same game for the same reason, and forcing the player to play the game how you specifically want it to be played narrows down how many people are going to keep playing it. If I'm into a game's story, then being stopped by gameplay is the most aggravating and least fun thing the game can do, because story to me is not the reward for good gameplay and that's what high difficulty turns it into. I want to see what happens next, stop getting my way etc If I'm into the gameplay or even feel like I accomplish something in the game, then higher difficulty is fine (ex: I don't think I ever had fun playing the Last of Us even when I beat it on hard mode, but it felt do-able after beating it on easy and I wanted my trophy statistics to look better than beating it on Easy looked). I did beat Dark Souls and did experience the "OHFUCKOHFUCKOHFUCKOHFUCK." I killed the giant wolf a lot earlier than I should've due to learning the pattern and executing, shit was heart-pounding, but when I look back at it (Ddrat, da-da-da-um-da), all the hours of stress didn't feel worth the 30ish minutes of feeling accomplished at the end of it because dying in an open world like that was so punishing (I probably "quit" at least 20 times not counting Ornstein and Smough).
  4. Vic Boss

    Should Hard Games Have An Easy Difficulty?

    Absolutely should have easy modes. There's nothing more ruinous to your enjoyment of a game than not being able to progress past a certain point.
  5. Vic Boss

    NJPW General

    Jay/Okada is the only match from the G1 Supercard I really loved. A few others I liked. RoH held the show down, they feel more behind-the-times than WWE does. The audio was really bad, RoH-TV levels of bad. I think the western expansion when it comes to America hit the wall once Kenny left, I'd prefer they scale it back to a few California shows per year. UK is different because Rev Pro seems to utilize the roster pretty well and ZSJ is being put massively over, though I dunno how well that plays to the UK indie base.
  6. Vic Boss

    Wrestle MAN ia

    I think G1's a 5 or 6 hour show :x Though most of the first hour is the Honor Rumble and that's a super-terrible match, like "worst match of the year" potential, only thing worth seeing is Liger making his entrance because Liger in MSG ;_;, and I guess sorta Suzuki (overdubbed Kaze ni Nare ) and Colt Cabana and
  7. Vic Boss

    Wrestle MAN ia

    I plan to watch every match (and also every G1 Supercard match, and hopefully every Josh Barnett's Bloodsport match) so it'll probably over 12 goddamn hours by the time I'm done Also for this year, not watching all at once. I'm taking breaks and letting shit breathe this year and going back to it later instead of trying to force all the way through and getting burned out by the time the show hits the halfway point. This year's Mania does feel bigger than it normally does. Ronda, Women main eventing, Batista coming back, Kofi finally winning the big one (Oh god, I jinxed it), Joe's Mania debut, Demon Balor, Roman back from cancer, Kurt's retirement and possibly Hunter's, and I'm sure I'm forgetting something. The Kofi match is the one where I care about the result, so that's my personal draw. I imagine Ronda or Batista are the mainstream draws, and probably Ronda by a lot. The rest, I'm just hoping for a good match and/or time to have a good match (I feel like the tag teams are going to get piss-breaked in a huge way)
  8. Vic Boss

    Fruits Basket

    I know this stuff came after, but it felt like a combination of chill fun/comedy like Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid mixed with a dash of Ancient Magus Bride. I can definitely use this kind of slice-of-life in my seasonal watch-list
  9. Vic Boss

    Which Stephen King Based Movies Have You Seen?

    Shawshank, great movie. I did vote The Shining because I'm pretty sure I've seen the entirety of the movie, just not all in one sitting.
  10. Vic Boss

    Spring Anime 2019

    I like the first episode of Kimetsu no Yaiba. Outro makes it look like it's a mash-up of Dororo, Bleach and Tokyo Ghoul (but who knows if it's as good as any of those)
  11. Vic Boss

    NXT/NXT UK General

    God, there's no better day in wrestling than a Takeover ?
  12. Vic Boss

    WWE General

    Strowman makes everything scary. Also helps that he's booked like a giant child anyways
  13. Vic Boss

    AEW General

    And AXS TV though it's not live (I think they're close now, though).
  14. Vic Boss

    [DC TV General]

    Doom Patrol Ep 1 and 2 Ep 1 was about what I expected after they were introduced in Titans. Ep 2 went full Grant Morrison pretentious (even mentioned him by name) but it also had a sense of humour about it. This shit was amazing.
  15. Vic Boss

    AEW General

    Their debut show is May 25th, this youtube channel has backstage build-up for it There's rumours they'll be getting a significant TV deal at some point but if they have one, they're not revealing it for now
  16. Vic Boss

    Game of Thrones [SPOILERS]

    S7E7 Awriiiight, liked that better than Season 6, even if all they did was have all the A and B characters meet up and do all their secret handshakes while winking at the audience and then fucked around with a few C characters just to try to make up for it. I can appreciate a build-up to the main event
  17. Vic Boss

    Game of Thrones [SPOILERS]

  18. Vic Boss

    Game of Thrones [SPOILERS]

  19. Vic Boss

    WWE General

    Poor Luke Harper
  20. Vic Boss

    WWE General

    Aight guys, win Kofi the WWE Title, get yourselves fired, then go to AEW and feud with the Young Bucks
  21. If you're not watching it, you should be. Go in blind if you can. There's one ep left in the season and it's probably going to continue eventually. Episode 11
  22. Vic Boss

    Game of Thrones [SPOILERS]

  23. Vic Boss

    Game of Thrones [SPOILERS]

    Aight, catching up on Season 7 S7E3
  24. Vic Boss

    WWE General

    Sounds like John Oliver roasted WWE pretty badly over their failure to treat wrestlers as employees, right on (Though they did leave out that WWE does pay for everyone's rehabs)
  25. Vic Boss

    One Piece [Anime Version]

    Episode 878 First half of the ep is the full version of the original first chapter w/ redone visuals (maybe? Wasn't there a TV special that already redid the visuals?) including Luffy stabbing himself in the cheek