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Nairn Smoith

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Everything posted by Nairn Smoith

  1. Nairn Smoith

    Game of Thrones [SPOILERS]

    To answer my own question, two moments from the show wreck me emotionally: 1. Sansa and Jon reuniting. Kept apart for 5 seasons—so cathartic having the Starks re-assemble the remnants of their family. 2. Dany naming Tyrion Hand of the Queen. IMO, his entire story arc climaxed at that moment, getting the recognition he truly deserved and desired. Now excuse me...
  2. Nairn Smoith

    Roll Call

    This is my favorite Shade post of all time. Seriously a work of art. This is our 19th year of existence... Amazing!
  3. Nairn Smoith

    Best Christopher Nolan Movie?

    I think this is a great take, honestly. I’ve grown tired of watching Nolan’s movies ever since Inception.
  4. Nairn Smoith

    Best Robert Zemeckis Movie?

    That’s an extremely impressive resume. I’m going with the movie that makes me cry over losing a volleyball. Cast Away.
  5. Nairn Smoith

    Comic Book Movie Mini Tournament - Day 6

    Can’t believe I voted against both Guardians movies, but whatcha gonna do.
  6. Nairn Smoith

    Best John Carpenter Movie?

    I haven't seen any of these.
  7. Nairn Smoith

    1000 Posts - SO CLOSE I CAN TASTE IT

    All of my friends already visit the forums.
  8. Nairn Smoith

    Best David Fincher Movie?

    Se7en, Fight Club, Zodiac, and Panic Room are all incredible movies. My vote went to Social Network, though. Stylistically it's pretty different from his other movies. I'm having a hard time identifying why I like it more than his others. Maybe because the four movies I first mentioned all left a sick feeling in my stomach, lol. The good kind, though. They're all really disturbing.
  9. Nairn Smoith

    Super Smash Bros Ultimate

    Who do you main? Always Diddy until very recently when I realized he's just not as quick as he used to be. I've permanently switched over to Inkling, who has the speed and agility of past Diddys. I can compete somewhat with Yoshi. Olimar and Jigglypuff are my left-field picks. Do you think you're any good? I'm not tournament-level yet but I can compete with anyone that I know in my personal life. What controller do you use? Gamecube controller setup is da best. Why won't Webhead with us play anymore? Got sick of losing to me and Downshift, tbh.
  10. Nairn Smoith

    Best Coen Brothers Movie?

    Burn After Reading is in my Top 5 all-time, and probably my Top 1 favorite comedy ever made. It's so fucking funny it hurts. Betty and I quote it endlessly. Fargo and O Brother Where Art Thou? are #2 and #3. The Coen Bros are legit.
  11. Nairn Smoith

    New Member

    I thought long about giving myself a new name on these boards but I couldn't think of shit. It feels too foreign to go by a different name, even though this one is probably way outdated and too nerdy for a grown adult with children to be using. Oh well. Hi, I'm Xylus. I really like basketball and Nintendo. I have a spicy wife and cool little boy named Milo who makes life worth living.
  12. Nairn Smoith

    Best Christopher Nolan Movie?

    Memento-Insomnia-Batman Begins-The Prestige-Dark Knight... that is a crazy streak of great movies.
  13. Nairn Smoith

    1000 Posts - SO CLOSE I CAN TASTE IT

    The deed is done. 1000th post.
  14. Nairn Smoith

    1000 Posts - SO CLOSE I CAN TASTE IT

    I love the obsession over post count. I’m so damn proud of you, Chris.
  15. Nairn Smoith

    Best Steven Spielberg Movie

    Jurassic Park is an easy #1. That movie is a goddamn classic and will never be topped in whatever genre it currently occupies. Insanely well cast, beautifully orchestrated, beautifully shot, scary, funny, exciting, it’s got it all. Minority Report is #2. Another great cast with several fantastic set pieces. Tom Cruise at the height of his powers. One of the best sci-fi films ever made.
  16. Nairn Smoith

    Best James Cameron Movie?

    I’ve seen Alien and Prometheus, both of which I really liked.
  17. Nairn Smoith

    Best James Cameron Movie?

    True Lies is my favorite. It’s super funny and the action scenes are fantastic if I recall (been awhile since I watched it). Sadly, I’ve never seen Aliens. I’ve got a feeling that would become my favorite.
  18. Nairn Smoith

    New Member

    I’m ride or die. If I have to root for a total embarrassment the rest of my life, then so be it. ?
  19. Nairn Smoith

    New Member

    I haven't been back to a Spurs game, I'm sad to to report. As for dressing my house up in silver and black Spurs logos, I'd sooner die. When's your next trip out to Austin?
  20. Nairn Smoith

    I am Jambi

    I had Web change mine. He spent several private messages advising me not to.
  21. Nairn Smoith

    Might as well make an actual topic lul

    Long time no see. What kind of sports are you gambling on?
  22. Nairn Smoith

    Ninja Turtles Banner/Av Combo

    Nerd alert
  23. Nairn Smoith

    I am Jambi

    Wait, are you talking to me?
  24. Nairn Smoith

    Ninja Turtles Banner/Av Combo

    Why are they all wearing red?
  25. Nairn Smoith

    Say Hi To Hedgehogs!

    I'm a proud owner of Prickly Hedgehogs and have read it to Milo dozens of times. Fantastic work, Jane!